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Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title _Noras Ark- Conservation concepts______ Grade / Class ___8th___ Your Name__Stephanie Lauro-Goetz____________
Lesson Objective (First lesson in the unit) __SWBAT examine various sources to identify environmental issues within our state.
Content Standard ___I.S.I.E. Standard 1.B. Engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using
digital tools and resources. 1.C. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students comprehension and
understanding and thinking, planning and creative process.
Art Standard _
Ct. Visual Art Content Standard
5. A. Students will compare and contrast purposes for creating works of art.

Visual Spatial (S)

Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

As students enter classroom, teacher will have large projection on of Noras Ark with soundtrack
playing in back ground.

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)

Developing the lesson Indirect or Direct Instruction

-Teacher passes out Chromebook and ask student to go to Teachers website. Students login to nearpod
via the link.(V)
- Whole class discussion regarding themes recognized in Nora Ark play as noted in nearpod responses,
focusing on conservation and environmental issues.(V)

Lesson Plan Template

Intrapersonal (IA)
Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Guided Practice:
-Whole class discussion regarding students respond to questions posted on NearPod. (V) (IE)
-Students discuss how to bring awareness / video is shown and discussed. (S) (V)
-Demonstration on how to research environmental issues in Ct. (S) (V).

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Independent Practice :
-Students will research and examine the environmental issues in Ct. using the suggested link provided
on website. Students will brain storm the possible projects in order to raise awareness to an
environmental issue. (S)(IA)

Lesson Plan Template

Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

-Students responses from near pod observed for comprehension... (S)
-Overall assessment includes students creating exit cards with possible environmental issue they will be
perusing and why it is important. (S)(IA)

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Reflection Strategy
- Students are to complete exit cards as noted above.

Lesson Plan Template

Intrapersonal Objective and Activity (IA)

Interpersonal Objective and Activity (IP)

Students will identify issues and seek a method to bring

awareness to the issue.

Students will effectively communicate during whole class art


Art Materials

Paper, pencils

Science Materials
Overhead, Chromebook,

Lesson Plan Template

Type your reflection here for this lesson taught. (See syllabus for details)
This lesson is the starting point to a four lesson unit, with some lessons being more than one day. The following
lesson will include students designing and creating a concept board for a purposed public awareness project.
The third lesson in the unit includes the creating and construction of the project. Purposed projects may include;
creating a sculpture, paintings, poem, or song. By giving students choices with a variety of methods of reaching
the objective, I am meeting the needs of multiple intelligences.

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