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PLAN FOR PRACTICUM ‘Name: Ashley Molnar Semester/Year: Practicum Placement: Organization: Department of Educational Psychology-UNT Practicum Role: Student and Program Liaison Mentor Name: Julie Leventhal Overall Practicum Goal: Develop a comprehensive understanding of community engagement, leadership skills/qualities, and the extensive international planning process. TIMELINE Learning Objectives I: Gain knowledge relating to international travel and the development of course curriculum. Learning Activities 1, Engage in planning of travel/trip details with mentor WEEK 1-4 2. Organize pre-departure materials for students WEEK 5-7 3, Coordinate additional administrative preparations prior to departure EEK 7 Leaming Objectives I: Manage various organizational acti among student peer groups. ies as a project leader Learning Activities 1. Contribute to and lead student discussions VEEK 7-10 2. Facilitate group exercises within various organizations 3. Evaluate and learn from peer/student feedback Leaming Objectives III: Manage online postings as Blog Director Leaming Activi 1. Construct blog page, create student-friendly environment EEK 3 2. Supervise blog submissions relating to course requirements, administrative role EEK 8-10 3. Coordinate blog postings and review/discuss with mentor EEK 10 Field jastructor Sifmature Date _| Ss.

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