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Devin Fussa

To provide a detailed review of my literary history, ranging from the books I have read to
the reading tendencies I have.

School Literature
Some of the more important books I have read in school include

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Fahrenheit 451
The Boy in Striped Pajamas
All Quiet on the Western Front
Caesar (Play)

Other Books

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

The Harry Potter Series

The Cycle of Inheritance Series (Eragon)

The Alchemist Series

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Artemis Foul Series

Single Books

The Hobbit

Into the Wild

Countless numbers of Sherlock Holmes novels (different adaptations)




Favorite Genres

Historical Fiction

Literary Skills
Through reading some of the books listed above (and countless others), I have become a
very advanced reader. I have found that reading has enhanced my vocabulary and
developed the speed at which I read. While I do find some books more interesting than
others, almost all of my reading experiences have affected my knowledge of literature in
some way.

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