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Graiele Santos

Grigoletto, Marisa. Processos de Significao na aula de leitura em lngua estrangeira. In. O jogo
discursivo na aula de leitura: lngua materna e lngua estrangeira. 2ed. Campinas, SP: Pontes, 2002.

Profa. Natlia
Disciplina: Oficina de LE IV
Verso revisada pelo Colega

Grigoletto, Marisa. Meaning processes in class reading in a foreign language In. The
discursive game in class reading: mother tongue and foreign language. 2ed. Campinas,
SP: Pontes, 2002.

Grigoletto search in this study

elucidate the strategies used by
students in the learning process
and construction of meaning in a
foreign language texts as well as
discover the student settings for
what is text and what is read.

Firstly, it is denoted that the

commonly used strategy is: to try to
unmask the words in search of a
whole, thus determining if the text
is seen only as a lexical sum. It
notes also that most students are
unaware of the text and do not see
themselves as producers of
meaning and not the text as a
social and polyphonic product.
This makes note that there is already a previous social interaction
internalized by the student. In this
interaction the teacher is the figure
of greater social power and the only
one able to legitimize the teaching.

Regarding the proposal of

further reading in a foreign
language , it is noted that these
are sporadic. The students
hardly create confrontational
situations with the teacher and
their proposals generally serve
only to propose a new direction
for the class. In other words, as
a way to confront, they choose
only not attend the classe.

Finally, it is clear that despite obtaining a homogeneous

and uniform education intended institutionally , such teaching serve as to mask the absence of discursive diversity.
This fact makes students act as
if should there is only one way
of looking at foreign language
study and do not take into account the enunciative space of
the speech.


Foreign Language
Lngua Estrangeira



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