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Behavioural Variables: Bookshop Users

a. Activities someone undertakes. Consider frequency and volume:

Research information.
Purchase books.
Making book lists.
Selling books.
Trading in books.

b. Attitudes towards the product area or technology

Thinks the bookshops prices are too high.

Thinks the bookshops prices are too low.
Finds the bookshop boring.
Sees the bookshop as a good source of information.

c. Aptitudes of the person

Very creative.
Fast learner.
Good at engineering.
Good at medical sciences.

d. Motivation for the person to be engaged with your product

Wants to be a successful engineer.

Wants to be a successful doctor.
Wants to learn many different things.

e. Skills the person possesses that are related to your product

Can read 1000 words in 2 minutes.

Motivation to finish what they started.
Ability to understand complex information.

Interview Subjects to Behavioural Variables

Identifying Significant Behaviour Patterns

By looking at the behavioural variables, it can be seen that multiple users
usually cluster towards wanting to buy books, people that create book
lists, people who buy books for their courses and people that read
because they have to. There are a couple of outliers in the behavioural
variables and also those people who are in between. It is very clear
because of this clustering that there is a behavioural pattern among the

Synthesising Characteristics and Defining Goals

Name: Steve Nguyen
Age: 20
Nationality: Vietnamese
Job title: I.T. Manager at Microsoft

Reading as many books as possible.

Be up to date with technology.
Develop the best software ever.
To get promoted.
Finishing a PHD to get a doctorate.

Name: Katherine Williams

Age: 18
Nationality: Canadian
Job title: Entertainer

Become famous.
Graduate university and get a good job.
Learn a different language.
Travel the world.
Meet new people everyday

Name: Mazu Kuzarashi

Age: 21
Nationality: Japanese
Job title: Game Developer

Be the best gamer in the world.

Be up to date with technology.
Develop the best game in the world.
Become famous in the gaming industry.
Graduate university and travel overseas.

Name: Lorenzo Lim

Age: 19
Nationality: Filipino
Job title: Tech Support at Organica Skin Clinic

Learning as many languages as possible

Travel to Japan
Graduate university and get a job.
Become famous.

Completeness and Redundancy

The personas created are complete and are accurate to the behavioural
variables and some of them also overlap but at the same time not
completely redundant. Each persona is different and unique even though
there are some similarities. The key characteristics of each persona are
somewhat important to the product since all of them relate with learning
and needing university books to do so. All of the personas are currently at
university and all of them want to study and graduate.

Persona Types
a. Primary
Steve Nguyen
b. Secondary
Mazu Kuzarashi
Katherine Williams
Lorenzo Lim

Persona Description
Steve Nguyen:
Steve loves technology and has to be up to date with the latest
technological trend. He loves to read in his spare time when he is not
studying so he often purchases books on a regular basis. He has an entire
room dedicated to his books with multiple bookshelves because he loves
to also collect books. He also has over 400 online books on his e-reader
which he also backs up on his computer.
Katherine Williams:
Katherine loves to attract attention. She loves to put on a show for
everyone and loves the attention she gets. Shes currently in university so
that she can get a job that will support her with her entertainment career.
She dreams to become famous and is willing to work as hard as possible
to achieve her dreams. She wants to learn new languages so that when
she becomes famous and travels the world, she will be able to do
interviews in different languages.
Mazu Kuzarashi:
Mazu left Japan to pursue his dream of becoming the best gamer in the
world. He is currently studying in game development to also learn more
about games and hopefully create a brand new revolutionary game that
will become popular worldwide. Once he finishes his studies, he plans to
travel overseas to compete all over the world.
Lorenzo Lim:
Lorenzo has met many multicultural people during his studies at the
university and is very interested in learning as many of them as possible.
After he graduates and finds a job, he plans to travel to Japan to sightsee
but also to pick up the language. He wants to someday become famous
but he is unsure in what area. After university he plans to try different
things until he finds what he is looking for to become famous.

Scenario Development
Steve just finished reading a set of books and wants to purchase more
books to read and also buy the books he needs for the next semester. He
enters the bookshop and heads to the kiosk to develop a book list so that
he can easily just bulk buy the books instead of looking around the store
finding each individual book. He made his list and proceeded with his
payment. The store clerk then proceeds to find the books for Steve. Once
all the books are gathered, Steve retrieves the books and leaves the
bookstore content on his purchases.

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