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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Inlet Property . Organ Z IONE A Se ae (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date = ‘SDecember 2013(05.122013) WIPO | PCT Reet (1) International Patent Classification (74) Agent: BERESKIN & PARR LLPIS.E.N.CRL SRL C2SB 1/16 (2006.01) C22B 5/04 (2006.01) 40th Floor, 40 King Street West, Toronte, Ontario MSHI COLD 1508 (2006.01) C228 26/12 (2006.01) 3Y2 (CA). 21) International Application Number (81) Designated States (uriess otherwise indicated, for every PCTICA2013/000526 ind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, 3013, 005% BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, 30-May 20130052013) po, DZ, BC, FE, FG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, es, English HN, HR, HU, 1D, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA. LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME (26) Publication Language: English MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, (0) Priority Date: OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, 61653,035 30 May 2012 (30.05.2012) us SD,SE, SG, SK, SL,'SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, e767, 21 February 2013 (21.02.2013) Us TRTT,TZ,UA;UG, US, UZ, VC, VN ZA, ZM, ZW (7) Applicant: NEMASKA LITHIUM INC. [CAICAI; 450, 64) rue de la Gare-du-Palas, Ist Floor, Québec, Québec GIK 3X2 (CA), @ Designated States (uriess otherwise indicated, for every Kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, Gil, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), rssian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, rue Sabourin, Québec, TM), Europeu (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, (72) Inventors: BOURASSA, Guy: Québec GIC 762 (CA). PEARSE, Gary; 101-174 Stanley EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR HR, HU IE, 1S, IT, LT, LU, LV, Avenue, Ottawa, ontario KIM IPI (CA). MACKIE, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, Stephen Charles; 1463 Champlain Dr, Petesborough, TR), OAPI (BE, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, Ontario K9L IN3 (CA), GLADKOVAS, Mykolas: 2291 KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG) swrence Avenue W., Toronto, Ontario M9P 2A7 (C Lawrence Avenue W., Toronto, Ontario MIP 2A7(CA). ined: — with international search report (Art 21(3)) = g g S x 5 a S a 9 S (64) Title: PROCESSES FOR PREPARING LITHIUM CARBONATE (\ Ba Ia ae a =) LF geen: Fic. 23 (57) Abstract: There are provided meshiods for preparing lithium carbonate. For example, such methods can comprise reacting an aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide with CO: by sparging the COs the said composition, thereby obtaining a precip: itate comprising the lium carbonate. The methods can also comprise inserting at least a portion of the precipitate into a clatifir ‘and obtaining a supernatant comprising lithium bicarbonste and a solid comprising the lithium carbonate, separating the solid from the supernatant; and heating the supernatant at desired temperature so as to atleast panially convert the lithium bicarbonate into lithium carbonate WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 PROCESSES FOR PREPARING LITHIUM CARBONATE, [0001] The present disclosure claims the benefit of priority from co-pending U.S. provisional application no. 61/653,035 filed on May 30, 2012 and co- pending U.S. provisional application no. 61/767,328 filed on February 21, 2013, the contents of each of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety. [0002] The present disclosure relates to improvements in the field of chemistry applied to the manufacture of lithium carbonate. For example, such processes are useful for preparing lithium carbonate from lithium-containing materials. For example, the disclosure also relates to the production of other lithium products such as lithium hydroxide and lithium sulphate. [0003] The demand for lithium carbonate is growing rapidly. The market for lithium carbonate is expanding and the current world production capacity will likely not meet the expected increase in demand. For example, lithium carbonate is used as an additive in aluminum molten salt electrolysis and in enamels and glasses. Lithium carbonate can also be used to control manic depression, in the production of electronic grade crystals of lithium niobate, tantalate and fluoride as well as in the emerging technology of lithium batteries. [0004] Lithium batteries have become the battery of choice in several existing and proposed new applications due to their high energy density to weight ratio, as well as their relatively long useful life when compared to other types of batteries. Lithium batteries are used for several applications such as laptop computers, cell phones, medical devices and implants (for example cardiac pacemakers). Lithium batteries are also an interesting option in the development of new automobiles, e.g., hybrid and electric vehicles, which are both environmentally friendly and "green" because of the reduced emissions and decreased reliance on hydrocarbon fuels. WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 [0005] High purity can be required for lithtum carbonate that is used, for example, for various battery applications. There is a limited number of lithium carbonate producers. As a direct result of increased demand for lithium products, battery manufacturers are looking for additional and reliable sources of high quality lithium products, for example lithium carbonate. [0006] Few methods have been proposed so far for preparing lithium carbonate. Lithium carbonate can be prepared, for example by using lithium- containing brines or using sea water. Some proposed methods involve several purifying steps of the produced lithium carbonate. For example, methods have been proposed that require precipitation with sodium carbonate and involve several purifying steps of the produced lithium carbonate. [0007] There is thus a need for providing an alternative to the existing solutions for preparing lithium carbonate. [0008] According to one aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising reacting an aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide with CO; by sparging the CO; into the composition, the sparging being carried out at a pH of about 10 to about 12.5, thereby obtaining a precipitate comprising the lithium carbonate; inserting at least a portion of the precipitate into a clarifier and obtaining a supernatant comprising lithium bicarbonate and a solid comprising the lithium carbonate, separating the solid from the supernatant; and heating the supernatant at a temperature of at least about 85 °C so as to at least partially convert the lithium bicarbonate into lithium carbonate. [0009] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising : WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound is at least substantially maintained at a pH having a value of about 9.5 to about 12.5; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0010] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising : submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound has a pH of greater than 7; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. {0011} According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising leaching an acid roasted lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base so as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li” and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0012] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li” and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 80 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0013] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li” and at least one metal ion; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Liv and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 80 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li" and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin 0 as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0014] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising : submitting an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium sulphate into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis , the aqueous composition WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 comprising lithium sulphate is at least substantially maintained at a pH having a value of about 9.5 to about 12.5; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. 10015) According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising submitting an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium sulphate into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis , the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate has a pH of greater than 7.; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0016] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide. [0017] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising : submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound is at least substantially maintained at a pH having a value of about 9.5 to about 12.5. [0018] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising : WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 submitting an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium sulphate into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate is at least substantially maintained at a pH having a value of about 9.5 to about 12.5. [0019] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising : submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound has a pH of greater than 7.. [0020] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising submitting an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium sulphate into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate has a pH of greater than 7. 10021] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising : leaching an acid roasted lithium-containing material with water 80 as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; and submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide [0022] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li” and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as te obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 0 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 10 metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin So as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; and submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide [0023] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li* and at least one metal ion; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a Teduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 cet optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 80 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; and submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide. [0024] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising leaching an acid roasted lithium-containing material with water so as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 80 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; and submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide. [0025} According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium sulphate, the process comprising : leaching an acid roasted lithium-containing material with water 80 as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and at least one metal ion, wherein the lithium-containing material is a material that has been previously reacted with H,SO.; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li” and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 13 content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; and contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion-exchange resin 80 as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium sulphate. [0026] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium sulphate, the process comprising leaching an acid roasted lithium-containing material with water So as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li* and at least one metal ion, wherein the lithium-containing material is a material that has been previously reacted with H2SO,; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and the at. least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li" and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base so as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5 and with at least one metal carbonate thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li” and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; and WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion-exchange resin so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium sulphate. [0027] According to another aspect, there is provided a for preparing lithium carbonate, the process comprising : leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water 80 as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li” and at least one metal ion; reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li” and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5 and thereby at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Lit and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 80 as to obtain a pH of about 9.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition ‘comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 15 so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate; or leaching a base-baked lithium-containing material with water 80 as to obtain an aqueous composition comprising Li” and at least one metal ion; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and the at least one metal ion with a base so as to obtain a pH of about 4.5 to about 6.5; at least partially precipitating the at least one metal ion under the form of at least one hydroxide so as to obtain a precipitate comprising the at least one hydroxide and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; optionally reacting the aqueous composition comprising Li* and having the reduced content of the at least one metal ion with another base 0 as to obtain a pH of about ¢.5 to about 11.5, and with optionally at least one metal carbonate, thereby at least partially precipitating at least one metal ion optionally under the form of at least one carbonate so as to obtain a precipitate optionally comprising the at least one carbonate and an aqueous composition comprising Li* and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion, and separating the aqueous composition from the precipitate; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 16 contacting the aqueous composition comprising Li’ and having a reduced content of the at least one metal ion with an ion exchange resin So as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition, thereby obtaining an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound; submitting the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound to an electrodialysis or electrolysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide; and converting the lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate. [0028] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising : submitting an aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate to an electrolysis or electrodialysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium sulphate into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate has a pH of greater than 7 [0028] According to another aspect, there is provided a process for preparing lithium hydroxide, the process comprising submitting an aqueous composition comprising a lithium compound to an electrolysis or electrodialysis under conditions suitable for converting at least a portion of the lithium compound into lithium hydroxide, wherein during the electrolysis or electrodialysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate has a pH of greater than 7. [0030] In the following drawings, which represent by way of example only, various embodiments of the disclosure [0031] Figure 1 is a block diagram concerning an example of a process according to the present disclosure; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 17 [0032] Figure 2 is a flow sheet diagram concerning another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0033] Figure 3 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of time in another ‘example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0034] Figure 4 is a plot showing iron tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosuré [0035] Figure 5 is a plot showing aluminum tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0036] Figure 6 is a diagram showing various metals tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0037] Figure 7 is a plot showing various metals tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0038] Figure 8 is a plot showing calcium tenor as a function of molar excess of sodium carbonate in another example of a process according to the present disclosui [0039] Figure 9 is a plot showing magnesium tenor as a function of molar excess of sodium carbonate in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0040] Figure 10 is a schematic representation of another example of a Process according to the present disclosure. Figure 10 describe how an ion exchange resin is used so as to at least partially remove at least one metal ion from the composition; [0041] Figure 11 is a plot showing calcium tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange process in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 18 [0042] Figure 12 is a plot showing magnesium tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0043] Figure 13 is a plot showing calcium tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange another example of a process according to the present disclosure; (0044) Figure 14 is a plot showing magnesium tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0045] Figure 15 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0046] Figure 16 is a plot showing various metals tenor as a function of bed volumes in an ion exchange another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0047] Figure 17 is a schematic representation of an example of a membrane electrolysis cell that can be used for carrying out an example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0048] Figure 18 is a flow sheet diagram concerning another example of a process according to the present disclosur [0049] Figure 19 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0050] Figure 20 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0051] Figure 21 is a plot showing sulphate tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 19 [0052] Figure 22 is a plot showing sulphate tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0053] _ Figure 23 is a flow sheet diagram concerning another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0054] Figure 24 is a flow sheet diagram concerning another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0055] Figure 25 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0056] Figure 26 is a plot showing lithium tenor as a function of time in another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0057] _ Figure 27 is a schematic representation of an example of a membrane electrolysis cell that can be used for carrying out another example of a process according to the present disclosure; [0058] Figure 28 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C: Figure 28A is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed, Figure 28B is a plot showing feed conductivity, current density and acid pH as a function of charge passed, Figure 28C is a plot showing the concentration in the “acid” compartment, feed and base of various ions as a function of charge passed and Figure 28D is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed; [0059] Figure 29 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C: Figure 29A is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed, Figure 29B is a plot showing feed conductivity, voltage, feed pH and acid pH as a function of charge passed, Figure 29C is a plot showing a current/voltage ramp, Figure 29D is a plot showing the concentration in the feed of various ions as a function of charge passed, Figure 29E is a plot showing the concentration of ammonium and sulfate WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 20 in the acid compartment (or anolyte compartment) as a function of charge passed, Figure 29F is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the base as a function of charge passed, and Figure 29G is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed; [0060] Figure 30 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C: Figure 30A is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed; Figure 30B is a plot showing feed conductivity, voltage, feed pH and acid pH as a function of charge passed, Figure 30C is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed, Figure 30D is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the base as a function of charge passed, Figure 30E is a plot showing the concentration of ammonium and sulfate in the “acid” compartment as a function of charge passed, Figure 30F is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed, and Figure 30 is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed; [0061] Figure 31 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C and about 200 mA/om?: Figure 31A is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed, Figure 318 is a plot showing feed conductivity, voltage, feed pH and acid pH as s function of charge passed, Figure 31C is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed, Figure 31D is a plot showing the concentration of ammonium and sulfate in the “acid’ compartment as a function of charge passed, Figure 31E is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the base as a function of charge passed, and Figure 31F is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed; [0062] Figure 32 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 80 °C and about 200 mA/em”: Figure 32A is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed, WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 21 Figure 328 is a plot showing feed conductivity, voltage, feed pH and acid pH as a function of charge passed, Figure 32C is a plot showing a currentvoltage ramp, Figure 32D is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed, Figure 32E is a plot showing the concentration of ammonium and sulfate in the “acid” compartment as a function of charge passed, Figure 32F is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the base as a function of charge passed, and Figure 32G is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed; [0063] Figure 33 shows plots relating to a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C and about 200 mA/cm?: Figure 334 is a plot showing current and voltage as a function of charge passed; Figure 33B is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed, Figure 33C is a plot showing feed conductivity, voltage, feed pH and acid pH as a function of charge passed, Figure 33D is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the feed as a function of charge passed, Figure 33E is a plot showing the concentration of ammonium and sulfate in the “acid” compartment as a function of charge passed, Figure 33F is a plot showing the concentration of various ions in the base as a function of charge passed, and Figure 33G is a plot showing sulfate current efficiency as a function of charge passed; and [0064] Figure 34 is a plot showing the current density, pH and conductivity as a function of charge passed in an example of a process according to the present disclosure using N324/AHA membranes at about 60 °C and about 200 mA/em?, [0065) Further features and advantages will become more readily apparent from the following description of various embodiments as illustrated by way of examples. [0066] The term “suitable” as used herein means that the selection of the particular conditions would depend on the specific manipulation or operation to be performed, but the selection would be well within the skill of a person trained WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 in the art. All processes described herein are to be conducted under conditions sufficient to provide the desired product. [0067] In understanding the scope of the present disclosure, the term “comprising” and its derivatives, as used herein, are intended to be open ended terms that specify the presence of the stated features, elements, components, groups, integers, and/or steps, but do not exclude the presence of other unstated features, elements, components, groups, integers and/or steps. The foregoing also applies to words having similar meanings such as the terms, ‘including’, “having” and their derivatives. The term “consisting” and its derivatives, as used herein, are intended to be closed terms that specify the presence of the stated features, elements, components, groups, integers, and/or steps, but exclude the presence of other unstated features, elements, components, groups, integers and/or steps. The term “consisting essentially of’, as used herein, is intended to specify the presence of the stated features, elements, components, groups, integers, and/or steps as well as those that do not materially affect the basic and novel characteristic(s) of features, elements, components, groups, integers, andior steps. [0068] Terms of degree such as “about” and “approximately” as used herein mean a reasonable amount of deviation of the modified term such that the end result is not significantly changed. These terms of degree should be construed as including a deviation of at least 45% or at least +10% of the modified term if this deviation would not negate the meaning of the word it modifies. [0069] The expression “at least one metal ion’, as used herein refers, for example, to at least one type of ion of at least one metal. For example, the at least one metal ion can be M*. In this example, M”* is an ion of the metal M, wherein X" is a particular form or oxidation state of the metal M. Thus, M’* is at least one type of ion (oxidation state X") of at least one metal (M). For example, M™ can be another type of io.» of the metal M, wherein X and Y are different integers. WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 23 10070} The expression “is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of a pH or a pH range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for example sparging, heating, electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.} refers to maintaining the value of the pH or the pH range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. [0071] The expression ‘is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of a concentration or a concentration range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for example sparging, heating, electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.) refers to maintaining the value of the concentration or the concentration range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. [0072] The expression ‘is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of a temperature or a temperature range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for example sparging, heating, electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.) refers to maintaining the value of the temperature or the temperature range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. [0073] The expression ‘is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of an oxidation potential or an oxidation potential range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for ‘example sparging, heating, electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.) refers to maintaining the value of the oxidation potential or the oxidation potential range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. 0074] The expression “is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of an electrical current or an electrical current range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for example electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.) refers to maintaining the value of the WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 24 electrical current or the electrical current range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. [0075] The expression ‘is at least substantially maintained” as used herein when referring to a value of a voltage or a voltage range that is maintained during a process of the disclosure or a portion thereof (for example electrodialysis, electrolysis, etc.) refers to maintaining the value of the voltage or the voltage range at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 % of the time during the process or the portion thereof. [0076] The below presented examples are non-limitative and are used to better exemplify the processes of the present disclosure. [0077] The processes of the present disclosure can be effective for treating various lithium-containing materials. The lithium-containing material can be a lithium-containing ore, a lithium compound, or a recycled industrial lithium- containing entity. For example, the lithium-containing ore can be, for example, a- spodumene, -spodumene, lepidolite, pegmatite, petalite, _eucryptite, amblygonite, hectorite, smectite, clays, or mixtures thereof. The lithium compound can be, for example, LiCl, LisSOz, LIHCOs, LigCO3, LINOs, LiC2H302 (lithium acetate), LiF, lithium stearate or lithium citrate, The lithium-containing material can also be a recycled industrial lithium-containing entity such as lithium batteries, other lithium products or derivatives thereof, 0078} A person skilled in the art would appreciate that various reaction parameters, will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the nature of the starting materials, their level of purity, the scale of the reaction as well as all the parameters since they can be dependent from one another, and could adjust the reaction conditions accordingly to optimize yields [0079] [0080] For example, in the processes of the present disclosure useful for preparing lithium carbonate, the processes can comprise heating the supernatant WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 25 at a temperature of at least about 85 °C so as to at least partially convert the lithium bicarbonate into lithium carbonate and precipitate any dissolved lithium carbonate contained therein. [0081] For example, in the processes of the present disclosure useful for preparing lithium carbonate, the starting material can be, for example, lithium hydroxide. For example, it can be lithium hydroxide produced by a process as described in the present disclosure [0082] For example, conversion of lithium hydroxide into lithium carbonate can be carried out by : teacting an aqueous composition comprising the lithium hydroxide with CO2 by sparging the CO> into the composition, the sparging being carried out at a pH of about 10 to about 12.5, thereby obtaining a precipitate comprising the lithium carbonate; inserting at least a portion of the precipitate into a clarifier and obtaining a supernatant comprising lithium bicarbonate and a solid comprising the lithium carbonate, separating the solid from the supernatant; and heating the supernatant at a temperature of at least about 85 °C so as to at least partially convert the lithium bicarbonate into lithium carbonate. [0083] The processes of the present disclosure can be effective for treating various lithium-containing materials. The lithium-containing material can be a lithium-containing ore, a lithium compound or a recycled industrial lithium- containing entity. For example, the lithium-containing ore can be, for example, a- spodumene, -spodumene, lepidolite, pegmatite, petalite, eucryptite, amblygonite, hectorite, smectite, clays, or mixtures thereof. The lithium compound can be, for example, LiCl, LizSOs, LIHCOs, Li,COs, LINOs, LiCHsO2 (lithium acetate), lithium stearate, lithium citrate or LiF. The lithium-containing WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 26 material can also be a recycled industrial lithium-containing entity such as lithium batteries, other lithium products or derivatives thereof. [0084] A person skilled in the art would appreciate that various reaction parameters such as, for example, reaction time, reaction temperature, reaction pressure, reactant ratio, flow rate, reactant purity, current density, voltage, retention time, pH, oxidation / reduction potential, bed volumes, type of resin used, and/or recycle rates, will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the nature of the starting materials, their level of purity, the scale of the reaction as well as all the parameters previously mentioned since they can be dependent from one another, and could adjust the reaction conditions accordingly to optimize yields [0085] For example, when the process comprises heating the supernatant at the temperature of at least about 85 °C so as to at least partially convert the lithium bicarbonate into lithium carbonate, it can further comprise precipitating any dissolved lithium carbonate contained therein. [0086] For example, when sparging, the pH can be at least substantially maintained at a value of about 10 to about 12.5, about 10.5 to about 12.0, about 10.5 to about 11.5, about 10.7 to about 11.3, about 10.8 to about 11.2, about 10.9 to about 11.1 or about 11 [0087] For example, the supernatant can be heated at a temperature of at least about 87 °C, at least about 89 °C, at least about 91 °C, at least about 93 °C, at least about 95 °C, at least about 97 °C, about 85 °C to about 105 °C, about 90 °C to about 100 °C, about 92 °C to about 98 °C, about 93 °C to about 97 °C, about 94 °C to about 96 °C, or about 95 °C. [0088] For example, during the processes, the aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide can be at least substantially maintained at a concentration of lithium hydroxide of about 30 to about 70 g/L, about 40 to about 60 g/L or about 48 to about 55 gil. WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 27 {0089} For example, the sparging can be carried out at a temperature of about 10 to about 40 °C, about 15 to about 30 °C or about 20 to about 30 °C. [0090] For example, when heating the supernatant, the latter can be maintained at a Li concentration of about 1 to about 10 g/L, about 2 to about 6 gIL or about 3 to about 5 g/L. [0091] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the pH of the composition comprising lithium sulfate or the lithium compound can be at least substantially maintained at a value of about 9.5 to about 12.5, about 10 to about 12, about 10.5 to about 12.5, about 11 to about 12.5, about 11 to about 12, about 9.8 to about 10.8, about 9.8 to about 10.2, about 10 to about 10.5, or about 10. [0092] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the pH of the composition comprising lithium sulfate or the lithium compound can be at least substantially maintained at a value between 7 and 14.5, 7 and 14, 7 and 13.5, 7 and 13, 7 and 12, 7 and 10; or 7 and 9. [0093] For example, the pH of the wherein during the electrodialysis. or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate or the lithium compound can have a pH between 7 and 14.5, 7 and 14, 7 and 13.5, 7 and 13, 7 and 12, 7 and 10; or 7 and 9, [0094] For example, the pH of the wherein during the electrodialysis or electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulfate or the lithium compound can have a pH of about 9.5 to about 12.5, about 10 to about 12, about 10.5 to about 12.5, about 11 to about 12, about 9.8 to about 10.8, about 9.8 to about 10.2, about 10 to about 10.5, or about 10. [0095] — For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out in a three-compartment membrane electrolysis cell [0096] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out in a two-compartment membrane electrolysis cell WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 28 [0097] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out in a three-compartment membrane cell [0098] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out in a two-compartment membrane cell [0099] For example, the electrolysis can be carried out in a monopolar electrolysis cell. For example, the electrolysis can be cartied out in a monopolar three-compartment electrolysis cell [00100] For example, the electrolysis can be carried out in a bipolar electrolysis cell. For example, the electrolysis can be carried out in a bipolar three- compartment electrolysis cell. [00101] For example, the electrodialysis can be carried out in a bipolar electrodialysis cell. For example, the electrodialysis can be carried out in a bipolar three-compartment electrodialysis cell. 100102] For example, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium sulphate or the lithium compound can be submitted to a monopolar membrane electrolysis process. (00103] For example, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium sulphate or the lithium compound can be submitted to a monopolar three compartment membrane electrolysis process. [00104] For example, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium sulphate or lithium compound can be submitted to a bipolar membrane electrodialysis process. [00105] For example, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium sulphate or lithium compound can be submitted to a bipolar three compartment electrodialysis process. WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 29 [00106] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out in an electrolytic cell in which a cathodic compartment is separated from the central or anodic compartment by a cathodic membrane. 00107] For example, the electrodialysis can be carried out in a bipolar membrane. For example such a membrane is a membrane that splits water molecules (H+ and OH-) and wherein acid and base solution are produced, for example, at low concentration. [00108] For example, the electrolysis can be carried out by using a monopolar membrane. For example, it can be carried out by using an electrolysis stack comprising three compartment cells equipped with monopolar membranes and bipolar electrodes. For example, such electrodes are effective for evolving gaseous hydrogen (Hz) at the cathodic electrode and gaseous oxygen (Oz) or chlorine gas (Cl) at the anodic electrode. For example, such electrodes are effective for splitting water molecules. [00109] For example, the membrane can be a perfluorinated membrane or a styrene/divinylbenzene membrane. [00110] For example, the membrane can be a cation exchange membrane, PEEK-reinforced membrane. [00111] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out by introducing the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound (for example LiCl, LiF, LiSOs, LIHCOs, LigCO3, LINOs, LiC2H30> (lithium acetate), lithium stearate or lithium citrate) into a central compartment, an aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide into a cathodic compartment, and generating an aqueous composition comprising an acid (for example HCI, HzSOs, HNOs or acetic acid) in an anodic compartment (or acid compartment) The person skilled in the art would understand that, for example, when LiCl is introduced in the central compartment, HCI is generated in the anodic compartment, for example a monopolar membrane electrolysis cell. For example, WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 30 when LiF is used in the central compartment, HF is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when LizSO, is used in the central compartment, H2SO, is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when LiHCOs is used in the central compartment, H2COs is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when LiNOs is used in the central compartment, HNO; is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when LiC2H;02 is used in the central compartment, acetic acid is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when lithium stearate is used in the central compartment, stearic acid is generated in the anodic compartment. For example, when lithium citrate is used in the central compartment, citric acid is generated in the anodic compartment. [00112] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out by introducing the lithium sulphate into a central compartment, an aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide into a cathodic compartment, and generating an aqueous composition comprising sulphuric acid in an anodic compartment. [00113] For example, an anolyte used during the process can comprise ammonia, ammonium bisulfate, ammonium sulfate and/or NH,OH. For example, an anolyte used during the process can comprise ammonia, ammonium bisulfate, ammonium sulfate and/or NH,OH, thereby generating an ammonium salt [00114] For example, the process can further comprise adding ammonia and/or NH.OH, for example gaseous or liquid ammonia, for example NHs andlor NH,OH, in an anolyte compartment, in an acid compartment, in the anolyte, at an anode or adjacently thereof, wher the anode is used for the process. [00115] For example, the process can further comprise adding ammonia and/or NHOH , in an anolyte compartment, in an anolyte at an anode or adjacently thereof, thereby generating an ammonium salt, wherein the anode is used for the process. WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 31 [00116] For example, the process can further comprise adding ammonia and/or NHOH in an anolyte compartment or in an anolyte used for the process. [00117] For example, the process can further comprise adding ammonia and/or NH.OH in an anolyte used for the process, thereby generating an ammonium salt [00118] For example, the ammonium salt can be (NH«)2SOs, [00119] For example, concentration of the produced ammonium salt can be about 1 to about 4 M, about 1 to about 3 M, or about 1.5 M to about 2.5 M. [00120] For example, concentration of the ammonium bisulfate present in the anolyte can be at a concentration of about 1 to about 4 M, about 1 to about 3 M, or about 1.5 M to about 3.5 M [00121] For example, concentration of the ammonium sulfate present in the anolyte can be at a concentration of about 1 to about 4 M, about 1 to about 3 M, or about 1.5 M to about 3.5 M. {00122} For example, pH of the anolyte is maintained at a value of about -0.5 to about 4.0, about -0.5 to about 3.5, about -0.25 to about 1.5 or about -0.25 to about 1.0. [00123] For example, ammonia can be added in a substoichiometric quantity as compared to sulfuric acid produced [00124] For example, ammonia can be added in a molar ratio ammonia sulfuric acid comprised between 0.5 :1 and 2:1 or between 1:1 and 1.9:1. [00125] For example, the electrodialysis or the electrolysis can be carried out by introducing the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound (for example LiCl, LiF, LigSOz, LINCOs, LisCOs, LINOs, LiCzHsO2 (lithium acetate), lithium stearate or lithium citrate) into a central compartment, an aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide into a cathodic compartment, and an aqueous composition comprising NHs into an anodic compartment. For example, WO 2013/177680 PCTICA2013/000526 32 when an aqueous composition comprising NHs is introduced into the anodic compartment, proton-blocking membranes may not be required and membranes which are capable, for example of running at a temperature of about 80 °C and which may, for example, have lower resistance can be used. For example, the aqueous composition comprising the lithium compound can further comprise Na* [00126] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide can be at least substantially maintained at a concentration of lithium hydroxide of about 30 to about 90 g/L, about 40 to about 90 g/L, about 35 to about 70 g/L, about 40 to about 66 g/L, about 45 to about 65 g/L, about 48 to about 62 g/L or about 50 to about 60 git. [00127] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium hydroxide can be at least substantially maintained at a concentration of lithium hydroxide of about 1 to about 5 M, about 2 to about 4M, about 2.5 to about 3.5 M, about 2.7 to about 3.3 M, about 2.9 to about 3.1 M or about 3 M. [00128] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising sulphuric acid can be at least substantially maintained at a concentration of sulphuric acid of about 30 to about 100 g/L, about 40 to about 100 g/L, about 60 to about 90 g/L, about 20 to about 40 g/L, about 20 to about 50 g/L, about 25 to about 35 g/L, or about 28 to about 32 g/l. [00129] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising sulphuric acid can be at least substantially maintained at a concentration of sulphuric acid of about 0.1 to about 5 M, about 0.2 to about 3M, about 0.3 to about 2 M, about 0.3 to about 1.5 M, about 0.4 to about 1.2 M, about 0.5 to about 1M, or about 0.75 M [00130] For example, during the electrodialysis or the electrolysis, the aqueous composition comprising lithium sulphate can be at least substantially maintained

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