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Christian Hernandez
Ms. Woelke
8 May 2015
The assignment Ive felt most proud of is my Good Food/Bad Food proposal, Great Oak
Day? We Need Great Food First, on which I received a 4. After my nearly four complete years
in high school, I feel as though I have achieved this level of writing gradually and after many
papers which were far less than perfect. My proposal contained a wide variety of words, quotes
from texts and research, and a concise proposal narrating my own beliefs and opinions. I believe
what made this piece of writing most successful was the structure I followed while writing it.
The proposal first began with an introduction and rhetorical questions for the audience to
consider. In the second and third paragraphs, I gave a background of history about junk food and
the food industry in the United States. Next I addressed the issue at hand as it affected Great
Oak, made my proposal, and addressed possible counterarguments to it. I ended the essay with a
brief conclusion which summarized the information and my proposal. In following a structure, I
was able to neatly and clearly give my information and how it pertained to my proposal.
To be completely honest, I have not maintained these score sheets enough to give a
complete answer. I entered Great Oak in sophomore year, having no idea that these score sheets

would be necessary in the future. As a matter of fact, many of these scores were recorded on
pieces of paper because I thought this would be sufficient to maintain them. However, not
knowing their importance many were thrown away or forgotten. Nevertheless, I can attest to the
fact that since my sophomore year, both the structural and grammatical aspects of my writing
have improved greatly. I can remember receiving many 1s and 2s, which dissatisfied me very
much. As I continued, I noticed a greater improvement in these areas and continue to today.
As I explained above, I have not maintained an adequate portfolio throughout the three
years I have spent at Great Oak High School. What mostly contributed to this failure was a lack
of clarity and organization. I did not attempt to clarify my questions with regards to the
portfolio, and so I left all my records of scores to fall into disrepair as well. This has opened my
eyes to the detrimental effects of disorganization, from years past and currently. Therefore, I
have made a strong resolution to work on this and strive towards greater organization in the
Even if I didnt realize it at the time, Great Oak has led me towards a bright future
through both subtle and great ways. At Great Oak I have learned so much about community, and
what it is to be a part of a great body of so many people. After my high school career is finished
and I have graduated from Great Oak, I do not fear the masses - in college, in the workplace,
etc. I have learned that amid so many people I can both assimilate myself and be an individual
who stands out among others. I believe this is the greatest way in which Great Oak has prepared

me for life outside of high school, and I am sincerely grateful for the experience I have had here
for the past three years. `

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