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Name: Hannah Mattson

PART A: Describe how students could create and publish an original movie, audio file, podcast, or vodcast in order to achieve
required learning standards. Challenge: For an A provide an idea where the learning activity reaches a LoTi level 4a or
above. To do this you will have to design a project where students engage in higher-order thinking and publish their work to an
audience that will use or care about the results. Broad feedback for their work is also a great way to boost interest and
Grade Level: 9
Content Area: Biology
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: SB3. C.
SB3. Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-celled organisms and the
increasing complexity of systems.
C. Compare how structures and function vary between the six kingdoms (archaebacteria, eubacteria,
protists, fungi, plants, and animals).
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
The lesson will begin with the showing of the introductory video to kingdoms video that I created. This will peak the students
curiosity and get them thinking about kingdoms. The project will then be assigned. The students will be divided into six groups
and each group will draw for their kingdom. Each group will then create a video about that kingdom. This will require research
and time so (depending on how long the class periods are) it should take about 2-3 days. The students will present their videos at
the end and all the videos will be posted online as a tool for students to use to review each kingdom for the assessments. The
actual presentation will be graded by the teacher using a rubric that grades for thoroughness, credibility of research, accurate
information, creativity, and participation. The videos will also be posted on YouTube so students can share the link of their work
with family and friends.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:
The LoTi of this lesson would be at a 4 because students use technology and the technology is central
to classroom instruction. Higher level thinking is also addressed because students have the freedom
to use their creativity to create their own projects. The indicators of Engaged Learning that are strong
are student-directed because the students choose how to make their own movie in the way they best
see fit to teach their classmates about their kingdom. Students become the producers and the teacher
is the facilitator and guide. The assessments are also performance-based and generative.
Importance of technology:
Using a multimedia authoring tool is critical to the project because it allows students to create a visually captivating and effective
project in a short amount of time. The software allows for quick video, music, and picture retrieval and will allow for students to
complete the project with minimum frustration. If this project was completed without technology, the students would be much
less engaged because it would be in the format of a poster board that has pictures glued onto it which is not as visually
captivating or engaging to make or watch.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing multimedia projects as a model for your project (whether
in part or whole), include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you borrowed from

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

Students will be told to only include their first names when creating the credits for their movies in order to protect their privacy.
They will also be told what is safe and what is not on the internet and given parameters in which they can search for content in.
Most schools have firewalls set up to where the students would not be able to access inappropriate content. The videos will not
disclose any personal information and the videos shared on YouTube will not be searchable by the public. The privacy settings
will allow only those with permission to access the videos.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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