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Global Diversity Lesson Plan

Objectives: For 10th Grade Social Studies Class

W.9.10.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Compose a complete written depiction of one aspect of a fictitious person. (evaluation level)
Create a visually engaging graphic representation highlighting the qualities of the fictitious person. (analysis level)
Recall aspects of other presentations and relate them to himself. (knowledge level)
Multicultural Objectives
Recognize and personalize the diversity of global society.
Increase his awareness of his own distinction in a diverse culture.

Global Diversity Lesson Plan Cont.

Learning Styles
The following will focus on the utilization of auditory, visual, kinesthetic, verbal, and social learning styles.
Linguistic Intelligence
Writing a brief biography.
Speaking with teammates and executing an oral presentation of report.
Listening to other presentations.
Spatial Intelligence
Executing a visually stimulating graphic layout.
Kinesthetic Intelligence
Organize the team in a functional way to allow each student to perform his part of the presentation.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Using empathy and understanding to develop the concept of an individual.
Effectively interacting with members of the team.

Global Diversity Lesson Plan Cont.


PowerPoint presentation GD Slideshow

Word Document:Student Instructions for GD Project 20 copies.
Word Document: GD Draw Slips 1 copy.
Word Document Team Member Assignments for GD Project 4

Computer for each student.

Word Document: GD Quiz 20 copies.

Teacher Instructions

10 minutes.
Divide class into four teams of five. Begin at desk front left corner.
One by one, following rows, each student will count out his number 1-5. All ones will be a team,
twos, etc
Gather in teams.
Allow each team to draw a Draw Slip.
Give each team a copy of Team Member Assignments and 5 copies of Student Instructions.
Show PowerPoint presentation GD Slideshow. Read titles aloud and allow enough time to digest
the pictures.
One hour and 15 minutes.
Follow the instructions to complete assignment.
35 Minutes
Each team will have five minutes (one minute per person/page) to stand before the class (all
together, with their team ) to present the pages of a five slide PowerPoint presentation. Read your
Ask brief questions that clarify any deficiencies in the presentations coverage of the elements from
the instructions.

Global Diversity Lesson Plan Cont.

Teacher Instructions contd.

If necessary, very briefly clarify your information.
At the conclusion of presentations, all students return to their own seats.
Pass out GD Quiz.

Global Diversity Project Grading Rubric

Student provided a coherent description the assigned quality of the teams fictitious person.

40 pts.

Student presented a visually interesting PowerPoint slide to summarize description.


40 pts.

Student worked effectively in team setting.


10 pts.

Score on Global Diversity Project Quiz.


10 pts.


Ferlazzo, L. (2015, March 25). Strategies for Helping Students Motivate Themselves. Retrieved July 22, 2015, from
Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2015, from http://www.teach- no logy.com/worksheets/time_savers/bloom/
Manning, M., & Baruth, L. (2009). Multicultural education of children and adolescents (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Nevada Academic Content Standards. (2013). Retrieved July 22, 2015, from
POV: Lesson Plan. (2013, October 7). Retrieved July 22, 2015, from http://www.pbs.org/pov/brooklyncastle/lesson_plan.php

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