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Ryan Riedinger

English II Honors
May 15, 2015

Research Question: Should same-sex marriage be legalized?

Working Thesis: There has been much controversy over whether or not same-sex marriage
should be legalized.
Refined Thesis: There have been many claims on why same sex marriage is wrong, but if we are
really worried about protecting ourselves and our loved ones, why arent we allowed to legally
love our loved ones?

Annotated Bibliography
"Four Decades of LGBT Activism Paved the Way for Marriage Equality." Same-Sex Marriage.
Ed. Tamara Thompson. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current
Controversies. Rpt. from "History and Timeline of the Freedom to Marry in the United
States." 2013. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 May 2015.
Same sex marriage has been a large controversial political issue, and has grown greater
and greater throughout the past four decades.This article contains a timeline of the progressive
support surrounding same sex marriage not only in the United States of America, but also around
the world. The timeline explains which countries were the first to legalize certain aspects of the
whole debate, such as legalization of marriage, and the input of churches and local organizations.
The political parties have also played a large role in determining the country-wide stance on

same sex marriage. From the beginning until current day, both the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party have grown much more supportive. Overall, the legal decision is coming to be
less against same sex marriage and much more willing to consider the possibility of a fair
judicial marriage system. This article is a good representation of the progression of the long
battle, facing same sex marriage from both the pro and con side of the argument.

Kellard, James. "Gay Marriage Should Be Legal." Gay Marriage. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "Do We Have a Constitutional Right to Ban
Gay Marriage?" 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 May 2015.
Many of the arguments that oppose gay marriage not only have no solid evidence, but
they are not based around the constitution because there is really nothing in the constitution that
says same-sex marriage should be banned. Quite the contrary actually. The argument talks
about protecting the institution of marriage, protecting children, religion, and constitutional
rights. It argues that that if we as a country are to protect the institution of marriage, why arent
divorce and arranged marriages illegal? If protecting our children is really important, then why
is it okay for children to be sent to single abusive parents that do drugs, as opposed to two loving
parents, regardless of how they love each other. There have been many claims on why same sex
marriage is wrong, but if we are really worried about protecting ourselves and our loved ones,
why arent we allowed to legally love our loved ones? This article has many good points on why
gay marriage is not harmful and should be legalized.

Sprigg, Peter. "Gay Marriage Should Not Be Legal." Gay Marriage. Ed. Debra A. Miller.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "The Top Ten Harms of Same-Sex

Marriage." Family Research Council, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 May
Many arguments supporting same sex marriage claim that it does not harm anybody.
However there are many factors that would not only affect the society and economy long term,
but also directly harm people and systems all over the country and show immediate damage. For
starters, the legalization would affect taxes and taxpayers, consumers, and businesses. Schools
would have to teach that homosexuals and homosexual relationships are identical to heterosexual
ones. The countrys freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened, and there
would be a much smaller percentage of people who marry and have children, drastically
affecting the countrys birth rate and population balance. Also, fewer people would remain
monogamous and sexually faithful to their partner, and fewer people would remain married for
lifetime. Overall the choice is bad overall and will set the country up for economic and political
disaster. This article has many good examples and viewpoints of those who are against same sex
marriage and how the legalization can affect the country negatively.

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