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Lesson Plan

Class: Stage

Date:17 September, 2013

3, Year 6

Key Learning Area: Science

Time: Start: (50 minutes) Finish:

Lesson Topic: Natural Disasters: Bushfires Explain Lesson Three

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Familiar with effects of natural disasters such as earthquakes, and volcanoes and the changes to the earths surface. Aware of recent droughts,
cyclones, tsunamis and events in the Australasian area.

Recognise how to communicate and reflect on processes occurring through explanations.

Familiar with history, effects, causes, adaptation and avoidance of bushfires.

Syllabus Outcome(s)

ST3-9ES: Explains rapid change

at the Earths surface caused by
natural events, using evidence
provided by advances in
technology and scientific

ST3-4WS: investigates by posing

questions, making predications
and gathering data to draw
evidence-based conclusions and
develop explanations

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:


Recognise fire is dependent on fuel, heat and oxygen and to

be controlled, it must be deprived of at least one of these.

Discuss how bushfires vary in type, conditions, heat transfer

and behavior and how science and technology has assisted
people to plan for and manage natural disasters.

With guidance, plan appropriate investigations of the

flammability of wet vs. dry gum leaves and observe the sights,
sounds and smells of a bushfire.

Any safety issues to be considered:

Work collaboratively to write predications and fair test

methodology including using equipment and materials to
record and measure, establishing procedures and identifying
risks and precautions
Use a range of tools and equipment to produce these
solutions, identifying S understanding of this scientific
Resources: Computer, Smart board , Fair test worksheets


Recognition of Ss initial responses

during class discussion and
observations after experiment.

Ss participation in answering and

understanding of questions posed via
visual prompts and diagrams.

Observe and note Ss ideas and

responses on the fair test worksheet.

Recognition and observation of S

groups effective behavior and
compare results and suggestions.

Risk assessment completed read teachers

instructions underlined in Development section.

Equipment: bagged dry and green Gum leaves Scales (5) Baking Trays (10), Matches (5boxes),
Candle Tapers (10) Timers (5) chalk to mark outside area in car park for groups. Buckets of sand
(10) Buckets of water (2) Tub to remove burnt leaves and sand, Safety glasses

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Review previous lessons and introduce
materials and the acronym Cows moo
slowly using the smart board and table
- T is to explain that groups will have 10
minutes in which they are to complete only
the first page, assign roles collect
equipment and move to car park, rove
amongst groups and assist.
Links to indicator:
- Work collaboratively to write
predications and fair test
methodology including using
equipment and materials to record
and measure, establishing
procedures and identifying risks and


15 min

Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)

- Today we are going to look at the relationships of climate,

terrain and the types of bushfires and their behavior.

Resources and Organisation:

- Smart board
- Fair test worksheets (appendix)

First look at these leaves and identify the tree these came
from and how each would burn. Soon we are going to conduct
a fair test with this equipment. Please work though the first
page of this experiment sheet to decide the most scientific
procedure and safest precautions

Prompt Qs to follow.
What is the question to be asked/tested?

What are our predictions/hypothesis?

What will we measure/change/keep the same?

Equipment list, procedure and safety considerations

- T to ask if there are any Qs.

Go outside and complete experiment
T record Ss complete experiments (photos)
Provide safety and first aid if require
20 min
This activity links to indicators:
- With guidance, plan appropriate

- Complete two tests first with dry leaves, second with green
leaves (harvested from a recent wind storm)
One student checks weight of leaves for recording and
places in baking tray. (Watch skin irritations, insects,
One student lights candle taper (which another holds)
with a match (watch melting wax) and when alight

Buckets of water
Chalk to mark out areas
Tub collect sand and embers.
Fire Extinguisher
Safety Glasses

investigations of the flammability of

wet vs. dry gum leaves and observe
the sights, sounds and smells of a

disposes of match into sand bucket (hot end down)

One student holds taper to top of leaf pile and waits
until ignites before giving signal to commence timing,
extinguishes candle taper into sand bucket
One student keeps time and records how long the leaf
pile burns for until flames die down, all to observe
sights, sounds smells (watch for flying embers, smoke
inhalation- eyes, asthmatics, direction of wind,
students contact with flames or hot objects)
Repeat test but with green leaves
Record findings
One teacher to stay behind and collect all embers and
pour water onto to check extinguished.

Return to class and complete results, discuss fire triangle

Ask for suggestions from class how to extinguish fires
- Prompt Qs to follow.
Cutting the oxygen supply to smother the fire
Class discussion, explanation and questions
from smart board images
T is to regain S attention. We will look at the
behaviour of bushfires and the parts of the
fire triangle.

Recognise fire is dependent on fuel,

heat and oxygen and to be
controlled, it must be deprived of at
least one of these.

Discuss how bushfires vary in type,

conditions, heat transfer and
behavior and how science and
technology has assisted people to
plan for and manage natural

10 min

Reducing the temperature to cool the fire

Removing fuel to starve the fire

Where, when and how often do bushfires occur?

What causes bushfires?

Fire ratings and warning systems- knowledge in

relation to recent events and study.
Factors in a disastrous fire- complete on board and
compare answers
Concepts of heat transfer radiation, convection,
The effect of wind and the formation of spot fires

The effect of slope on fire rate of spread

Aspect and wind direction

Types of fires, ground fires, surface fires, crown fires

- T to ask if there are any Qs.

Smart board and note book file

information in response to what
we want to know Ss questions.

Reflecting on learning
Suggestion for future experiments
Links to indicators:
- Use a range of tools and equipment
to produce these solutions,
identifying S understanding of this
scientific concept.

5 min

- T to instruct all Ss to return to their desks. Each group is to

present their findings on their given aspect. T and peers are
invited to give feedback/ask Qs on the science of bushfires.
- T to use a range of questions to allow for Ss to fully explain
their thinking and why they are thinking this.
- T is to supply with positive reinforcement through praise.
- Ss congratulated and thanked for their great work throughout
the lesson and thank colleague teachers for assistance

We want to find out (the question) how does


What are we testing? (Independent Variable):

Our prediction (what you think will happen):
Our hypothesis (your theory about whats going on and answers why did you predict the
way you did)
What will we measure or look for a result (Dependent Variable):
So that our investigation is a fair test we are keeping these things the same (Controlled
We will only change (one thing):
Things we will keep the same:
We will need this equipment:
Our Procedure: This is what we will do

Our safety considerations - what we are going to do to stay safe:

We can record our results by using:

We found out that: (include any observations: sights, sounds smells)

We think this is because: (inferences)

Our conclusions: (state prediction and hypothesis and whether supported)

We suggest these improvements:

Other experiments we could do to further our knowledge:

Other experiments scientists could do to further our knowledge:

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