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Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:31 AM

Comment [1]: Cool start, Yixuan. One q,

though: it comes off as a bit strange that
you're referencing the end of the interview
at the beginning of this paper. Can you
think about including *why* you've chosen
to do this?

Yixuan Liu
English 201
Zack De Piero
July.27 2015
Why Audience and Purpose in Photography?
Do you think a photographer needs a philosophy to take pictures? I
asked Olivia Parker during the end of the interview. When photographers and
writers are doing their job, they tend to have their own purpose to relate every
specific information in order to complete an idea. For writer, this is a complicated
and time consuming process to carefully thinking so that the final writing evokes
readers emotional response. So do photographers. Visual works are produced for
people to think. In this case, after all writing is done and all pictures are framed,
it is time for their targeted audience to review their works to decide the
masterpiece. But, its having a clear purpose and targeted audience to help you in
producing masterpiece? In my opinion, having your targeted audience and a clear
purpose to work may effectively benefit the thinking process, idea building, and
accomplishing job in photography and writing field. Whether or not you are clear
about who you are communicating with, audience would experience the first
order and second order thinking in a second.
Thanks to Chuck Place and Olivia Parker who kindly offering me the
opportunity to interview them. They are two totally different style photographers
who I like in the still life and tabletop photography. Their words strongly support
this paper.

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:33 AM

Comment [2]: I think you might be
missing a big point here, Yixuan: a lot of
what we've been covering this quarter has
been that many different professionals
*are writers* too. Photographers *are*
writers. Directors *are* writers to some
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:35 AM
Comment [3]: Very true. Is it worth
relating this to genres/conventions?
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:37 AM
Comment [4]: I think you want
"produced" here. Grammar is super tricky,
but try to keep your verb tense consistent - if you're writing in the past tense, try to
keep most of this in the past tense.
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:38 AM
Comment [5]: Your opinion doesn't really
matter in an academic "research-based
argument" paper. You'll win over your
audience/reader with evidence.
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:38 AM
Comment [6]: Who is the audience?
What is the purpose? And what
genres/documents are you referencing?

Get specific.
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:39 AM
Comment [7]: Who is "you"? Me?
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:39 AM
Comment [8]: I need more of a specific,
driving thesis statement, Yixuan. What,
exactly, are you going to be arguing here?
And what specific points are you going to
use to make that case? What
genres/documents are you going to be
analyzing? What audience(s) are you/they
focusing on?
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:44 AM
Comment [9]: Thanking people within a
paper isn't really the place to do it... it's
distracting to your argument, which
weakens the overall effectiveness.

I'd also like you to think about your
structure/organization: you mentioned
Olivia in your first sentence, then didn't say
anything more about her. Now you're
mentioning her and Chuck, but not really
providing more details about them... ... [1]

Chuck Places photography is more about pictures of tasty food and

beautiful restaurants, with some food culture and travel photos. Clearly, Chuck
thinks about his purpose and audience when producing his work- presenting a
good-looking food picture to attract clients to work with him and, to make
customers want to serve that food. Because of that, Chuck is popular with food
photography in Santa Barbara as well as other photographic fields worldwide.
On the other side, the experience of talking with Olivia makes me feel art
is everything for her. With a bachelor of History of Art, Olivia has deeply been
influenced with every piece of artwork in the past and even from different culture.
Being as a Still Life Fine Art photographer, her photography is more likely
towards to the aesthetic world which makes people think . She is living in her
own world for 35 years that her ideas are so strong, no one declines on her. Art
communicates with people differently, this is how Olivia insists on making art for
decades and decades.
Every choices we made were either being all-around thinking or
spontaneous.There are two thinking processes that function in two completely

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:45 AM

Comment [10]: This is decent, Yixuan,
but I need you to get a *lot* more specific.
What pictures? Of what food? Could you
describe them? What restaurants?
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:46 AM
Comment [11]: When I read this topic
sentence -- which should "anchor" the
main idea of the paragrpah, I'm not really
sure how this will connect with your main
argument. How does this paragraph
enhance your overalll argument in a
meaningful way? Whatever the answer to
that question is, it should be previewed in
your topic sentence.
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:49 AM
Comment [12]: It might be interesting
and useful to take a paragraph to explain
the differences between still ife and
restaurant/food photographers. How/why
are they so different? Why do they make
such an interesting comparison?
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:52 AM
Comment [13]: I'm not sure what you
mean here.

different ways to make people think. According to Elbow, first order thinking is a
fast, non strive for conscious or control and a relax vigilance. However, second
order thinking is a slow, thoughtful and a controlled thinking process. In this
case, that means when we are reading an article or looking at a picture, we are are
thinking and consciously relates the story to ourselves. Or, we just quickly glance
through without picking up the main idea. In the photography and writing
condition, whether or not you have a clear targeted audience and purpose, the
reader may experience one of these thinking processes.

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:56 AM

Comment [14]: I think you're close here,
but I'm still not quite certain where you're
going with the 1st and 2nd order thinking
and *how it pertains to your argument.*

i think you might need to take a step back
and consider *what, exactly, you're
arguing.* what are you trying to convince
me of? What data (interview info or
artifacts/documents) can you use to do
that? These are the most important
questions that you need to think about.

Effectively understanding the purpose and audience of each of the

assignments, Chuck produces specific work for publications and clients that allow
the reader to think without effort- they want the food to be in front of them. This

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:56 AM

Comment [15]: What assignments?
Again: be *suuuuuuper specific.*

is one of the reasons how he had made several publications about tourist books
and thousands of food related pictures. Chuck claims that [he] also blogs to keep
people updated about who [he is] and what [does he does]. According to
<Crafting Messages for Electronic Media>, identify an audience that is broad

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:57 AM

Comment [16]: So he's got a blog? This
could be a perfect artifact to analyze here.
Why aren't you doing that??

enough to justify the efforts and narrow enough to have common interests.
Therefore, audience [will] relate to their fresh approach and often build closer
emotional bonds with the blogger as a result (Ch7). Chuck also expresses that, I
tried to keep my blogs easy to understand. I put my experience of eating the food
that I just photographed and how I was being treated in the restaurant. I think
this not only builds a reputation of the restaurant but also my pictures. In this
case, Chuck uses his own writing skills to help people further understand the fact
behind the pictures- allowing the audience to think in first order thinking

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:58 AM

Comment [17]: OK, I love this. This is
precise -- it's Chuck explaining a specific
piece of his work. I want a lot more of this!
Zack De Piero 7/28/15 4:59 AM
Comment [18]: Are these Chuck's
words? If so, you need to put them in

without conscious. For example, Chuck explains in his blog about a recent shot in
a restaurant, as far as Im concerned, however, a good meal is much more than
fuel for our bodies. Its relaxing, its interesting and its an adventure. The cost is
actually reasonable when you consider that you are sampling a particular chefs
creative expression (Granada Bistro). A simple journal of a shooting experience
may evoke the desire of having the food from his audience.
However, different from Chuck Place, Olivia is a vicarious watcher who is
carefully observing her surrounding environment for a potential purpose. She is
always ready to be inspired by letting her brain go free. One thing that Olivia does

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:00 AM

Comment [19]: Nice job here. The
"however" you used at the beginning of
this sentence signals to me that you're
going to *shift* the comparison of your
ideas and show how they are
dissimilar/unlike. Nice job.

to help her think and create is by drawing. She has been taking painting and
drawing classes; due to her childhood, her nanny always took her to museum and
gallery. All the paints in her memory built up a visual world to support her fine
art and still life photography, so she just scratches her ideas out. I am just letting
my thoughts fly she explains. Then I carefully asked, does this mean you are not
intend to have your work communicate with people or to express your thoughts?
At first I thought that good work had to communicate my exact ideas to
an audience. Wrong. I now know that every piece of art will communicate with

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:03 AM

Comment [20]: I'd like you to remind me
how this relates back to your overall
argument. What do these details show
about your overall point(s)?

each person in its audience in a different way. Each one of us has an accumulated
frame of reference that I call a circle of meaning, she paused and said, My circle
and your circle are not likely to overlap perfectly. Both of us will have private
knowledge that remains outside the common area of overlap, as well as the
overlapped area where communication takes place, Olivia elaborates her
thoughtful thinking on her essay as well as telling me her belief. I strongly agree
with her standpoint that folk looks at pictures differently. Actually, people may
have a totally different interpretation of todays news, a newly released movie
and even a worldwide policy. Carrying all conscious, specific and directed

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:03 AM

Comment [21]: What essay? Can you
analyze it at all?

You haven't really analyzed any *artifacts*
in this paper yet, Yixuan. You absolutely
need to.

thinking, Olivia embraces her belief into making Fine Art Photography where her
works are being established in galleries for people to stop, observe, and thinkthis is also where second order thinking takes place. Even Olivia does not have a
targeted audience, she has more freedom to make art which could have different
meanings to different kinds of people. To her, it is a very interesting purpose to
just hear people with opposite opinions on a single picture that she created. Does
not having a targeted audience matters to Olivia? The answer is already stated.

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:05 AM

Comment [22]: This is interesting and
important. I'd like you to think of a way to
make 1st/2nd order thnking more of a
*consistent thread* throughout your paper.

Also, where's your tie in to the Elbow "1st
and 2nd Order Thinking" piece? This
would be a perfect fit.

As I mentioned before, Chuck spent most of his time dealing with clients
but Olivia is dealing with galleries- two completely different thinking and writing
process is involved. Chuck proclaims that Photography is not only about taking
picture, there is a significant part takes place in marketing when you could sell
your work in a better price- writing a treatment. Writing a treatment to explain
your intention in the creation of the photo with regard to concept and
communication. It involves details of what you will create the image, and more
importantly, why you are creating this image. You also need to include the
concept description and purpose in the treatment along with detail of the
emotional response you want to achieve from the audience. A treatment is where
audience, purpose, first order thinking and second order thinking all occur both
in reading and writing. This is a strong relationship between having a clear
picture of what you are doing and how well it will be. In this way, Chuck makes
his own photography business goes smoothly and successfully as he clearly
understand who he is presenting to and why is it significant to present.
_____Add Reading materials about Purpose_______
In Fine Art Still Life Photography, when Olivia is producing her work, it is
a different way than any other photographers who work with Art directors or
clients and they already have their own ideas and shot list. Olivia notes, while we
are working on visual images occurs in the realm of visual thinking and it cant
necessarily be translated into the verbal. I tend to switch back and forth between
a visual-intuitive mode and an editorial-verbal mode. By this means, Olivia
would walk around in her store room and poked around her collected objects. She
would pick up one thing and then observed, first order thinking about how could

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:05 AM

Comment [23]: Great! These "notes to
self" are incredibly important.

[I] make this dull thing active. And then, second order thinking went to make a
scratch, talked to herself , think about possible ways to make it alive. Further, she
would think verbally and visually back and forth to get the essential idea. For
Olivia, writing will be used after she has done with her work- to note down the
idea and feeling that she had when produced this series of work. Then how is
Olivia tells story with her pictures? I believe when Olivia is producing her works,
there is a conceptual idea behind every series of her art. Olivia deeply
understands how she is as an artists and how to express communication through
her art. She is outstanding.
As an artist, Olivia Parker always believes that the more you work, the more
likely you will develop your own way of thinking, and own way of styling. So, keep
photographing. Same philosophy applies to writing. Even if you tend to write or
photographs without having a potential audience, there is chance that your works
will communicate with the reader in their own way- involving the second order
thinking. Or, like Chuck Place, understanding the importance of purpose and
audience will decide the quality of your work.

Zack De Piero 7/28/15 5:06 AM

Comment [24]: You're doing a great job
of explaining what you mean here and
how it all connects. Nice.

Interview with Chuck Place and Olivia Parker
Chuck Place Photograohy Website: http://chuckplacephotography.com
Chuck Place Blog Website: https://chuckplacephotography.wordpress.com
Olivia Essay Website: http://oliviaparker.com/blog/?page_id=9
Elbow, Peter. Embracing Contraries: Explorations in Learning and Teaching. New
York: Oxford U WOress, 1986.
Ch 7 - Crafting Messages for Electronic Media
Granada Bistro, San Luis Obispo

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