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Aiden Aizumi

Professor Kennedy
EDUC 350

MVC Assignment #3
Age 8:
How smart is your child, and in what areas? Think back to the blurb on multiple
intelligences that appeared at age 6. Find specific evidence regarding your child's verbal,
logical-mathematical, spatial, musical and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence from your
observations of your own child as well as the psychologist's report at age 8 years, 11
Jean shows strength in her musical intelligences, and also shows strength in her verbal
intelligences. At age 8, Jean is still showing strength in her musical abilities and verbal
skills. Her psychological report stated that, Her scores were in the average to above
average range in word reading, reading fluency, phonological awareness and spelling.
Jean is developing in the areas that she wants to, and goes with the activities and things
that interest her. She does not get any pressure from her parents to do things outside of
that, and although we may occasionally suggest things, we dont push her to develop
intelligences that do not interest her.

Describe some examples of your child's behavior or thinking that you think are due to
typical American gender role socialization and explain why you think so. Several
examples can be found at ages 6 and 8. How closely does your attitude toward gender

roles correspond to typical American attitudes, and if there is a discrepancy, to what do

you attribute this (e.g., cultural background, attitudes of your own parents,

How might your child's development have been different if s/he was raised by people
with a different socioeconomic, ethnic or cultural background? Base your answer on
specific evidence of SES/cultural differences from the textbook and class

Some of the ways that Jeans behavior is due to typical American gender role
socialization is her way of imitating her mothers gestures and mannerisms, and at age 8,
wants to go to the mall with her friends, and participate in sleepovers. As a parent, I
dont really care that much about gender roles, and I think that it is empowering for a
woman just as much as a man to do different roles that are not stereotypically female.
Im sure that if families of other socioeconomic status, or cultural background that she
would have different characteristics of gender roles. Also, because I am a permissive
parent, I tend to let Jean do activities and participate in things that may not be typical of
American gender roles.
How might your child's development have been different if s/he was raised by people
with a different socioeconomic, ethnic or cultural background? Base your answer on
specific evidence of SES/cultural differences from the textbook and class lectures.
Jeans development would be different if she had been raised by people of a different
socioeconomic, ethnic, or cultural background in the activities that she participates in and

the parenting style that she is under. Because I am a permissive parent, I dont force or
push her to do activities and things that she does not want to do, but I also dont enforce
much discipline either when there should be some. Some other cultures do not allow
girls to play sports, or to participate in particular activities, and Jean is allowed to do
whatever she wants or try the things that interest her.
Age 10:
Describe your child's academic skills between ages 6 and 10 and assess how well these
skills are developing. The 5th grade report card will be useful for this but you should also
incorporate your own observations. What are you doing to help your child?
At age 6, 8 and 10 Jean shows strength in her reading and spelling ability. This seems to
continue due to the fact that she enjoys reading outside of school and in her free time. I
dont object to this and help her to find books that interest her and continue to read out
loud with her when she allows it. She continues to struggle with activities like art, and
because I dont force her, she doesnt develop those skills. According to her 5th grade
report card, she is requires additional support. The reason my child continues to thrive in
particular areas is because of the support that I give her. Unfortunately there isnt much
of a balance because I only support her in the areas that she loves and in activities that
she wants to do.
How well is your child adapting to social situations in the home and outside the home?
Does your child have any behavior or emotional problems at this point? Why do you
think these problems are occurring and what are you doing about them?
Although Jean had originally been slow to warm up during her younger ages, she is now
doing very well in social situations. She has friends, and enjoys spending time with them
and going to the mall. She also had no problem at age 8 when the psychologist talked to
her, and was friendly and social. The only time Jean seems to have trouble is in
stressful situations, but when they do occur, her teacher says she is able to recover
relatively quickly. Jean and her friends participate in activities that are age appropriate,
and that are also very gender specific things like shopping for clothes and jewelry.
Has your parenting changed since the preschool period and if so, why do you think it has
changed and what effect might this have on your child? Refer to your textbook or lecture
notes for evidence on typical changes in parenting that occur in middle childhood.
My parenting style has not changed since preschool due to the nature of this assignment.
I think that my child is going to suffer the consequences of not having a strong and

structured parenting style, that is balanced between structure and care. As she begins to
hit her adolescent years this style of parenting may cause more problems in Jean wanting
to do things that are not yet appropriate for her age.
Age 12:
Describe any physical or behavioral signs of incipient puberty.
Jean is starting to have mood swings and is gaining weight in her hips. These are definite
signs of puberty. Another sign of puberty is her feminization. She is starting to develop
her secondary sex characteristics that make her more feminine and distinguish her from
her earlier years.
How would you characterize your child at this point in terms of the under-controlled, over-controlled or
resilient categories? Have there been any changes since the preschool period and why might they have

At this point Jean is under-controlled, but is it not completely showing in her behavior.
She has started to be more assertive and ask for things like money for good grades
because it would help her do better. Up until this point, my permissive parenting style
had not impacted Jeans behavior in the way that is does as a teenager. She may not have
excelled in the areas that she could have used support in, but now it is carrying over to
her behavior and her interactions with me.
Using the 7th grade report card and your own observations, summarize your child's academic skills at this
point. What specific activities might promote some of these

Jean continues on her same pattern at being strong in English, social studies, and Spanish,
which can be attributed to her love of reading and her spelling abilities. She is still doing
well at Math and Science, but not to the same degree. She still does not like those
subjects and does not take any extra time to work on those skills. If I were not a
permissive parent I would encourage and set up activities that incorporate math and
science in cross curricular activities that she enjoys. As a permissive parent, I wont push
her to do any activities that do not interest her and she will continue to excel in the
language arts.

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