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Satanic Temple sees Arkansas as possible

monument location
As a religious person, seeing such monument will never be
good to my eyes. I dont know why other people would create a
monument of Satan and place it in public. I respect religion or
whatever beliefs they have, but we all know that Satan is known
as an evil, hes a creature most people never wished to see in
person or even just in dream.
Satanic Temple, a group advocating for separation of church
and state proposed to place a monument of Satan outside the
Arkansas Statehouse. They said that they have the right to
display this satanic statue because there is also that Ten
Commandments monument that was approved.
Individuals and groups are free to apply to place a monument
or artwork, but do they really need to display a satanic statue?
Yes, a Ten Commandments monument was approved and will be
displayed but this monument has just written words on it. If the
Satanic Temple wants to display something just to prove
something, why dont they make a monument which contains words or
their message that can awaken the minds of the readers?
Looking at this goat-headed creature with the two kids
beside him, what message do we get from this? I may sound unfair
because I will never entertain any idea from this artwork or
whatever this monument is. Does this show us that Satan can be a
new god? God of what? These two kids looking up to him, what does
it mean? Whats the connection of this to the separation of
church and state? Why dont they just say what they really want?
Why dont they just make their own Ten Commandments and display
it (if approved) beside the Ten Commandment of the Christians?
We cannot put two monuments with contrasting voice in one
place, so I suggest they just have to find a home for their

Saludaga, Melagrosa U.

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