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The Companies Act, 1994 A Company Limited by Guarantee Under Section 28 of the Companies Act, 1994 or Public Finance Foundation Memorandum of Association And Articles of Association The Comp: Act, 1994 A Company Limited by Guarani Under Section 28 of the Companies Act, MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION or PUBLIC FINANCE FOUNDATION = 1.0 Name of the Company The name of the Company is Publie F 2.0 Registered office The registered office of the Company shalll be situated at I" 12 storied government office building (7" Noor). Segun Bagicha. Dhaka. Bangladesh, 3.0 Objectives Ihe objectives for which the Company is established are any ar all of the fallowing ernment officers of different ministries! divisions! departments trained in 1. To organise ment under the umbrella of the Company: economic and financial man: 2. To create opportunity for these officers to be placed in areas appropriate to their skills and 10 enable them to contribute in their specialised areas: Ty enhance professional skills of these officers through continuous professional training: ‘elorms in the financial management Vo utilise skills of these offivers to sustain the ongoi and to speed up the pace of development of the country 6 To undertake research works on current important economic and financial issues and design and oller appropriate training courses for goverament officials working inthe public financial management: of the Company wherever (76 To promote, organise, and establish branches and. oft considered necessary and to manage and/or control such branches and offices and to delegate powers and finetions te branches and offices as may be considered necessary for the promotion of its objectives and purposes: To open and operate bank accounts and to sign and endorse any cheque, m instruments, bills of exchange on behalf of the Company: To obtain registration or recognition of the Company in any form from the government or any other authority. within Bangladesh, and to take all such steps as may be deemed necessary or espedient for enabling the Company to carry on its funetions properly: ¥. To use income of the Company for advancement of its objectives in accordance with its memorandum all other lawful activities conducive to the attainment of objectives of the Public Foundation. 10. To pursu Finane 4.0. Liability The liability of the members of the Company is limited by guarantee. 5) Income and property ise funds and aceept grants, 5. (a) Pursuant to the attainment of objectives, the Company may ra donations. financial and other assistances. ‘The income and property of the Foundation whatsoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion and attainment of the ¥y and no portion thereof be paid or transferred directly or iaaireetly by contained shall prevent or any objectives of the Compa way uf profit or dividend to the members provided that nothing here od faith of expenses or of remuneration! honourarium to any employ the payment in g ‘other person thereof for the services rendered to the Company 5. (b) Every member of the Company undertakes to contribute to the assets af the Company in the event of its being wound up while he is a member or within one year afterwards. for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Company contracted before he ceases to be a member, and the costs. charges and expenses of the winding up and for the adjustment of the right of the such amount as may be required, contributories amen id, are desirous of being formed sub: We. the several persons. whose names and addres into a company in pursuance of this Memorandum of A: SIL No. | Names, addresses subseri | 1 [Pe Mohammad Tareque, Secretary, Finance Director General. Financial 2 Mr. Hayat Khan, Dhaka Management Academy. Segun B: : Mr, Arastoo Khan, Joint Seeretary, Finance | Division, Bangladesh Sceretariat, Dhaka 4. | Me, Ranjit Kumar Chakraborty, Project Director, J EMRD. BEM Bhaban, 7-9 Karwan Bazaar, Dhak | Mr, Md. Muslim Chowdhury, Depu Finance Division, Bangladesh Secret 6. | Mr. Iqhal Abdullah Harun, Senior Assistant Sceretary. Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka 7 Mr. Ekram Ahmed. National Consultant, FMRP and Member-Seeretary, Public Finance Foundation

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