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1 Saleh Operational Details of Malaysia Response Spectrum by Engr. Daniel T. W. Looi co On behalf of the study group: MC Hee, EP Lim, A. Zuhal, Nelson Lam, HH Tsang Cl u Engr. DANIEL T. W. LOOL, Grad. EM Daniel Looi is @ PhD candidate in University of Hong Kong under supervision of, Prof. Ray Su, researching on earthquake and structural engineering, Prior to = postgraduate study, he worked as a structural application engineer serving both high-rise building and plant industry. Around 5 years of experiencé, he has done numerous demonstration, training and professional consultancy to various companies in South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Middle East. He is actively involved in IEM C&S WGI committee for Malaysia EC8 earthquake code annex drafting, eee 7 feral eee ae C2 fe ot 4 co es sane eS feet eee eee eee 02/02/2015 2-DAY INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP on Presentation and Reviewing of the Draft Malaysian National Annex for Eurocode8 9-10 February 2015 Operational details of Malaysia Response Spectrum Daniel Looi, on behalf of the study group: MC Hee, Nelson Lam, HH Tsang, EP Lim and AZ Zacem Contents . [1. -Construction of RS on rock and stiff soil 2. Construction of RS on flexible soil 3. Table of spectral shape 4, The equivalent static load method 5. Further steps for more accurate assessments q L 02/02/2015 0 RS presented in different format: Acceleration RS (Se) aweac Sydeoet and Displacement RS (Spe) £08 (5)P Depicted Conlin (SB |The ewe dglosuna pene specs S(T) al duel by eet ‘ansomion of he catie selaon expe jeom, 87) os ta ese ‘Sree E.Lumantaraa,N. Lam 8.4. Wilson (2013) Decide on Importance class Table 3a_Design PGA on rock sites for Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak Importance | Importance Descriptions Cousidered PGA ‘Class Factor (g's) T as Minor constructions 0.06 (8x0.07) T TO ‘Ordinary buildings 0.07 individual dwellings of shops in tow Reference tise buildings) _fGi iia 2 Buildings of large oceupancies 008 (condominiums. shopping centres. (0.20.07) schools and public buildings) VF is Lifeline built facilities 0.10 (hospitals. emergency services. power | Design PGA plants and commmmication facilities) | _ comsistent with RP of 2500 years) ———— Q O co a c co u anno co a co o ca loco Ee (Cae) ea) | ane eee Ona Cree eG nee mc 02/02/2015 Decide on Importance class (cont’d) Table 3b_ Design PGA on rock sites for Sabah Importance | Tnportance Descriptions Considered PGA. Class Factor (2's) T Os Minor constructions O10 (08x01 Tr 1.0 Ordinary buildings 0.12 Gindividual dwellings or shops in tow Reference tise buildings) isa TT 12 Buildings of large occupancies 0.14 (condominiums. shopping centres. 2012) schools and public buildings) Vv 1s Lifeline built facilities (hospitals. emergency services. power plants aul communication facilities) RD ot2s00 wae) a Construction of RS on rock Proposed Elastic Response Spectrum Model (2,500 years) for the whole Malaysia & for all ground types Definition of Displacement RS: e vor. Tete: SAM SSATOXT HTS (UM) stem ToSTS Ty: Soe(T) * SolTo) xT! To Peninsular OA T2T: SoM)" So(To}+mx(T-Te)\ Sarawak 0.1) Accsaraon RS: 9,1) «S(T x eP 0.18 a1! UIST ASEAN RE MME TS Floble Sol(FS) 05-10" Sol .8TIXS- my 36 12% 15To * Tee ni (alsa) ste natal pte, + For Te> 4.0, o deposi consisting of at ast 10 mck of cyst with a igh : Plott nde P> 0), dame ee response aalaes sal be peromee : 3 nis 02/02/2015 | | Construction of RS on rock (cont’d) Definition of Displacement RS: Hso3s: fo3sts125s: t fo.3 1.03, or dagosits consisting of at least 101m thick of clays with a high plasticity index (PI > 50), dynamic ste response analysos shall be performed, : Fiedbie So FS) 68-75 Construction of RS on Stiff Soil (SS) (cont'd) Definition of Displacement RS: TST: Sae(T)= S(T) x T2/ (TeTo) To$T £ To: SpalT) = Sp(To) xT! To, T2 Tp: Soe(T) = So(Ty) + mx (T-T) Acceleration RS: S,(T) = Sog(T) x (2x/T? Wts03s: SoolO.3 s) x18 = 24 x15x 037 (03x12) = 8.6 mmt O3STSi1.25s: So(225 s)xL5 = 24x48 x125/125 =36 mm 103sTs125: Le 02/02/2015 Construction of RS on Stiff Soil (SS) (cont?d) Continuation of Step i and 2: Calculate for whole range of So and Se(0T 43) 1 sete “Tie STEP 3: Graph of Soc) and S317) Contents 1, Construction of RS on rock and stiff soil 2, Construction of RS on flexible soil 3. Table of spectral shape 4. The equivalent static load method 5. Further steps for more accurate assessments | (eae) (oxic) (aan Heeger ea J c ca 9 Cede red toned a co = J (aso eee eco ee Hed eer ca ca ca ca ca 02/02/2015 Construction of RS on Flexible Soil (FS) Proposed Elastic Response Spectrum Model (2,500 years) Jor the whole Malaysia & for all ground types Defriton of Ciplacement RS: TSTe! SoaT)=Sy(Ta) xT? /(TeTo) TeST ST: Sof) = S5(%0)XT/ To T2Te! S(T) = Sy(Ta)+ mx (T=To) ‘Acctteralion RS: 8,(T} = Soa(T)x (267 Rock (R) Stif Soll (SS) "Tes the inal (smal-strai) ste natural perc. * For 7,2 1.0, or dopasits consisting ofa feast 101m thick of clayssits with 3 high pasts index (PI > 80), dynamic ste response snalyses shal be performed. | Construction of RS on Flexible Soil (FS) (cont’d) Definition of Displacement RS: TSTe: — Soa(T) = So{Tp) x T?/ (TeT od P ToS TST! Spo(T) = SplTo) XT! To Soo(T) = So(To) + mx (T-To)) 15, thus Te= 1.2/0.5) =0.6s T= 15 (05) =075 s Sou{ To) = Sool0.75 5) = 243% 9.75/1.25 = 14,4 mm STEP 1: Example for calculation of SoaT) Te05s 06515075 5; SoWf0.75 s)x3.6 = 14. T2075 Sool 3) x36 = [14.44 0% 40.75] x36 io Irs06s: 10657075 s: Ere 075s - q 02/02/2015, foo Construction of RS on Flexible Soil (FS) (cont’d) 9 Cataltefor hele ang fSoand (0s 45) STEP 3 Graph of ST and ST) i Ta S@_ Te) se Te stl 4 nay Day L ca] cael Sa] San BI f on] oso U om] oar 9 u nq we Ree n u Demo the RS on a spreadsheet q for the use in design office 9 ou q us mn U co 02/02/2015 Cc ea ea Contents 1. Construction of RS on rock and stiff soil oe 2. Construction of RS on flexible soil i 3._ Table of spectral shape UG 4, The equivalent static load method cl 5. Further steps for more accurate assessments i : Qn u i Table of spectral shape Ul 4 Can we further it for quick ; hand calculation? u nt u co Suggested Table of spectral shape eR ees ce seb elee eb (enlarged) ese 02/02/2015 Contents 1. Construction of RS on rock and stiff soil 2. Construction of RS on flexible soil 3. Table of spectral shape The equivalent static load method | 5. Further steps for more accurate assessments 10 ~ J fe eee ) Ree coe eee eee ae east mmm eo Cc ser roe) Heol eer tH tooo) Hc): 02/02/2015 The equivalent static method Hospital building sits on a Flexible Soil (FS) site ‘Step 1: Importance class 1¥, use 2500-year return period RS + 10 story + Typical = 3.75 m + Building density=3.5 kN/m* * Concrete grade C30/37 + Columns500 x 690 mm + Beams 400x600 mm + Walls 250 min 32m o- iam an ad sit =O? Ngo van TN og aco 02/02/2015, wee Oy to yoy ve We “~ a on 0 Step 2: Calculate site 7s q aie = 8 u BL Sie Se 9 Bye ete b ert u By : i T= 4 yl Vs n Ble = 4x 42/241.6 ae a 1s =0.7s in ial n us 7 J g 7 U 7 u aa coy 12° u Co ret rc ee crac eed Hee eee ce) cece Hoe cz ca REE Eee Sea — Very eck Laorrs (xq Boerne) esr ued Se ae fo erste 02/02/2015 sihewatae\ (zie | Step 4: Estimate building natural period T= 0.05 x H%0.75) = 0.05 x 37.54(0.75)= 0.85 (from EC 8) Hence, Se = 0.33g and Sve = 52.7 mm 3s 933 g- | —teatncuiso : oe 1 Hed ws. we t ~- Eee 1 ey 3B 020 1 eal] Fas fa A ae : ji 005 t i fl a 4 0 Soe ya 0 eam fee Se Step 5: Calculate base shear Fs of building Mass per floor = Densityxarea xH / (no. oF floor) 3.8 x14.x32537.5 /10 = S880 KN = 588 ton/flr sam: “Total mass = S88 x 10 » 5880 ton Fe Sex A xTotal mass 3 = 0.33g 0.8 x 5880 ton= 15194 KN Step 6: Distribute base shear aa NCS ¢ ere ort dre cf 23 aay ae we oa [apmattictlt sent eet 8 | so bed ast a] ae ase o | ms ianod s | ine toe «| so ‘aad 2] sce 2 | 4s “ i |e asd 3390700.0 735150" ca-15104 kv wee 2B g 02/02/2015 4] n U Contents J 1. Construction of RS on rock and stiff soil q 2. Construction of RS on flexible soil q 3. Table of spectral shape 7 u 4. The equivalent static load method q 5. Further steps for more accurate assessments ca] n nq n u [coninue from equivalent Step /: Analyse the structure to get deflection n u Approximate simplify the 3D structure to XZ plane frame for this demo 7. 7 : u ; if ae = fll a — em aa u 20 structure Simtedpnen? "SEES oetecon a it 02/02/2015 Step 8: Calculate Step 9: Calculate ‘| effective displacement effective mass [zee $F} eal = 43444.3/539.1 ng = (Sea). (ee) "iy ™, my ae mm Lng 23, 6; tren) _ 8; Fm) = 588 x 539,1/43444,3 117.4 13782.76 = 3934 ton 302.3 10865.29 a7 7586.41 Associated Se = Fa / may ma sted yen s7a 3260.41 poy 429 18ena i 239 84.01 fy 384 33856 | 92 8464 287.84 539.1 434443 foe 1 fe a ca oa ca foo Step 10: Calculate as effective stiffness aa keg = Faf bet = 15194/(81/1000) = 187580 kN/m at Step 11: Calculate [tg [22 Tyg = 2a, “ Ng = 2n V(3934/187580) a» I = 0.918 7 a 2 15 02/02/20151 | The comparison of improvement & iteration 050 ee 4s Pee ee oo (g__—Tesesattsie 0759 & 03s 030 02s 020 ois 10 00s ooo ow ama) ast Se(s) 039° 0305-218 Soe (mm) 81 622-232 The comparison of improvement & iteration Step 12: Calculate improved Fa Feimp. = Se xXx Total mass = 0.305g x 0.8 x 5880 ton = 14075 kN ee Folk) 15194 4075-74 Step 13: Distribute improved base shear Roof Dit 1174 1087-74 Aah (orm) keeper ET Pas aaah >| 3: mel ae i] eo ad os s | 23 Seg ae i] S fe 2] a Ga fe 2] is Mog Se imate} oo ao (Cred Peed dt od co co RSE (ca = C SEH s C > moo oO Om Ooo ee aca ao 02/02/2015 End of presentation on &) Operational details of Malaysia Response Spectrum Daniel Lovi, on behalf of the study group: MC Hee, Nelson Lam, HH Tsang, EP Lim and AZ Zaeem 7 BSH Dee rer ieee ieee ee eee eee eee tr [3 Co tc

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