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Logical Fallacies

A representative from each team will take turns playing Logical Fallacies

You may use your summary chart and only your summary chart for the
game. No helps from team members, please!
When you come to the front of the room, you will find a red flag. This is
how you "buzz" in. If you know the answer, wave your red flag.
A correct answer earns that amount for that question for your team. If
your answer is incorrect, the amount for the question will be deducted
from your team's winnings. So don't start waving that red flag unless you
know the correct answer!
Remember to put your answer in the form of a question.
Finally, all of you already have 10 points for completing the summary
chart for today. The team with the most money on the board at the end
will get an additional 10 bonus points added to their score.

Let's get started!



Fallacies of Fallacies of
Relevance Presumption


























Final Jeopardy

Definitions - $100

A fact or a claim

What is a premise?

Definitions - $200

A factual or logical error

What is a fallacy?

Definitions - $300

True premises + Valid logic = True conclusions

What is a sound argument?

Definitions - $400

Starting with the desired conclusion, you work

backwards, selecting the premises that fit your

What is rationalization?

Definitions - $500

A logical shortcut

What is a heuristic?

Latin Please - $100


What is It does not follow?

Latin Please - $200

Tu Quoque

What is You too?

Latin Please - $300

Ad Hominem

What is attacking the person?

Latin Please - $400

Ad Ignorantiam

What is argument from ignorance?

Latin Please - $500

Post-hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

What is After this, therefore because of this?

Fallacies of Relevance - $100

If someone in authority says something is true it

must be true.

What is argument from authority?

Fallacies of Relevance - $200

Someone cant understand or explain

something, so it cant be true.

What is argument from incredulity?

Fallacies of Relevance - $300

Because someone used faulty logic to reach a

conclusion, their conclusion must be wrong.

What is the fallacy fallacy?

Fallacies of Relevance - $400

Someone makes an argument by comparing two

similar, but irrelevant things.

What is a false analogy?

Fallacies of Relevance - $500

An idea is either accepted or rejected based on

the source, not its merits.

What is a genetic fallacy?

Fallacies of Presumption - $100

Doing what your argument suggests will

inevitably lead to something with negative

What is the slippery slope fallacy?

Fallacies of Presumption - $200

Arbitrarily reducing a set of many possibilities to

only two.

What is a false dichotomy?

Fallacies of Presumption - $300

Two things occur together, so one must have

resulted from the other.

What is confusing association with causation?

Fallacies of Presumption - $400

A form of circular reasoning where the

conclusion is also its own premise.

What is a tautology?

Fallacies of Presumption - $500

A form of circular reasoning where exceptions to

an argument are rejected because they dont fit
the definition of something.

What is the no true Scotsman fallacy?

Miscellany - $100

Moving the criteria for proof or acceptance of

a claim or argument out of range of the current

What is moving the goalpost?

Miscellany - $200

The idea that because there is no clear line

between two extremes, then there is no
meaningful difference between them.

What is a false continuum?

Miscellany - $300

An argument where the logic is stretched in

order to force a ridiculous conclusion.

What is reductio ad absurdum?

Miscellany - $400

This argument reverses cause and effect,

arguing that the ultimate effect is the cause.

What is argument from final consequences?

Miscellany - $500

An argument where a different, easier position is

countered, rather than the position your
opponent actually holds.

What is the straw man fallacy?

Final Jeopardy

What fallacy is this an example of: The unborn

have a right to life, therefore abortion is

What is begging the question?

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