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Baranowski 1

Alexandra Baranowski
Carolyn Holloway
English 2010
4 August 2015
Open Minded
Why cant humans accept each other for who they are? Why did Supreme Court have to
step in to officially make it legal for same-sex couples to get married nation wide? On June 25th
2015, same sex marriage was legalized and
passed by the Supreme Court. This ruling allows
same sex couples to get married in all 50 states
of the United States of America. Why did it take
so long to finally recognize the union of two
people who were the same sex? Well, I think it
had a little to do with the religious views of nearly
every religion.
In most religions, the union of marriage is
between a man and a woman. But does this view
of marriage have to apply to everyone who
doesnt see marriage and love the same way? As
Seen in this chart, we see that there are religions
that are for same sex marriage. The green strip
shows what Americans think in general and 54%
are for and 38 are against. Mormons are one of
the lowest supporting religions in the United
States. Only 17% are for and 75% are against.

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In the Constitution, Freedom of Religion allows everyone in the Untied States to practice
their religion however they wish. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; (Amendment I) This allows churches to teach
their beliefs and the members to follow said beliefs. This does not give the right to deny the
beliefs of others outside of ones religion. This also doesnt give the right to deny the legal
benefits that come with marriage licenses.
To be married legally, protects both
spouses. Legal marriage allows the
following: Property inheritance if no will,
hospital visits and medical decisions if one
is too ill to make the decision, joint
insurance policies, annuities, pension plans,
Social Security, divorce protection, property
tax in case one passes, domestic violence
intervention, file for joint bankruptcy and more. (Kade) By being seen as married by the state
and government, the married couples are legally protected.
Im not saying that churches have to accept this new ruling. In the Salt Lake Tribune,
there was an article talking about how the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints sent out a letter
to church officials that said that they were not allowing same-sex marriage in temples or offering
services They would continue to teach that a marriage is a union between only a man and a
woman. (Stack) Religions in America have the right to practice what they believe without
anyone telling them they cant. That would be against the law and the Constitution. But now,
denying people the right to get married to the same sex will have the same protection of the law.
So why was this equality being suppressed for so long? Why did it take nine years, May 17th
2004, when Massachusetts legalized gay marriage to finally have the Supreme Court make a

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ruling so that the rest of the Nation, all 13 states that were still suppressing it as of 2015, to
allow same-sex marriage?
Religion, although a great place for learning morals and obtaining human peace, can
be unmoving in the current of social change. Society is constantly changing and the views of the
people are constantly changing. Women werent allowed to vote until August 18th 1920.
(History.com) Blacks werent allowed to vote until August 6th 1965. (Leadership Conference)
The Supreme Court had to make a ruling back in 1967 that would allow different ethnicities to
get married. (ACLU)
So why cant we all have an open mind and an open heart? Isnt that one thing that
religion teaches us so well, This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have
loved you. (John 15:12)
There are so many people
in this world that wont
have the same beliefs as
you. The sooner we all
accept that and move
forward the more love and
open minds we will have to

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Works Cited
Kade, Allison. How Does Marriage Impact Your Finances? Tax Benefits and More. LearnVest,
Jan 18, 2011. Web. July 29, 2015. <http://www.learnvest.com/2011/01/the-mostimportant-decisions-youll-ever-make-marriage-edition/>.

U.S. Constitution. Amend. I.

John. The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford UP, 1989. Print.

Stack, Peggy Fletcher. "Top Mormon Leaders Sending Letter to Members, Reaffirming God's
Law against Same-sex Marriage." The Salt Lake Tribune. The Salt Lake Tribune, 30
June 2015. Web. 29 July 2015. <http://www.sltrib.com/home/2682018-155/top-mormonleaders-sending-letter-to>.

"Loving v. Virginia: The Case Over Interracial Marriage." American Civil Liberties Union.
American Civil Liberties Union, n.d. Web. 29 July 2015. <https://www.aclu.org/loving-vvirginia-case-over-interracial-marriage>.

"Supreme Court Defends Womens Voting Rights." History.com. A&E Television Networks,
2010. Web. 29 July 2015. <http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/supreme-courtdefends-womens-voting-rights>.

"History of the VRA." The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. The Leadership
Conference, n.d. Web. 29 July 2015. <http://www.civilrights.org/votingrights/vra/history.html>.

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