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Patrice Guerra
EDU 225
Mr. M

Technology to Support Communication.

Part 2: Communications Plan

It is no longer a privilege to be connected in the classroom it is a necessity.
With that being said, more classroom are equipped with laptops and tablets.
As teachers successfully introduce technology into the classroom it will be
transformed from an isolated neighborhood to a global communication
center. As individuals become digital literate, it will enhance the
communication in the classroom with the global community, parents and
"This generation of students is unlike any we've educated before, because
they have been raised in a world drastically different from their parents and
most teachers." Writes Kathy Koch (Lenz, B. 2005, August). The digitally
linked world we live in today presents new obstacles but also offers new
opportunities that have never been offered. To become successful in the
future, students must know how to be collaborative with others with in their
community as well as globally (Lenz, B. 2005, August). Creating an
atmosphere that allows students to explore a global community in the
classroom will allow for open communication and a more relaxed atmosphere
for learning.
When parents are involved in their childrens education, students do better.
Overcoming common obstacles parents experience will help bridge the gap
between educators and care givers. Schools have connected with families
with computers and the Internet- combining this with providing training in
digital literacy and teachers who are will to keep parents engaged will bring
the school community closer and help fix the generational divide. As the
nations attention increases on education and technology so does the
urgency on investing in classroom technology, as well as, linking schools to
learning surroundings within a students home to empower parents to help
support their childs education. Investing in this will not only offer a betterrounded student but a generation of parents who have skills that will take
them into the 21st century (Empowering Parents. 2007, October).
Students of the 21st century are technologically advanced, so teachers who
believe that using computers and basic skills on the internet is offering
technology in the classroom need to understand how children identify with
technology. Technology is imbedded in the culture of todays generation and
to be able to communicate with them we must understand the importance of
technology. Technology literacy is a skill that students will need in the future,

with that being said, educators of today should help them understand how to
use it. Educating students about the appropriate use and the consequences
of inappropriate applications of technology is a skill educators need to
embrace. If educators take the time to embrace and plan the technology
they will use in the classroom, it will allow for a more enriched classroom
experience and skilled students (Kuntz, B. 2005, June).
The need for technology in the classrooms to enhance communication
between parents and students is essential to create a well-rounded global
citizen. As educators embrace the ever changing technology it will help
students will become successful, productive members of the future. When
teachers include parents or care givers in this process it only enhances the
learning. With that being said, technology is the key to good communication
between parents, students and the global community.

Empowering Parents. (2007, October 1). Retrieved August 3, 2015, from


Kuntz, B. (2005, June 1). Membership. Retrieved August 3, 2015, from


Lenz, B. (2005, August). How to Go Global in Your Classroom. Retrieved

August 2, 2015, from http://www.edutopia.org/technology-global-classroom

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