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Fitting Piecewise Algebraic Curve to Scattered Data in a Plane

Author :JiaZhenZhen
School :Dalian University of Technology
CLC :O241.5
TYPE :Masters thesis
Download the PDF Full Text:http://www.topresearch.org/showinfo-42-651039-0.html
Based on large-scale scattered data interpolation or fitting method has important applications in many
areas . So a long time, a lot of scholars engaged in research in this area , and the development and
formation of many methods . This article production piecewise algebraic curve fitting of scattered data
points , using the least squares method to calculate the best approximation . Since RHWang 1975
multivariate spline theory , multivariate spline theory classical algebraic geometry method
development . And gives some basic spatial basis functions . This paper uses S / sub > . 1 ( mn 1
) spline space the piecewise algebraic curves do fitting of scattered data , we can determine the spline
function function by its space of a set of basis functions . The establishment of an objective function
using the least squares method . Meanwhile, in order to better fit the effects may be added in the
objective function , a number of other items , for example, tangential, normal and energy . Also some
restrictions on some point , can ask some strictly through this slice of algebraic curves . While some
point in its upper or lower . In this way , the problem becomes solving a nonlinear optimization
problem of constrained optimization . At the same time , we know that the multivariate spline space
structure is also dependent on the nature of their split , so in order to achieve a better fit , we can
gradually refinable subdivision . Piecewise algebraic curve is an implicit curves , so it has all the
advantages of the implicit curve , a simple calculation . While better fitting effect can be achieved by
low -time curve . In this paper, a large number of examples to verify this algorithm , have received
relatively good results .

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