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Which of these is a major cause of extinction

A. Habitat Loss of animals
B. Eutrophication of water bodies
C. Over-hunting of animals
D. Both A and C
Answer: D. Habitat loss causes the loss of habitat, forcing organisms out of their niches.
Overhunting of animals deprived environments of animal variety, causing a domino effect of
overpopulation and crashing of population. Eutrophication only affects isolated populations.
Which of these is the product of a bottleneck effect.?
A. A species of fish going extinct due to over-hunting
B. A seagull chokes on a plastic object in the ocean
C. A mutation in elephant seals becomes more prevalent after over hunting kills most of the
D. Peppered Moth wing and body color being selected for in industrial england
Answer: C. Bottleneck effect is when a minority of a population becomes the majority after a
near extinction event.
Which is not characteristic of an hardy weinberg equilibrium?
A. No net mutations in population
B. No gene flow within population
C. No neutral mutations within population
D. No Large populations
Answer: C. Neutral mutations do not affect natural selection and do not cause speciation.
In a rapidly changing environment, which life strategy pattern is most likely to be selected for?
A. Type R
B. Type K
C. Type C
D. Both A and C
Answer: A. R strategists reproduce rapidly, allowing for increased adaptability and fitness

In this tree, what is the keystone species/creature?

A. Grass
B. Snakes

C. Mice
D. Eagles
Answer: B. Snakes are the only consumers of frogs, without them, overpopulation will be insue,
damaging the insect population and in turn damaging the mouse population. After that, eagle
population would be stressed because one of its food sources is extinct and small cats were
damaged from the damage to the mice.
If the trophic level (1) of the grass holds 1,000,000 units of energy, then what is the energy
distribution of of trophic level 3 per species?
A. 5,000
B. 25,000
C. 1,000
D. 10,000
Answer A. the total energy is 10,000, but the energy per species is 5,000.
If insects were eliminated from the ecosystem, what is most likely to occur?
A. Mouse population increases dramatically
B. Frog population goes extinct
C. Grass grows in larger numbers
D. All of the above
Answer D. Grass will grow in ever larger numbers because their primary consumer is gone, thus
allowing mice to eat all they want, allowing them to reproduce more. The loss of insects will be
offset by the amount of grass available. Frogs, insects being their only food source, will die out.

How do human activities damage the environment?

A. Expanding housing projects cause habitat loss
B. Oil drilling damages sea environments
C. Human overuse of natural resources
D. D. All of the above
Answer: D. Habitat loss causes extinction of organisms, oil drilling cause pollution and hurts sea
organisms, and human overuse of resources deprives the rest of the environment of other
The species that come in after a complete ecological destruction are:?
A. Colonizing plants
B. Deciduous trees
C. Pioneer species
D. Stabilising fauna

Answer C. Pioneer species are the first species to come in after ecological destruction.
A scientist observes several plots in a rainforest. He does not allow animals into the plots, but the
plots are still open to the air and wind. What is his most likely observation?
A. Nothing changes in the environment over a long period of time.
B. The flora, unimpeded by animals, show up in ever greater numbers
C. Many of the plants die due to lack of pollination
D. All of the plants die due to lack of nutrients
Answer. A. While the plants may thrive due to lack of interference, they will reproduce at a
slower rate due to lack of pollinators. Odds are, with no interference and plenty of light, nothing
will change in the environment.

Mutations most often occur during?
A. Metaphase
B.Growth Phase

C. DNA replication

D. Anaphase

Answer: C. DNA replication is where DNA mutation occurs randomly. In Anaphase, mutation is
intended to occur to some degree.
Which theory/idea did Griffith originally conclude?
A. Competitive exclusion
B. DNA inhibition
C. DNA structure
D. Transformation principal
Answer: D. Its the one he discovered
Which cells would be the most pathogenic to organisms?
A. Bacteria exposed to heavy amounts of radiation
B. Viruses exposed to dead pathogenic bacteria
C. Somatic Eukaryotic cells exposed to live pathogenic bacteria
D. Bacteria exposed to dead pathogenic bacteria

Answer D. Transformation principle dictates that cells (not viruses) have the ability to pick up
hereditary material from dead cells.
In a model of a cell, which features would most likely suggest that Cell X is a protist
A. A cell with no cell wall, mitochondria and a nucleus
B. A cell without a cell wall but has chloroplasts and mitochondria
C. A cell with a cell wall but without a nucleus
D. A cell with chloroplasts, mitochondria, and a cell wall
Answer: B. No cell wall indicates a eukaryotic cell but eukaryotes cannot have chloroplasts. Cell
X must be a protist.
If the outside of a cell has a higher concentration of solutes, then the cell is initially:
A. Hypertonic B.Hypotonic C.Isotonic D. None of the above
Answer: A. The amount of water within the cell is higher than the outside, making it hypertonic.
What occurs after a short while to the aforementioned cell?
A. The cell shrivels up and becomes a flaccid cell
B. The cell fills up to its maximum and explodes
C. The cell becomes turgid and strong but is undamaged
D. The cell remains the same as it started
Answer: A. The water goes from the hypertonic cell to the hypotonic outside in order to keep the
water potential neutral. The cell shrivels due to lack of water.
A biologist is attempting to study the structure of organelles within a cell. What is the most
effective tool for this task?

A normal microscope
An electron microscope
Freeze-fracture techniques
Both B and C

Answer: B. An electron microscope allows for high resolution images of a cell. While it cannot
be used on a living cell, the biologist is only studying the structure, not the function, of an
A researcher is trying to create a cancer fighting bacterium. In order to fully know which cells
have taken up the cancer fighting genes, he also placed a resistance to antibiotics on the same
plasmid. He then puts a selection of cells on various plates. He then treated the plates with
antibiotics. Which plate is the plate with only cancer fighting genes?
A. Was not given antibiotics. Lawn of cells. Did not receive plasmids
B. Was given antibiotics. No cells are left alive.
C. Was not given antibiotics. Lawn of cells. Did receive plasmids
D. Was given antibiotics. Colonies of cells remained.

Answer:D. While some cells in C may have been immune, the only way to single them out is to
does them in antibiotics, which leads to D. Because D has so few cells, those few cells that
survived have the cancer fighting genes because they resisted the antibiotics.

Which type of cell has the ability to stop and start dividing on command?
A. A somatic muscle cell in the shoulder
B. A haploid gamete
C. A somatic liver cell
D. A Neuron in the brain
Answer:C. A liver cell has the uncanny ability to start and stop dividing, usually freezing itself in
the growth stage. If needed, it can divide again for repairs.
What type of cell is most likely to be found in the muscle of an organism?
A. A cell with many mitochondria and chloroplasts for energy
B. A cell with many ribosomes for manufacturing proteins
C. A cell with a long axon that connects with others like itself to connect to the nervous
D. Both B and C
Answer:D. The muscles of an organism need many proteins (which ribosomes manufacture) and
need motor neurons, which allow for voluntary movement.
Lamarckian theory dictates that:
A. That populations change over time due to selective pressures and pass on traits to their
B. That organic life evolved 6,000 years ago
C. That populations collectively choose to evolve traits
D. That organisms can gain traits if they really need them and pass them on
Answer: D. Lamarck theorized that organisms chose to evolve, not populations
What is an example of stabilizing selection/
A. Peppered moths in industrial england being selected due to their coat color
B. Color of the coats of rats on black, volcanic soil.
C. The metabolic rates of chimpanzees in their natural habitat
D. The selection of height in a population, where tall and short are selected for, but not
medium sized.

Answer: C. Metabolic rates in animals need to be in the middle. Not to high or theyd use up too
much energy and not too low so they are sloth like.
Which is a conserved process or trait?
A. Glycolysis
B. Bone structure
C. Lung structure
D. Respiration
Answer:A. Glycolysis is a conserved trait because it is found in nearly all cells, from protozoans
to complex eukaryotes. Respiration exists in almost all organisms but many simple protozoans
only are anaerobic.
What is the most direct evidence for evolution?
A. The fossil record of family tree of a specific genus
B. DNA sequencing of the human genome
C. Pesticide resistance in insects
D. Homologous structures in mammals
Answer:C. While they all hold merit and provide some evidence, they are all too specif and show
only evolution in their species and/or genus(s). Pesticide resistance however shows very real
passing on of traits that directly hurt humans.
Which is a post zygotic barrier?
A. Difference in sleeping habits of two populations
B. Sterility of offspring
C. Heightened levels of aggression in one population
D. Both A and B
Answer:B. Sterility of offspring only occurs after birth and the combination of both gametes

Anatomy and Physiology

The human body uses several major organ systems in daily living. Which is not a major system
within the body
A. The digestive system
B. The lymphatic system

C. The circulatory system

D. The excretory system
Answer: D. The excretory system is a subsidiary system of the digestive system.
The body finds itself infected. What is its first specific immune response?
A. B cells are warned by finding incorrect major histocompatibility proteins.
B. T cells are alerted to a hostile incursion and are activated
C. The skin becomes inflamed and engorged
D. None of the above
Answer:A. B cells are the alarm bells for the body. They produce anti-bodies and give crucial
information to T cells.
The first non-specific immune response(s) is:
A. Phagocytes destroying any harmful bodies they see.
B. Skin and mucus keeping pathogens out of the body
C. Natural and innate avoidance of pathogens
D. Both B and C
Answer: B. Skin and mucus are the first line of defense. They keep invaders out. The natural
avoidance is not an immune response
In addition to helping digestion of food, what are other purposes does saliva serve?
A. Allows body to send off signals that its eating, showing other humans that you have food
B. Fight foreign bodies trying to enter the body through the mouth
C. Help in passing immunity on to other humans through kissing.
D. Both B and C
Answer:B. Saliva is packed with enzymes and phagocytes that indiscriminately attack invaders.

In the human body, what is an example of a vestigial structure

A. Gallbladder
B. Appendix
C. Pinky toe
D. Both B and C
Answer:D. The appendix was useful long ago in digesting grass and keeping digestive enzymes
tucked away. Its useless now. The pinky toe also does not contribute to balance nor foot
What region of the brain separates most critically separates humans from other Eukaryotes and
has allowed humans to become the apex predator?
A. The hypothalamus
B. The prefrontal cortex

C. the frontal lobe

D. The cerebrum
Answer:C. The frontal lobe is the area of the brain that heavily dictates problem solving and
reason, as well as language and strategy. The prefrontal cortex is part of the frontal lobe.
Which is a major physiological difference between males and females of humans?
A. Males have one less rib
B. Females have larger hips
C. Males have broader shoulders
D. All of the above
Answer:D. All of it is true
Which is a critical physiological difference (Besides brain structure) that allowed early hominids
to excel in the African savanna/
A. The shifting of balance in the body that allowed humans to be bipedal
B. The evolution of longer arms with grasping hands
C. The stretching of ribs to allow for organs in a more confined space
D. All of the above
Answer:A. The shift in balance freed up our already complex hand and arm structures for
toolmaking and fighting.
Neurons in the human brain are different from animals how?
A. Human Neurons have more Axons
B. Human neurons have more sensitive dendrites
C. Human neurons use more chemical messengers than animal brains
D. There is no difference
Answer:D. There is no difference in neurons in humans. It's the way our brain itself is structured
which caused our increased intelligence.
If one has an iron deficiency , then one has problems where in their body?
A. Respiration, due to the iron in hemoglobin not being able to pick up oxygen in the lungs
B. Waste excretion, because iron is heavily used to help the body rid itself of wastes
C. The entire body, because oxygen is needed everywhere and there is not enough oxygen to
go around.
D. The human body is unaffected
Answer:C. The human body needs oxygen to power everything. Every cell has mitochondria and
all mitochondria need oxygen to function. The only way to provide oxygen is through
hemoglobin, which cannot form without Iron.

Free Response 10 Points

A. The Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is a state where evolution cannot occur. Name at least
four conditions and describe how it prevents evolution
B. Give two real world examples of instances where a population(s) has achieved at least
one qualifier for a hardy-weinberg equilibrium. Explain how those parts of Hardy
Weinberg specifically apply to those population(s). The species does not have to qualify
for the other qualifications of hardy weinberg.
C. Give an example of how one species has reached a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium OR how
it is impossible to reach an equilibrium under normal conditions

Answer key for 10 point question

A. Must state at least four qualities. One point for each quality and description. Four point
a. Large population
i. Allows new genes to simply be lost in all the other genes
ii. Traits can simply be lost into the collective gene pool
b. No mutations
i. No mutations means no new genes into the population
b. No gene flow between populations
i. No new genes placed into population from outside populations
b. No natural selection
i. No selection for genes, allowing non-neutral mutations to continue to
ii. There is no natural selection
b. Random mating.
i. Any genes that could be selected for are simply lost in all mating
ii. Nothing is selected for
No sexual selection
B. One point for each example. One point for each connection to Hardy Weinberg. Four
point maximum
a. Any population known to have that specific Hardy Weinberg quality.
i. Connect each with valid claims connecting both qualities
B. Two points maximum for valid example of population which has reached an equilibrium
OR Two points maximum for explanation of how it is impossible for normal populations
to reach an equilibrium.

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