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Sharing the Planet:

A Case Study on Plants

Summary of Learning Outcomes

Kindy will inquire about Sharing the Planet. An inquiry into how the plants and other
living things share the planet and keep its sustainability.
Their understanding of the Central Idea, Plants are a life sustaining resource for
living things (Plants help keep living things alive) will develop through their
inquiries on the
A. Concepts: Through the learning experiences, children will learn to know:

How living things grow (form)

How plants support other living things (connection)
Effective use of plant resources (responsibility)

As children participate in the planning of learning experiences, they will develop:

B. Transdisciplinary skills
Research Skills
Observe how plants grow
Gather information about

in the ELC garden

how seeds grow and what seeds need to grow from
books and internet sources

Thinking Skills / Communication Skills


what living and nonliving things are

Explain what plants need to grow: sun, air, water
To use the information of what seeds need to grow and apply it when growing
Identify parts of a plant : root, stem, flowers
What will happen if run out of plants?
How do plants and other living things work together?
How can we use plant products effectively?

Self-management/Social Skills


Respecting plants

Working together for the upkeep of the vegetable garden



Practice safety habits while taking care of the plants


Take care of own plant independently

C. Profiles/Attitudes

Thinker/ Independence

find information independently

think independently to find answers

Knowledgeable / Confidence
Know what living and nonliving things are
Names part of a plant
Explain about how plants are used by other
Explain why plants are important

living things

Caring / Commitment

ways we can be caring to plants

Show commitment through making an ACTION Contract:
Students will fill out and sign an Action Contract that has their ideas of the following:
- I know that plants are important because.....
- I will help protect plants by.....
Teachers will also sign the form as Witnesses.

D. Knowledge Building


Number Sense : count the number of days while observing plant growth
Function and pattern : identify the different patterns seen on plants,
stages in growth
Data Handling : sort information in different categories
Measurement : find out amount of water needed / measure growth using
a ruler
Shape and Space : identify physical characteristics of plants and the
things that they need to grow (leaf and trunk patterns, shape of leaves
and flowers)


Express ideas through illustrations and written words

Use appropriate vocabulary related to plants
Language and word study:
o Continue to encourage to use invented spelling
o Introduction to sight words
o Rhyming words

E. Action

Grow their own class garden (safety agreements; upkeep of garden; proper steps
in growing plants)
Use the plants in meaningful ways ( healthy eating habits, art)

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