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Tom Fuller

BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning

The biomechanical effect of squat stance and foot position
Many studies have been conducted to establish the effects of varying stance
width and foot position in relation to the muscles involved during the squat
exercise. The purpose of this article is to review the research and discuss the
findings from these different studies.
According to Schoenfeld (2010) the squat is one of the most frequently used
exercises within the field of Strength and Conditioning. This is supported by
Comfort and Kasin (2007) who stated the squat as being popular and an
important exercise in developing strength and power. The squatting movement is
closely related to everyday tasks such as lifting packages and picking up children
(Schoenfeld 2010). The squat is considered to be one of the best exercises for
improving quality of life (Fry et al, 2003). Along with everyday tasks the squat is
commonly applied in sports, including: football, track & field, powerlifting,
weightlifting and is a key element in rehabilitation (Escamilla 2001a).
The Squat
The squat according to Kritz et al, (2009) requires mobility within the ankle joint,
hip joint and thoracic segment of the spine, stability is required from the feet,
knee joint and the lumbar spine. Czaprowski et al, (2012) carried out a study to
define the knowledge of students from physical education and personal trainer
courses, concerning the methodology of teaching the correct squat. Their study
highlighted that over half of the students (51%) did not know what the correct
squat looked like. According to Rippetoe (2001) it takes 10 minutes to explain the
correct squat to people who practise both professional and recreational sport.
Performing the squat with poor technique is one of the main reasons individuals
get injured (Fry et al, 2003). According to Escamilla (2001a) performing the squat
beyond 90 degrees, forward knee movement and bouncing at the bottom of the
rep would make the knee more vulnerable and increase the shearing forces
resulting in more injuries, in particular knee ligaments and meniscus. Front
squats had significantly less compressive forces than back squats, resulting in
potentially less injuries occurring and being more suitable for individuals with
knee problems or under rehabilitation (Gullett et al, 2008).
The squat according to McCaw and Melrose (1999) is frequently performed with a
barbell across the posterior deltoids at the base of the trapezius. The squat
begins with the lifter in an upright position with the knees and hip extended, the
lifter squats down in a continuous manner until a desired depth is achieved,
before lifter ascends back to the upright position (Escamilla 2001a). During the
squat movement it is estimated that over 200 muscles are activated in executing
the movement correctly (Solomonow et al, 1987, cited in Schoenfeld 2010 and
Bach 2014; Stoppani 2006, pp.151). The squat will help develop the quadriceps,

hamstrings, glutes, soleus and gastrocnemius, with the hip adductors, abductors
and the erector spinae also being loaded (McCaw and Melrose 1999).

Stance width
Numerous studies highlighted the squat movement had no significant difference
in quadriceps and hamstrings muscle activity between narrow and wide stance
(Tesch and Dudley 1993, cited in McCaw and Melrose 1999; Escamilla, 2001a).
Stance width variation does alter muscle activity with adductor longus activity
increasing in a wide stance with greatest activity occurring at 140% shoulder
width compared to a narrow stance (Ninos et al, 1997; McCaw and Melrose,
1999). Gastrocnemius activity is 21% greater in a narrow stance compared to
wide barbell squat (Escamilla et al, 2001b). Stance width may not show
significant differences in quadriceps and hamstring activity but does for many
other important muscle groups.
Foot positioning
Many studies have highlighted that varying the foot angle does not appear to
change quadriceps and hamstring muscle activity during the squat movement
(Signorile et al, 1995; Ninos et al, 1997; Escamilla et al, 2001b). However in
contrast, Stoutenberg et al, (2005) found during non-weight bearing squats,
internally rotated foot position demonstrated greater muscle activity from Vastus
Medialis & Vastus Lateralis, whereas having an externally rotated foot position
resulted in greater Rectus Femoris muscle activity. Hung and Gross (1999) argues
that weight bearing squats found no statistically significant difference between
Vastus Medialis & Vastus Lateralis for internally and externally rotated foot
positions compared to neutral foot positions. Murray et al, (2013) found a
staggered foot position during partial weight bearing squats affected the
quadriceps resulting in significantly greater Vastus Medialis activity compared to
neutral, internally and externally rotated foot positions, which demonstrated little
to no effect upon the quadriceps. Rotating the feet (neutral, internally,
externally) while performing the squat, regardless of stance width have no
noticeable effect on muscle activity of the lower leg (Signorile et al, 1995; Ninos
et al, 1997; Escamilla et al, 1998c; Escamilla et al, 2001b). McCaw and Melrose
(1999) disagrees with these authors and found a wide stance with feet laterally
rotated 45 degrees results in increased activity of the Vastus Medialis, narrow
stance with feet pointed forward results in greater activity of Vastus Lateralis,
shoulder width stance with feet laterally rotated results in greater quadriceps
activity as a result of changing both stance and foot positions.
In conclusion this article has shown that it is possible to target particular muscles
or muscles groups by altering stance width and foot positions, but not
necessarily the quadriceps during full weight-bearing squats. Adductor longus
muscle activity increases as squat stance width increases whereas

gastrocnemius becomes more active in a narrow stance as opposed to a wide

stance. Squats are a great exercise for rehabilitation; they can be performed with
or without resistance, non-weight bearing squats can isolate particular muscles.
To perform an effective squat requires high level of mobility from a vast amount
of joints and should be taught correctly before commencing the exercise.
Performing squats will help ease daily chores; it is a functional exercise which
recruits multiple muscle groups in a single manoeuvre.

Comfort, P. Kasin, P. (2007). Optimizing squat technique. National Strength and
Conditioning Association, vol 29 (6), p10-13
Czaprowski, D. Kedra, A. Biernat, R. (2012). Students knowledge concerning the
correct squat and the elements of the methodology of teaching it. Baltic Journal
of Health and Physical Activity, vol 4 (2), p124-125
Escamilla, RF. (2001a). Knee biomechanics of the dynamic squat exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol 33(1), p127-141
Escamilla, RF. Fleisig, GS. Zheng, N. Lander, JE. Barrentine, SW. Andrews, JR.
Bergemann, BW. Moorman, CT. (2001b). Effects of technique variations on knee
biomechanics during the squat and leg press. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, vol 33(9), p1552-1566
Escamilla, RF. Fleisig, GS. Zheng, N. Barrentine, SW. Wilke, KE. Andrews, JR.
(1998c). Biomechanics of the knee during closed kinetic chain and open kinetic
chain exercises. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol 30 (4), p556-569
Fry, AC. Smith, JC. Schilling, BK. (2003). Effect of knee position on hip and knee
torques during the barbell squat. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
vol 17 (4), p629-633
Gullett, JC. Tillman, MD. Gutierrez, GM. Chow, JW. (2008). A biomechanical
comparison of back and front squats in healthy trained individuals. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, vol 23 (1), p284-292
Hung, Y. Gross, MT. (1999). Effect of foot position on electromyographic activity
of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis during lower-extremity weightbearing activities. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, vol 29 (2),
Kritz, M. Cronin, J. Hume, P. (2009). The bodyweight squat: A movement screen
for the squat pattern. National Strength and Conditioning Association, vol 31 (1),

McCaw, ST. and Melrose, DR. (1999). Stance width and bar load effects on leg
muscle activity during the parallel squat. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, vol 31(3), p428-436
Murray, N. Cipriani, D. ORand, D. Reed-Jones, R. (2013). Effects of foot position
during squatting on the quadriceps femoris: an electromyographic study.
International Journal of Exercise Science, vol 6 (2), p114-125
Ninos, JC. Irrgang, JJ. Burdett, R. Weiss, JR. (1997). Electromyographic analysis of
the squat performed in self-selected lower extremity neutral rotation and 30
degrees of lower extremity turn outs from the self-selected neutral position.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, vol 25 (5), p307-315
Rippetoe, M. (2001). Lets learn how to coach the squat. National Strength and
Conditioning Association, vol 23 (3), p11-12
Schoenfeld, BJ. (2010). Squatting kinematics and kinetics and their application to
exercise performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol 24 (12),
Signorile, JF. Kwiatkowski, K. Caruso, JF. Robertson, B. (1995). Effect of foot
position on the electromyographical activity of the superficial quadriceps
muscles during the parallel squat and knee extension. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, vol 9 (3), p182-187
Solomonow, M. Baratta, R. Zhou, BH. Shoji, H. Bose, W. Beck, C. DAmbrosia, R.
(1987). The synergistic action of the anterior cruciate ligament and thigh
muscles in maintaining joint stability. American Journal of Sports Medicine, vol 15
(3), p207-213. Cited in- Schoenfeld, BJ. (2010). Squatting kinematics and
kinetics and their application to exercise performance. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, vol 24 (12), p3497. Cited in- Bach, E. (2014). Seven
things youre forgetting with your back squat. [Online] available from:
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Stoppani, J. (2006). Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength. Human Kinetics, p151.
Stountenberg, M. Alessandra, PP. Fangchao, MA. Jennifer, EH. (2005). The impact
of foot position of electromyographical activity of the superficial quadriceps
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Tesch, PA. Dudley, GA. (1993). Muscle Meets Magnet / MRI examines the squat.
Cited in- McCaw, ST. and Melrose, DR. (1999). Stance width and bar load effects
on leg muscle activity during the parallel squat. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, vol 31(3), p429

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