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Tom Cat 0904142205 ‘After a long walk, they were very tired, but A.all: neither 8, both: none Call: rone D, both: neither cA ®0¢ LAP- ABSOLUTE SENTENCE Trong tiéng anh cé mit qui tic : 2 ménh dé trong mit céu KHONG BAO GIO ni voi nhau bing mit déu phiy Khi khéng cé LIEN TU. Xét 3 vi du sau ext: There was no proof, the police let him go of them would stop to rest. ex2: Because there was no proof, the police let him go x3: My homework had been finish, I went out with my friend Tir 3 vi du tr@n ta thiy ext va ex3 : 2 minh dé lién két voi rhau bing du phiy va khang c6 lién tir sai vi vi pham qui tie ham rita doc c@u ta sé thiy c@u rat khéng lién quan nhau mac dirnkin qua nhieu ban s® cho a ding x2: dy ld 1 cdu hodn chinh vi 6 lién ti BECAUSE Vay dé dua ext va ex3 vé mot cu diing ngudi ta qui né vé mot losi edu goi la CAU BOC LAP ma khng cin sit dung lidn tir. Vay e€u de lap la g 2 - CAU BOC LAP Id loai edu 6 dang rit gon tao cum danh tis *Céch nhin biét Voi clu tric nay thuimg thi 2 vé phai khéc chit ngit va cé du phiy ngdin cdch SAU DAY LA MOT SO LOAT CAU BOC LAP THUONG GAP LOAT 1: Dani ts (dai tz) + phan tir hign tai ( S* Ving : ding trong c@u chit déng ) dua tirexl: There was no proof, the police let him go ~-> There being no proof, the police let him go (= because there was no proof, the police let him go). ex2: We shall play the match tomorrow, weather permitting. We shall play the match tomorrow if weather permits) x3: The monitor being ill, we'd better put the meeting of f, (= because the monitor is ill, we'd better put the meeting off. Tratng hop nay thudng ¢6 2 dang sau : 1, There being +Danh tir (dai te) There being nothing else to do, we went home. ( because there was nothing to do, we went home ) There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed. ( tuong tw) 2, Tt being +Darh tit (dai io Tt being Christmas, the government offices were closed, ( =because itt was Christmas, the government offices were closed ) Tr being o holiday, all the shops were shut. (twang ty ) LOAT 2 + Dank tir (dai i?) + Phin tir qué ki ( S+ P2 : bi Ang ) tir ex3: My home work finished, I went out with my friend (= after my homewwork had been finished , I went out with my friend ) x2: More time given, we should have done the job much better. (= if more time had been given , we should have done the job much better ) * Losi 1 va 2 18 2 dang hay gap hit Il LOAT 3: Danh ti (dui te) + ding tir nguyén dong Nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week ‘So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed, LOAT 4: Dank ti (dai ti) + gidi tie AA girl came in, book IN hand. He was waiting, his eyes on her back. LOAT 5: Danh tis (dai tu) + tinh tis hode phd ti He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. Tom Cat 0904142205 LOAL 6: Trude cfu trie dc lip 66 thé e6 gid ti "with? Ex: Dont sleep with the doors open. He stood before his teacher with his head down, He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on ‘She came in with a book in her hand won't be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill He sat there with his eyes closed, All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. BAT TAP : Chon dép én ding 1 ro bus, we had to walk home. ‘A. There was B. There being C. Because there being D.There were 2.____, T'llgo there with you tomorrow afternoon, ‘A. Time permits B. If time permitting C. Time permitting 0. Time's permitting 3.___. we all went home happily ‘A. Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said we all went swimming in high spirits. Tt being fine weather 8, It fine weather It was fine weather D. It being a fine weather , the bus started at once. 4, A ‘ 5, ‘A, The signal was given 8, The signal giving C. The signal given D. When the signal given 6. She stood there, from her cheeks. A ‘ 7. A ‘ 8 tears rolling down B, tears rolled down with tears rolled down D. tears rolling down the leaves are turning green. When spring coming on B. Spring coming on Spring came on D. Spring being come on Thad to buy « new one. ‘A. My dictionary losing B. My dictionary having been lost . My dictionary had been lost D. Because my dictionary lost 9, Tused to sleep with the window ‘A. opened B. open C. opening D to open 10,____ the hunter went into the forest ‘A. A gun on shoulder 8. A gun was on his shoulder Gun on shoulder D. A gun being on shoulder 11, ____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. ASB, For C, With D. Through 12, With a lot of work __ T have to sit up tonight. ‘A. do B. doing C. done D. to do 13, He stood there silently, his lips_. ‘A. trembling B. trembled C, were trembling D. were trembling 14,____. her suggestion is of greater value than yours. ‘A. All things considering 8. All things considered All things were considered D. With all things were considered 15, Such the case , I have no other choice ‘Awas B is C being D has been Tom Cat 0904142205 16.The thief stood before the policeman, admitting what he had done. ‘Awith his drooping head B.drooping his head raising his head D.with his head down v7. we have to get down to business right away. ‘A.There being no time left B.There is no time left CAs there was no time left D.There to be no time left 18.It's quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth and his eyes ‘Aclosed:open B.closed:opened .closing:open D.closing:opening 19.The old man stood there, A.with back against the wall B.with his back against the wall Cwith back against wall D.his back against wall 20, All the preparations for the project and we're ready to start. ‘A. completed B. have been completed had been completed D. been completed

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