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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau 19 April 2007 (19.04.2007) (10) International Publication Number WO 2007/043077_ Al International Patent Classification: -EOAG 17100 (2006.01) ey @1) International Application Numbe PCTIT2006,000838 (22) International Filing Date: 4 September 2006 (04.09.2006) 25) Fiting Language: Talian (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: PD2005A000289 7 October 2005 (07.10.2005) TT (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): GEO- PLAST SPA [IT/IT]; Via Marti della Liber 68, L35010 Grantonto (ID. m 5) Inventor; and Inventor/Applicant (for US only): PEGORARO, Mirco [IT/TT};¢/0 GEOPLAST SPA, Via Marti della Liberts 6/8, 1.35010 GRANTORTO (1 (74) Agent: BENE Padova (IT) IN, Maurizio; Via Sorio, 116, F-35141 (BL) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA. BB, BG, BR. BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH,CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, F 1, 3B, GD, GE, GH, GM, HN, HR, HU KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, L LU, LY, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SM, SY, S¥, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TH, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 2M, ZW. co) ignated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available: ARIPO (BW, G GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, BS, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, I, IT, ET, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PE, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPL (BE, BJ, CF GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, T¢ Published: = with international search report Forewo-leter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid ‘ance Notes on Codes and Ahbreviations” appearing at the begin ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazete. = < ad qq > a t S (57) Abstract: Reusable modular formwork for straight andfor angular formwork assemblies, comprising elements (, Tinea development each having at lest one main smooth formwork Back surface (54) Tite MBLI (ODULAR FORMWORK FOR PRODUCING STRAIGHT AND/OR ANGULAR FORMWORK A EP) with jl, SE, $); one or more perimeter (NP) and © intermediate (NM) ribs; one or more holes (F) square tothe perimeter ribs (NP), for aligning and fixing adjacent elements hy means & of closing key (C). The present invention comprises an inner angular element (1) with lateral smooth surface (Si2) square to the main smooth surface (Si) and one or more holes (F) square tothe main smooth surface (Sil), Said holes (FL) comprise, inan intermediate position, a diameter variation (F3) for insertion of the protrusions (C3) of the closing key (C). The present invention comprises an ‘outer angular element (E) having reduced thickness at the level of one side of the main smooth surface (SE), wherein one or more holes (FF) are obtained, square to the main smooth surface (SE). 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 TITLE REUSABLE MODULAR FORMWORK FOR PRODUCING STRAIGHT AND/OR ANGULAR FORMWORK ASSEMBLIES DESCRIPTION The present patent relates to equipment for producing building constructions and in particular concerns a new formwork or system of reusable modular formworks for the production of straight and/or angular formwork assemblies or formworks. Reusable formworks are known, consisting of prefabricated elements that can be removed after setting of the concrete, In particular formworks for the production of vertical walls are known, consisting of substantially straight panels, made of sheet metal or wood. Said panels are extremely heavy and cumbersome and require external reinforcement and supporting structures. Reusable modular formworks ate also known consisting of elements made of thermoformed plastic. Said plastic modular formworks have the advantage of being lighter and more compact than the known formworks made of sheet metal or wood, hence they can be handled more easily by the operators. Said modular formworks for the produetion of vertical walls are provided with a smooth flat wall, or formwork back, to prevent adhesion of the concrete mix, and with a series of stiffening ribs, protruding perpendicular from the side opposite said smooth surface. The panel comprises, in particular, both perimeter ribbing, along the perimeter of the panel, and a number of ribs distributed over the surface of PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 the panel. Said perimeter ribbing also constitutes the lateral surface for coupling with the adjacent formworks, which are aligned with one another against said lateral surfaces. For fixing said panels to one another, said perimeter ribbing is provided with through holes for the insertion of keys ot closing and fastening elements. For the production of angular formworks, it is necessary to provide an inner formwork assembly or formwork (CI) consisting of panels arranged so as to form an angle of 270°, and an outer formwork assembly or formwork (CE), where the panels are arranged so as to form an angle of 90°, as shown schematically in figure 1. Said angular formworks are produced by using straight panels, which are arranged according to the required angle to delimit the inner angular surface and the outer angular surface between which the concrete is cast, ‘The use of said straight panels, however, involves serious problems of alignment, perpendicularity and stability. The subject of the present patent is a new type of reusable modular formwork for the production of straight and/or angular formwork assemblies or formworks, with closing key for alignment and fastening of adjacent formworks. The main purpose of the present invention is to produce straight and/or angular formworks, i.e., in particular, to delimit both the inner and outer straight and angular surfaces of the formworks between which the PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 construction is cast. A further object of the present invention is to facilitate and accelerate the production of formwork assemblies or formworks that do not involve problems of alignment, perpendicularity and stability. An advantage of the present invention is that it is lightweight and stable, without requiring particular use of extemal reinforcement and supporting structures. A further object of the present invention is to produce angular walls of any thickness using the same elements. These and further objects, direct and complementary, are achieved by the new formwork or system of reusable modular formworks for straight and/or angular formwork assemblies and formworks with closing keys for alignment and fastening. The present invention provides for the use of complementary modular elements for the production of straight and/or angular formworks, i.e, one or more elements which, shaped and arranged as described below, constitute the straight, inner angular and outer angular formwork back surfaces for the conerete casting. Said elements, hereinafter called straight elements, inner angular elements and outer angular elements, are substantially straight with linear development, of a generically parallelepiped shape and made of thermoformed plastic. Said elements each have at least one main smooth formwork back surface, while, on the opposite side, they are provided with stiffening ribs. PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 ‘The inner angular element, ie, the element to be used preferably for production of the inner angle of the formwork (270°), comprises two smooth formwork back surfaces square to each other and with edge in common, hereinafter called main smooth surface and lateral smooth surface respectively. Said smooth surfaces delimit the inner angular surface of the building construction to be produced. The straight clement and the outer angular element, i.e. the element to be used preferably for production of the outer angle of the formwork (90°), have one single main smooth formwork back surface, substantially straight. The surface opposite said main smooth surface is provided with both perimeter and intermediate stiffening ribs, preferably _ positioned perpendicular fo the surface itself. The outer surface of said perimeter ribbing constitutes the surface for coupling with the adjacent formwork elements. Each of said perimeter ribbings consists of at least two slightly spaced parallel walls, with relative transverse stiffening partitions which provide greater rigidity and resistance to deformation and breaking. Said perimeter ribbing is provided with through holes, i.e. positioned so as to be aligned with the corresponding holes provided on the perimeter ribbing of the other adjacent modular formwork elements. Said holes are used for alignment and fastening of adjacent elements, by means of closing key, described below, or other similar devices. To permit connection between adjacent elements, said holes are arranged square to the adjacent element coupling surfaces. PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 Therefore, the axis of each of said holes is positioned parallel to the main smooth formwork back surfaces. In particular, the axes of the holes provided on the straight elements, used for the production of straight formworks, are square to the coupling surfaces, i.e. square to the perimeter ribbing and parallel to the main smooth surface. The inner and outer angular elements of the formwork also comprise, in addition to said holes obtained parallel to the main smooth formwork back surface, further holes with axis positioned square to said main smooth surface. Said holes with axis square to the main smooth surface allow for positioning and fastening of said angular elements square to the adjacent elements, to produce an angular formwork, for both the outer angle and the inner angle. In particular, said holes are delimited by a lateral cylindrical surface having one or more linear grooves positioned longitudinally to the cylindrical surface itself, suitable for insertion of the closing key as described below. Said closing key comprises a substantially cylindrical body with grip preferably perpendicular to the cylindrical body. Said cylindrical body has a section corresponding to the dimensions of said holes and one or more protrusions at the head, i.e, at one end, having a form corresponding to said grooves obtained on the cylindrical surface of said holes. To connect the adjacent formwork elements, said cylindrical body of the closing key is inserted in a hole so as to cross the perimeter ribbings of both PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 the elements positioned against each other. ‘When the head of the cylindrical body protrudes from said holes, the closing key can be rotated so that said protrusions of the cylindrical body rotate from the position corresponding to said grooves to the semicircular edge of the hole, thus preventing the closing key from coming out and connecting the two modular elements to each other. The inner edges of said protrusions at the head of the cylindrical body of said closing key are slightly slanting to aid tightening and adhesion of the elements. Therefore, to permit rotation of the closing key, said cylindrical body of the closing key must be slightly longer than the sum of the thickness of two perimeter ribbings. To produce the angular formwork, inner or outer, two adjacent elements must be connected in a square position, aligning the holes with axis parallel to the smooth surface of a straight formwork element with the holes with axis square to the main smooth surface of one or more inner or outer angular elements. Said closing key must therefore be inserted into said holes and rotated, as previously described, to fix the two adjacent elements. To permit the rotation of said closing key, said inner and outer angular elements are shaped and produced as described below. According to the preferred solution, to prevent the head of the closing key projecting beyond said main smooth surface, the inner angular element has a thicker section at the level of the edge between said main smooth surface and said lateral smooth surface and it therefore follows that the holes with PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 axis square to the main smooth surface are deeper than the holes with axis parallel to said main smooth surface. Therefore, for said closing key to permit connection between the two adjacent modular elements, the cylindrical lateral wall that delimits the holes of the inner angular clement, square to the main smooth surface, has one or more seats or diameter variations obtained in an intermediate position, which house the protrusions of the cylindrical body of said closing key. ‘This permits the rotation of said closing key inside the hole and insertion of the protrusions in the related seat, thus connecting the two adjacent elements provided with stiffened lateral edges. Therefore by using said inner angular element positioned alongside straight formwork elements, an angular surface is obtained which forms the inner smooth angular surface of the construction to be produced. For production of the outer formwork, ie. to delimit the outer angular surface of the construction, said outer angular element is preferably used, produced as described below. Said outer angular element also comprises, in addition to said holes with axis parallel to the main smooth surface, further holes square to said smooth formwork back surface, aligned near one side of the element, where the section of said element is less thick in order to permit insertion and rotation of the closing key inside said holes. To delimit the outer angular surface of the construction, said outer angular clement must be positioned adjacent to a straight formwork element, where said straight element must be positioned perpendicular to the smooth wall of PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 the outer angular module, aligning the holes square to the straight surface of the outer angular element with the holes parallel to the main smooth surface of the straight element, Said straight element must also be positioned so that the smooth surface is facing the same way as the smooth surface of the outer angular element, thus forming, overall, a smooth surface with an angle of 90°. In an alternative solution for the production of said angular formworks, both inner and outer, said inner and outer angular elements do not feature widening or narrowing of section; they comprise one main smooth surface and at least one lateral smooth surface, square to each other and with edge in common. Said formwork elements therefore have constant thickness equal to the length of said lateral smooth surface. Each element comprises, at least one end, holes with axis square to said lateral smooth surface and to the perimeter ribbing, and holes with axis square to said main smooth surface, i.e. parallel to said lateral smooth surface, and where all said holes have the same depth. Therefore, to connect two adjacent elements, the elements are simply placed side by side in the required position, aligning the holes of the respective clements and inserting closing keys of different lengths. To prevent the head of the key protruding from the main smooth formwork back surface, said holes with axis square to said main smooth surface can also have a variable section, as previously described, consequently using shorter keys which can be rotated inside the thickness of the angular element. PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 on WO 2007/043077 The present invention also provides for the use of plugs for closing the holes obtained on said main smooth formwork back surface, positioned flush with or protruding from said smooth surface. The characteristics of the present invention will be better clarified by the following description with reference to the drawings, attached by way of non-limiting example. Figure 1 shows schematically the arrangement of the formworks for producing an angular wall, indicating the outer formworks (CE) and inner formworks (CI) and the panels forming the formworks. Figure 2 shows a perspective view of the inner angular element, while figure 3 shows a perspective view of the outer angular element. Figures 4a, 4b and 4e show in detail, in a perspective view, front and rear, the hole obtained on said inner angular element for insertion of the closing key. Figure 5 shows the section of the hole for insertion of the closing key, according to section b-b indicated in figure 4c. Figure 6 schematises a possible arrangement of the inner and outer angular elements and of the straight elements for the formwork of an angular wall. Figure 7 shows a formwork complete with the various elements. The inner (1) and outer (B) complementary angular elements have a generically parallelepiped shape and are made of thermoformed plastic. Both said angular elements (1) and (E) have at least one smooth formwork back surface (Sil) and (SE), while, on the opposite side, they are provided with perimeter (NP) and intermediate (NM) stiffening ribs. Said inner angular element (1) comprises, in particular, one main smooth PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 surface (Sil) and one lateral smooth surface (Si2) of the formwork back square to each other, i.e. forming an angle of 270°, and having a common edge. On the side opposite said main smooth surface (Sil), said inner angular element (J) is provided with both perimeter (NP) and intermediate (NM) stiffening ribs, arranged preferably in a position perpendicular to the surface of the element. Said perimeter ribs (NP) consist of two parallel adjacent walls (NPi) and (NPe), with transverse stiffening partitions (T), and are provided with through holes (F) square to them, positioned so as to be aligned with the corresponding holes (F) provided on the perimeter ribs (NP) of the adjacent formwork elements P). The outer surfaces of said perimeter ribs (NP) constitute the surfaces (X) for coupling with the adjacent straight elements (P). Said straight elements (P) comprise one single smooth formwork back surface (S) and are provided, on the side opposite said smooth surface (8), with perimeter (NP) and intermediate stiffening ribs. Said holes (F), square to said perimeter ribs (NP), are used for aligning and fastening adjacent elements, by means of closing key (C) or other connection devices. In particular, said holes (F) are delimited by a cylindrical lateral surface (1), with preferably circular section with one or more longitudinal linear grooves (F2) suitable for insertion of the closing key (C) as described below. Said closing key (C) comprises a substantially cylindrical body (C1) with PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 grip (C2) preferably perpendicular to the cylindrical body (C1). Said cylindrical body (C1) has a section corresponding to the form of said hole (F) square to the perimeter ribbing (NP) and comprises one or more protrusions (C3) positioned at the head and having a form corresponding to said grooves (F2) obtained on the cylindrical surface (F1) of said holes (F). To connect two adjacent elements, (P), said cylindrical body (Cl) of the closing key (C) is inserted in the holes (F) so as to cross the perimeter ribs (NP) and (NP) of both the adjacent elements (P). When the head of the cylindrical body (C1) protrudes from said holes (F), the closing key (C) can be rotated so that said protrusions (C3) of the cylindrical body (C1) shift from the position corresponding to said grooves (€2), thus preventing the closing key (C) from coming out. The inner angular element (1) is provided both with holes (F) square to said perimeter ribbing (NP) and further holes (FL) square to said main smooth surface (Sil), where said holes (F) and (FL) have different lengths. In particular, said holes (FL) have greater longitudinal dimensions than the holes (F) obtained on the perimeter ribbing (NP), ic. their depth is equal to the entire thickness of the inner angular element (1), that is, equal to the length of the smooth surface (Si2). Each of said holes (FL) is delimited by a substantially cylindrical surface (FI) of the type previously described, arranged square to said main smooth surface (Sil) and parallel to said lateral smooth surface (Si2). Aligning the holes (F), with axes parallel to the smooth surface (S) of a straight formwork element (P), with the holes (FL), with axes parallel to the main smooth surface (Sil) of said inner angular element (1), as shown in 11 PCT/IT2006/000638 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 figure 5, an overall thickness is obtained greater than the length of the cylindrical body (C1) of the closing key (C). Therefore, the cylindrical lateral wall (F1) which delimits each of said holes (FL) of the inner angular element (1) has one or more seats or diameter variations (F3), obtained in an intermediate position, housing the protrusions (C3) of the cylindrical body (C1) of said closing key (C). This permits rotation of said closing key (C) inside the hole (FL) and insertion of the protrusions (C3) in the related seat (F3), thus connecting the ‘two adjacent elements (1) and ). To prevent the conerete mix penetrating the inlet of said holes (FL), the present invention also comprises, for each hole (FL), a closing plug (K) positioned at the level of said main smooth surface (Sil). By using said inner angular element (J) alongside straight formwork elements (P), two smooth surfaces are obtained square to each other forming the inner angular surface of the formwork for the concrete casting. For production of the outer formwork, i.e. to delimit the outer angular surface of the construction, said outer angular element (E) is preferably used, as described below. To delimit the outer angular surface of the construction, said outer angular element (E) must be positioned adjacent to a straight formwork element (P), where said straight element (P) must be positioned perpendicular to the smooth surface (SE) of the outer angular element (E), aligning the holes (FF), provided square to the straight surface (SE) of the outer angular element (E), with the holes (F) of the perimeter ribbing (NP) of the straight element (P). 12 PCT/IT2006/000638 WO 2007/043077 PCT/IT2006/000638 Said straight element (P) must also be positioned so that the smooth surface (S) faces the same way as the smooth surface (SE) of the outer angular clement (E) thus forming, overall, a smooth surface with an angle of 90°. Therefore with reference to the preceding description and the accompanying drawings the following claims are made. 13 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 PCT/IT2006/000638 CLAIMS 1, Reusable modular formwork for straight and/or angular formwork assemblies, characterised in that it comprises one or more elements (1, E, P) with linear development each having: ‘© at Jeast one main smooth formwork back surface (Sil, SE, 8); * one or more perimeter ribs (NP) arranged on the side opposite said main smooth surface (Sil, SE, S) and consisting of at least two parallel adjacent walls (NPi) and (NPe), with relative transverse stiffening partitions (1); * one or more intermediate ribs (NM), on the opposite side of said main smooth surface (Sil, SE, S); ‘* one or more holes (F), for aligning and fixing adjacent elements, obtained square to said perimeter ribs (NP) and each delimited laterally by a cylindrical surface (F1), between said parallel adjacent walls (Npi) and (NPe) and having one or more linear grooves (F2) arranged longitudinally to said cylindrical surface (F1). 2, Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that it comprises one or more closing keys (C) suitable for being inserted in said holes (F) and comprising a grip (C2) square to a cylindrical body (C1) having section corresponding to the dimensions of said holes (F) and length comparable to the thickness of two main ribs (NP) and wherein said cylindrical body (C1) is provided at one end with one or more protrusions (C3) having a shape such as to pass through said linear grooves (F2). 3. Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that it comprises one inner angular element (I) provided with: © at least one lateral smooth surface (Si2) forming an angle of 270° with 10 15 20 25 WO 2007/043077 PCT/IT2006/000638 said main smooth surface (Sil) and wherein said lateral smooth surface (Si2) and said main smooth surface (Sil) have an edge in common; ‘© one or more holes (FL), with axes square to said main smooth surface (Sil), parallel to said lateral smooth surface (Si2) and wherein each of said holes (FL) is delimited laterally by a cylindrical surface (F1), having one or more linear grooves (F2) arranged longitudinally to said cylindrical surface 1). 4, Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, 3, characterised in that said cylindrical surface (F1) delimiting said holes (FL) comprises, in an intermediate position, at least one seat or diameter variation (F3) for the insertion of said protrusions (C3) of said cylindrical body (C1). 5. Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, characterised in that said inner angular element (I) is thicker near the edge between said main smooth surface (Sil) and said lateral smooth surface (Si2), ie. its thickness is equal to the length of said lateral smooth surface (Si2), and wherein said holes (FL), with axes square to said main smooth surface (Sil), are obtained near to said edge between said main smooth surface (Sil) and said lateral smooth surface (Si2) and have a depth equal to the length of said lateral smooth surface (si). 6. Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, characterised in that, by aligning the holes (F), with axis parallel to the main smooth surface (S, Sil, SE) of one of said modular elements (P, E, 1), with the holes (FL), with axis square to said main smooth surface (Sil) of said inner angular element (1), a smooth angular surface is obtained which forms the inner angular surface of the formwork for the concrete casting. 15 10 WO 2007/043077 PCT/IT2006/000638 7, Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, characterised in that it comprises an outer angular element (E) having reduced thickness at the level of one side of said main smooth surface (SE), wherein one or more holes (FF) are obtained, provided square to said main smooth surface (SE). 8. Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, 7, characterised in that, by aligning the holes (F), with axis parallel to the smooth surface (S, Sil, SE) of one of said modular elements (P, E, 1), with the holes (FF), with axis square to said main smooth surface (SE) of said outer angular element (E), a smooth angular surface is obtained which forms the outer angular surface of the formwork for the concrete casting. 9, Reusable modular formwork, as claimed in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, characterised in that it comprises a plug (K) for closing said holes (FL) positioned flush with or protruding from said main smooth surface (Sil). 16 CE WO 2007/043077 Si2 90° & Fig. 1 4/4 PCT/IT2006/000638 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 PCT/IT2006/000638 WO 2007/043077 2/4 op “Bia Gp ‘B14 PCT/IT2006/000638 WO 2007/043077 3/4 S$ ‘B14 xX b> t { 7 8dN a7 Wo 20071043077 PCT/IT2006/000638 4/6 Fig. 7 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Intemational application No PCT/1T2006/000638 “CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT HATTER, INV.” £04617/00 According to Internationa Patent Claseeatton 1) oro bath nana lassieation ana PC FIELDS SEARCHED ‘num documentation Saarched (Gessicaon sytem Toiowed by cassTiclon bos) £046 Dacarrialon Searched othe tan rina docurwenation Wo the eden thal such Gocuanin ave HONGed hoi sorched EPO-Internal, WPI Data lactone database Gonauled Gurh to Wtralianal search (vaio of Gata baco ana wate WaBWay soah Toms ws), (C: DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT. evant to claim Ne, ‘Gaegory" | Clan of document, wih inca, where appropte, oe relevant passages x EP 1 538 277 A2 (GEOPLAST S P A [IT]) 8 June 2005 (2005-06-08) Figures Y ‘ JP 2000 001983 A (DAIWA GIKEN KOGYO KK) 7 danuary 2000 (2000-01-07) figures y US 3 021 586 A (URUBURU FERNANDO J) 20 February 1962 (1962-02-20) Figures Y DE 19 56 308 Al (OUEPPE HEINZ WILHELM DR) 13 May 1971 (1971-05-13) figure 8 1,2 3,5-9 3,5,6 7,8 Futher document ae tsa inthe continton of Box C. 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