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Evolution of Computers


Computers, like everything they too have a beginning.
They didnt all start with the P.Cs we use today (and
macs too) they all started with something simple so
simple as a tablet. This wasnt just like the ones we see
and use today, these were stone tablets, they would
carve into to them to save/record data. So follow as we
show you The Evolution of Computers!

The Beginning of Computers

(The word computer just means to compute not

just a screen that is wire up) When the 1st
computer was invented it wasnt all wired up like
they are today, it started with just a simple tablet
for keeping records at around 4000 B.C. This was
used for recording commercial transactions in the
civilization of Sumer.

Most of the early computer such as the ones in

late 4000 B.C. were used for calculations and
data records such as the Wire and Beads (1300),
the Antikythera(1643), and the early calculator
the Pascalene(79 A.D).

The Difference Engine 1823

As time moved on the Difference engine was
created which could calculate the difference of
numbers making math a little bit easier than it
was, this wouldve been the case if he had been
able to complete it in his time. The machine was
completed in 2002.

The Z3 1936
Skip to over a century to the z3,this was the
better version of the z1 and z2 which were
failures. The z3 was the first programmable and
automatic computer. It was made to do statistical
analysis for wing flutters. It was used mostly in
WWII by the Germans but was later destroyed by
an air raid by the Allied Powers

Manchester Small-Scale
Experimental Machine 1948

Now skip about 10 years the M.S.S.E.M was the

stored program computer but it wasnt made for
the civilian use it was made to test the Williams
Tube (which was to which was the 1st kind ram
(random access memory) both were steps into
the modern computer! It ran its 1st program in
1948. Also the store memory feature made it
easier to not need to rewrite programs to perform
a new function.

Xerox 914 1959

Ok now about 10 more years later the Xerox 914
was introduced by Xerox this was the 1st
commercial printer. The copy machine used
electricity to process images .It was brought out
for the people to buy in 1959.

The clay-1 was the 1st supercomputer (which is
able to compute multiple amounts of tasks). Cray
(the man who is given credit for the creation of
the computer) sold 100 of these at about 8
million per unit / per supercomputer.

Lisa (Apple)
This was the 1st personal computer to offer G.U.I
(graphical user interface). The Lisa was not as
successful being only that apple sold 100,000 of
them. The name comes from the name apple gave
it Local Integrated System Architecture/Lisa.

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