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Sep-Dec 2014 Writing Predictions (updated Sep 6) Important Note: PLEASE READ FIRST This prediction was sourced from LELTS38S. I just flued the grammar and wording issues, Academic/General Task 2 - Level 1 (High Probability) BLUE Werds= Recently, a question similar er exactly the same as this was tested, se youmay like to skip if you don't have time to prepare it. 1. In many countries, airplane tickets prices hawe dropped. Is this a positive or negative situation? ‘Write about your personal experience ar knowledge. a. Aur travel ts cheap these days, allowing ordinary pesple to travel further. Some peaple say ‘thatairtares should be Increased because as increase in plane travel leads to environmental problems Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2 Some people thik that its necessary to travel abroad te learn about ether countries, but ather people think that & is not necessary because all of the Informatson can be seem tram the TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your own aptnion. 3. Sometimes people are rejecting job oppartunities due to their age ar other circumstances. Ls this a negative ar a positive approach’? Give your pinion and provide relevant examples. 4. Some people think zoos are crue! and all zons should be clased. However, some people think nous ‘are useful for protecting rare animals. Niscuss both views and give your own opinion. a. Same people argue that the purpose ef zoos ls only to extertain people. What do you think? ‘What are the ater purposes af sous? 5. Some people believe that mabile phones should be banned in the public, expecially on pubic ‘wansports, in restaurants and cinemas. (thers think that mabile phones should be allowed to be “used anywhere. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. & Mobile phones and the Intemet are very useful. However, It israre for old peaple tn use therm. In what ways could mobile phones and the Internet he useful to old people? How ean ald people be poten vepbared see trshe 7. Wecan get knowledge from news, but-some people think we cannat trust journalists What do you ‘tunic What quale shoul s journalist have? ' = 8. Same peaple argue that teaching children of ditferent abilities together benefits all of them. Others ‘believe thar intelligent children should be taught separately and be given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your awn apinion. 9. Some people believe that unpaid community services [for example, working in acharny, improving the relationship of neighbourhoods, or teaching sports to children) sbauld be a ‘compulsory part af high school programmes. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 101 Advertising encourages consumers ta huy in quantity rather than In quality. Ta what extent da you cagrex or disagree? Sep-Dec 2014 Writing Predictions (updated Sep 6} 11. Some people believe that a country benefits greatly trom a high percentage of young people wha ‘goto university, while others argue that it anly leads ta graduate unemployment. Discuss both ‘Views and give your own opinion, ‘12_Anyone can post information on the Intermet.Some people say most of what we read om the Internet ts inaccurate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 13. Im many countries, tradicional foods are being replaced by international (ast foods. This is havinga negative effect om bart families and societies. Ta what extent do you agree or cisagree? a. Sclentists helieve jum: food has had impact on our health. Some people think that people ‘should be educated to consume less of mt, while others think thar it ls pointless. Discuss bath views and give your own opinion. 14. Same people have great ambitions in life, while athers de not. De you think ambition is important ‘to succeed In life? ix ita pasitive or negative quality to have? Bete re emenhtrsesepeni rsieemnertemet a eoarmtty etn tm ‘scientific research. Do you think the adtvantapes outweigh the praksiort errs obrirpie circles ac disagree? ‘16. Many people believe that the world's mast urgent prablems.can anly be solved by International ‘collaboration To what extent da you agree ar disagree? V7. Many people think wis very important te protect envirenment but they make no effort to do it ‘themselves. Why does this happen? How can tis problem be solved? ‘18..An increase in the production of consumer goods results in the damage to the natural ‘eaviromment. Why isthis case? What can be dane to resolve this problem? 19. Individual greed and selfishness has heen the basis of the madern society. Same peaple think that ‘we must return tolder and mare traditional values af respect for the tanaily and the bocal ‘community inorder to crea a better warld io live in, To what extentdo you agree or disagree? 20. The increase in ised production owes much tn fertilizers and better machinery, but some peaple ‘think that it has a negative Impact oo human health and community. To what exent do you agree vor disagree? 21. Some people think the hest way of reducing crime is ta give langer prison sentences. Others, howeves, think there are other better ways ta reduce crime. Discuss hath views and give your awn ‘opinion. 22. University students always focus. an one specialist subject Same people think universities should “encourage students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. Ta what extemt da: youagree or disagree? 24. Ithhas become mate popular to find out the history of one's famély. What are the reasons far people ‘todo this and de you think ft is a positive or megative development? hie aur Hace boo kom Melb diom ‘Sep-Dec 2014 Writing Predictions (updated Sep 6} 24. Same peaple believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number af sparts facilities, while others believe that it has litte effects so ather measures should be taken ta salve ‘this problem. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 25. Taday’s spartsare turning intn businesses with many companies becaming invatved and evers ‘Browing prize money far the spartspercon. is this a pasitivear negative 246, Some people argue that the fittest and strangest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest ‘success in sports. However, other people thinkthe success is mare related ta mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your awn pinion, 27-Some people think that certain things taught in school are a waste af time, while others den't agree With this. Discuss beth views and give your awn opimion, 2. Inthe modern world. it is no longer necessary tn use animals far food or products, far instance, ‘dothing and medicine. To what extent do you agree ar disagree with this statement? a Some people think it is necessary to use animals to test medicine intended for human use. Others, however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 29, Some animal species such as dinosaurs and the Dodo became extinct because of natural processes. ‘So tis not necessary to try and prevent this from happening. To what extent de you agree or disagree? a There are many extinct species inthe world nowadays. Some people say we should protect them from dying out while others say weshould concesrate more ox. problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your awn opinion. 30. Society Is based on rules and laws It would not function If individuals were free to da whatever ‘they wamt. To what extant do you agree or disagree? 311. Some people say thatta became a good teacher, you should acquire enough tralming, while others ‘say that teaching capabilities cam be developed with experience. Discuss bath views and give your ‘own opinion. 32. Intoday’s warld of advanced science and technology, we stil greatly value our artists such as musicians, palnters, and writers. What.cas arts tell us about life that science and technology cannet? a, Suite peuple give sete importance to artis (paieker, writers, ad mussickans!int this cairn age of ‘ripid dewlopmest af tachsclagy and sears, Why a piu thik this is happening? Du poeple prude art to tckasoligy? 33. In schools and universities, some girk tend to choose art subjects, while hays choose ta study: -seience subjects. What are the reasons? Do yeu think this trend shauld be changed? ‘Sep-Dec 2014 Writing Predictions (updated Sep 6] Academic/General Task 2 - Level 2 (Medium Probability) 1 We are seeing a significant increase in online shopping taday. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Give your own opinion and relevant examples. 2. People continue to commit crimes even after being punished far it. Why de you think this happens? ‘How can crime be stepped? 3. Schools don’t give proper bealth education te young penple. Ta what extent do you agree or disagree with this starement? 4. Many developing countries are currently expanding thelr tourist industries Why is this the ease? Ix ita positive development? 5. Insome cultures, the old age ts more valued, while in some cultures the youth is mare valued. Discuss bech views and give your opinion, 6 Nowadays many parems are sending their children abroad ta acquire good education. Discuss thee advantages and the disadvantages af this trend and give your awn apimian. 7. ‘Team activities cam teach mare skills fur life than these activities that are played alone. To what extent do. you agree or disagree? & Insome countries, boarding schools are getting more popular. ls Ita pasitive ar negative development? What are the reasons behind It? 5. Inmany cities, planners have separated schools, homes, shops, and aifices inte specitic areas that are separated by a large distance. Do you think the advantages of this policy ounweigh the disadvantages ta the city’s residents? ‘10.Same belleve advertisement is useful and informative. Others think itis incorrectand only helps to raise prices. Discuss both views and give your ewn apinian. ‘U1.tn some countries young people at the age al eighteen are considered adults and can drive a car, ‘vote, and get married, while ether countries don't allow these. What do you think is the best age to ‘be considered as an adult? 12. Same people believe that cell phones should be for personal use only. Others, however, fee! that ‘cell phones should be used mostly for work. Discuss hath views and give your own apinion, 13. Same people think the foreign visitors should be changed mare than the lncal visitors whem they visit the cultural and historical attractions in another country. To what extent do you agree cr disagree? 14. Some people think the main benefit of imernational cooperation ts in the protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefit is in world business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion, 15. Salving environmental prablems should be the responsibility af one lange International ‘organization Instead of the state or national government's. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Mn fur face book.com felts juny Sep-Dec 2024 Writing Predictions (updated Sep 6) . Some people believe that the government spends boo much money on developing space ‘exploration technologies. They believe there are many other things that the government should address instead. To what extent da you agree or disagree? ‘There are an imereasing number of anti-social behaviours an recent years. Peapie generally believe ‘thatthe society is to blame for this. What do you think the causes are and whois responsible for this? ‘Some people claim that publié museums. and art galleries will not he needed because people cam see historical abjects.and works of art by using computers or television. Ta whatextent do you agree or disagree? (Air transportation Is increasing!y used to export many types of frults and wegetables to countries ‘where they cannot be grownorare aut ofseason Same people say this is a gned thing, but other people think it cannot be justified Diseass both views and give yaur awn epimian. ‘Some people think about learning a toreige Language but cannot use ir frequently: What are the difficulties that people face wile learning a foceign language? What can be dane to overcome them? fa product 4s of good quality and meets people's aeeds, people willbuy it, Therefore, advertising Is unnecessary and is no move than a type of entertainment. To what extent de you agree ar disagree? We have entered a throwsaway society and have filled the environment with rubbish. What are the ‘causes and what are some-solutions? Many people believe that university students should pay tuition fees in full, because they are ‘gaining education for their own benefit and mot for the society. To what extentdo you agree or disagree? Detatied descriptions of crimeson newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on the society, sothis kind of information should be restricted inthe media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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