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Madison Westerling
Leyah Standlee
Period 4
April 7, 2015

This project was done to test the quality of different types of potting soil. To see whether
or not buying something more expensive will actually boost the outcome of the finished product.
Also to test whether or not just regularly plating something in just the dirt from your backyard
will make a difference to it, just like how people with no money or food may plant something in
any kind of soil they are able to find.
Materials used in this project included sunflower seeds, sticky notes, three differently
colored flower pots, water, sunlight, and Miracle Gro, Crayola coconut fiber soil, and Buzzy
brand soil. First for this project we had to go out and get the three different types of soils and go
home and put them all into three separate pots and then put labels on each pot to insure they
would not get mixed up. Then we added the sunflower seeds and water and placed the three pots
in a place where they would have an adequate amount of sunlight hitting them. After that we just
waited and checked the pots daily and recorded the changes. The data went like this:
3/15/2015: The seeds were planted
3/16/2015 and 3/17/2015: No sprouts were visible
3/18/2015: Sprouts were now visible. On Pot 1, the sprout was 1 cm high, on Pot 2, the sprout
was 2 cm tall, and on Pot 3, the sprout was 2.7 cm tall.
3/19/2015: Pot 1 had three sprouts. Pot 2 had ten sprouts. Pot 3 had five sprouts.
3/20/2015: Miracle Gro had sixteen sprouts. Buzzy soil had seventeen sprouts. Crayola coconut
fiber soil had thirteen sprouts.
3/21/2015-3/24/2015: No new sprouts appeared but the sprouts all continued to grow. Miracle
Gro is suddenly the tallest.

3/25/2015: Miracle Gro is keeping its place as tallest sprout.

3/26/2015- 3/28/2015: Buzzy soil: The flowers are beginning to wilt. Crayola coconut soil brand:
the sprouts are staying the same, making no progression. Miracle Gro flowers are growing the
tallest and fastest.
Through this experiment we showed ourselves that it seems like the more expensive soil
really did help the plants to grow faster or taller in this case. So the quality of the soil makes a
difference on the outcome of the thing you are trying to grow by helping you achieve the end of
growing it more quickly, and it seems that it would give you more of what you may be trying to
grow judging by the height we got from our sunflower height growth. So in this case, our
hypothesis, the Miracle Gro will make the sunflowers grow the best, turned out to be correct.

Bibliography: http://www.depi.vic.gov.au/agriculture-and-food/dairy/pasturesmanagement/fertilising-dairy-pastures/how-do-the-properties-of-soils-affect-plant-growth

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