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Sam Wernert

English 11 AP (6th Period)

Expository Paper: Religion as a Force for Good
Wars have been fought for it. Men have died, families have been destroyed, and terrible
atrocities have been performed under its blessing. However, that is merely the darker side of
religion. Nations have been united under its call. Souls have been saved, a countless number of
good deeds have taken place, and some men have been driven to give all that they possess to
those who are less fortunate. Despite religions darker aspects, it is an institution founded on
positive ideals, and it has been a benefit to many of those that it has affected.
Religion acts as a guideline through life by giving its followers purpose and rules.
Hundreds of religions are in existence, each with its own doctrines and beliefs. Yet, every single
religion ever created adheres to one simple rule, that being, The lifestyle that I preach is the best
way to live. Christians, for example, obey the Ten Commandments, ten rules that outline the
best way to live life. Commandments such as dont steal, dont murder, dont be jealous of your
neighbor, and be loving to everyone are all guidelines that Christians try to follow because their
religion states that happiness can only be found by following the Ten Commandments. Christians
preach the virtues of community and charity to improve the lives of others that have fallen on
hard times. Buddhism, too, has a set of moral codes that the pious must adhere to in order to
achieve nirvana. The Eightfold Path outlines the eight things that everyone must do in order to
live a life that is both pleasing and correct. Each religion, no matter the god that is worshipped, is
an institution that has one goal, that being the improvement of the self.
Religion also acts as a moral compass for its believers, not only by spelling out appropriate
actions, but by establishing a reward-and-punishment system as an incentive to follow the
appropriate actions. Buddhists believe in reincarnation, a sort of recycling system for the souls of

the deceased. Buddhists are taught that ones actions while living determine the quality of the
next life he/she will have. A life spent in the service of others is rewarded with good fortune in
the next life, as well as a higher social status, while a life spent in hate and greed results in poor
quality of life. Christians believe in Heaven and Hell over reincarnation, but the idea is the same.
A good life is rewarded with a good afterlife, but woe to those that dwell in evil. Humans
naturally tend to enjoy life that is pleasant, so the temptation to be evil is often repressed
because religions promise a better life if the pious behave.
Finally, religion acts as an institution that inspires hope in its devotees. Everyone needs
hope, and for many, religion is the source of that hope. Life is not always ideal, and often life can
seem like little more than problem after problem. Religions such as Christianity and Buddhism
give hope to their respective disciples by giving them a vision to cling to, one of an improved
life. Christians believe in their eventual salvation by the coming of Jesus Christ, and Buddhists
believe that hard work and correct living will result in the perfect life. The hope that religion
provides for its devotees gives the devotees the perseverance needed to take each day as it
comes. Along the same lines, religions comfort those that suffer during tragedy. Deaths and other
calamities are often life-changing events that may seem too much to handle when they first
occur. The feeling of community and comfort that religions promote assist those that are down
and out by establishing a loving and supportive community to fall back on in times of distress.
Religion has not always been the good thing it was created to be. It is infamous for its
horrid acts of intolerance, such as the Salem Witch Trials, but religion is much more widely
known as a source of help for those that need it. Churches and temples act as sources of strength
for the weary, as well as meeting places for sharing and loving communities. Despite any wrongs

that have been executed under a religions blessing, the good that religion causes every day is an
undeniable testament to the success of religions positive ideals.

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