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1. Inspection of vehicles and preparation of test charts.

2. Tuning of Engines: Check for ignition timing, valve tappet clearance, Radiator flushing and
check for
leaks ete.,
3. Study and practice on
a) Connecting rod alignment
b) Cylinder reboring machine
c) Valve refacing machine
d) Nozzle grinding machine
e) Brake drum skimming machine
4. Servicing of components like FIP, Carburetor, Fuel pump, Exhaust pipes and Silencer,
Lubricating system, Air compressor, shock absorber, Calibration of FIP.
5. Study and practice of wheel alignment (Mechanical and computerized) and wheel balancing
6. Testing of Two wheeled vehicles on chassis dynamometer
7. Study of tyre retreading and vulcanizing
8. Study and practice on body repairs tinkering and painting
9. Head light focusing test and visibility test

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