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Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Gwendolyn Tyson

a) List the keywords you used to find the articles. Article 1: Children awareness and internet
security, Article 2: DOD computer security
b) Identify the database you used. ProQuest Central
c) Why did you choose this database? It had a lot of journal articles.
d) Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format.

MLA format

Ktoridou, Despo, Nikleia Eteokleous, and Anastasia Zahariadou. "Exploring Parents' and
Children's Awareness on Internet Threats in Relation to Internet Safety." Campus Wide Information Systems 29.3 (2012): 133-43. ProQuest. Web. 5 June 2015.
e) Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format.

MLA format

"DoD Allows Flash Drive, Social Media Use." Information Management 44.3 (2010): 13.
ProQuest. Web. 5 June 2015.
f) Insert a screen print :

Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Gwendolyn Tyson

g) Screen Print #1:

h) Screen Print #2

Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Gwendolyn Tyson

2a. Write a paragraph summarizing the article.

The article, "US Facing 'Dedicated' Hacking Enemy" by BBC News discusses how the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) computer system was hacked to steal past and present
employee personal information. Employees are being asked to close or freeze their personal
accounts. The US believes that the system was hacked by the Chinese and that some of the
information could be used to access weapon systems. This is an ongoing investigation for the
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
2b. Cite Internet article 1in APA or MLA format.

MLA format

"US Facing 'Dedicated' Hacking Enemy." BBC News. 5 June 2015. Web. 5 June 2015.
3a. List the keywords you used to do the search. Security and 30 days
b. Cite Internet article 2 in APA or MLA format.

MLA format

Osborne, Charlie. "Symantec Confirms Existence of Unpatched Rootkit Mac Security Flaw."
ZDNet. 5 June 2015. Web. 05 June 2015.
3c. Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two different search engines. Identify the
search engine you used. Google and Yahoo
4a. Time - when was it written? 5 June 2015 Has it been updated? No
4b. Relevance - does it relate to your topic or answer your question? Yes
4c. Authority - who is/are the author(s)? Are they qualified to write about this topic? How do you
know? Charlie Osborne. Yes. She is a journalist who works for ZDNet and CNET with an
interest in security.
4d. Accurate is the information trustworthy? Is it supported by evidence? Has it been tested for
accuracy? Yes. Yes. Yes, by the security researcher Pedro Vilaca.
4e. Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade? Is there a bias or is the material
This article was written to inform users of potential attacks. The material is objective.
5a. Compare the Internet article 1 and DB article 1 based on the following criteria.

Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Gwendolyn Tyson

The ease of access to the internet article was a bit more difficult to find since Google and
Yahoo give ads first and then the articles. Searching through the articles and databases at the
library could be challenging if you dont know the right words to put in the search engine. When
you have the right words both could be easy to use.
The timeliness of the internet article was much harder to found then using the school
library database. The school information was up to date so that students would have quick access
to a wide date range. It was much more time consuming to search the web then to go to the
CCBC library. Having different databases at your fingertip, allows a greater chance of separating
out your search criteria.
Getting the authority from the database was much easier than from Google. The database
cites your work for you or you can use easybib to help with your citation. When you use Google
it may not be correct information since it is free.

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