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Save the Rhinos

They need our help!

We Must Act Quick to Prevent

We dont want them
to be extinct like the


Rhinos Population is Dying Down

1. At the beginning of the
20th century there were
500,000 rhinos across
Africa and Asia. This fell
to 70,000 by 1970 and
further to just 29,000 in
the wild today.

Rhinos Population is Coming up on

Black Rhinos
Thanks to the persistent efforts of
conservation programs across Africa black
rhino numbers have risen since the early
1990s to a current population of 5,055.
Since the large-scale poaching of the now
critically endangered black rhino resulted
in a dramatic 96% decline from 65,000
individuals in 1970 to just 2,300 in 1993.

Food Web
They can
be eaten
by lions

Their Diet and Hunting

The rhinos eat plants and herbs.
. Their diet is particularly varied, since they will eat
what is available at almost any given time. Since
they live in a more tropical environment than
most of the other species, the Sumatran Rhinos
enjoy the leaves and fruit of this type of foliage.
Rhinos will drink water several times a day
The rhino is 50 km/h (White rhinoceros, Running)
in order to catch prey

The Main Threats are..

Poaching is #1 threat to the
rhinos because of their horns
and skin read on to learn about
horn poaching
Due to the poaching rhinos are
coming close to extinction

2 animals

The only
can eat rhinos that are lions
and vultures .

Habitat loss. Many countries

have lost their rhino
populations altogether: Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad,
Central African Republic, Africa
and Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia
and Sarawak in Asia and many

These Poor Guys are Suffering

Back in 1970s and
80s horn from rhino
killed in east Africa
where it could be
made into daggers.

Their Habitat

White rhinos and black rhinos live in the grasslands and

floodplains of eastern and southern Africa. Greater

one-horned rhinos can be found in the swamps and rain



forests of northern
and southern
Sumatran and Javan rhinos are found only in small

Malaysian and Indonesian

areas of
swamps and rain forests

There is only 1 male white rhino!!

With 1 male left
worldwide, northern
white rhinos under
guard 24 hours

How can we Help?

We can help by doing
Adopt a rhino, contact
WWF at (613) 232-8706
or go to
http://www.wwf.ca/ then
click Take action click
Volunteer" After you
can DONATE!!!

If youre a hunter STOP

We MUST Help!!
Don't buy rhino horn
Illegal trade in rhino h
is a continuing
problem, posing one
of the greatest threats
to rhinos today.


To All Hunters!
Do you want to be
this rhino?
Stop hunters for
killing them or else
.. They will face the
Bye Bye forever

Fun Facts
A group of rhinos is called a crash.
The white rhino is the largest rhino species
and the largest land mammal after the
Most wild rhino calves never meet their
fathers. Black, white and Sumatran rhinos
have two horns
World Rhino Day is celebrated on
September 22
The scientific name of the rhinoceros is

More Fun Facts

The rhinoceros is 1.6 1.9 m tall
Its also 2,300 kg (White rhinoceros, Male)
The word rhinoceros is a combination
of two Greek words rhino (nose)
and ceros(horn).


Do you want to say
the bye bye

The world wouldnt be
the same without

Written by : Jake
Images by: Google Images
Assistance by: Mrs. Perry, Alex and Aws
Published by : Mrs. Perry
Very awesome resources from:
WWF, http://www.rhinos.org/25-things-you-didn-tknow-about-rhinos,

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