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Comparation the Level of Knowledge About Reproductive Health on the Student

at Junior High School whom Given and Not Given Counseling

Fajar Mutmainah1, Nurbaiti2, Tri Nur Kristina3

Background: Teenagers will get physical, sexual, and phsycosocial development as characteristics
of puberty. Howefer, they have not been able to master and function the physical and phsychological
maximaly and most of them still lack of basic information about reproductive health.
Objective: To prove that knowledge about reproductive health in the junior high school students
higher to whom given counseling compared to whom not given such intervention.
Method: This was an experimental study using counseling as an intervention, and post-test only
control group as the design of this study. Knowledge of reproductive health comparation between
two groups of study were analysed using Mann-Whitney.
Result: A total of 40 students were given the counseling two time, and 40 students did not receive
such intervention. The results of analysis showed that knowledge about reproductive health on the
student at junior high school were significantly higher in the group of intervention compared to the
control group (p=0,00).
Conclusion: Counseling about reproductive health to the students at the junior high school can be
increased their knowledge significantly.
Key words: Counseling, reproductive health, teenager.

1 Student Of Medical Faculty, Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Cirebon

2 Teacher Of Departement Pathology Anatomy in Medical Faculty Swadaya Gunung Jati
University, Cirebon
3 Teacher Of Departement Reseach and Statistic in Medical Faculty Diponogoro
University, Semarang


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