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Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES ON LAWS OF BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 1. Using Boolean algebra techniques, simplify AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C). Solution; The following is not necessarily the only approach. Step 1: Apply the Distributive law to the second & last terms in the expression, AB + AB + AC + BB + BC Step 2: Apply (BB=B) to the fourth term, AB + AB + AC + B+ BC Step 3: Apply (AB+AB=AB) to the first two terms, AB + AC + B + BC Step 4: Apply (B+BC=B) to the last two terms, AB + AC + B Step 5: Apply (4B+B=B) to the first & third terms. B + AC Therefore, AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C) is reduced to B+ AC. (NOTE: The least number of logical steps to solve this problem is the best solution.) 2. Simplify A’BC + AB°C’ + A°B°C’ + AB’C + ABC. Solution Step 1: Factor BC out of the first & last terms, BC(A’ + A) +AB‘C’ + A’B'C’ + ABC. Step 2: Apply (A’ + A=1) to the term in parentheses, factor AB’ from the second & last terms, BCU) +B (C'+ C) +A BC Step 3: Drop the 1 to the first term & (C” + C=1) to the term in parentheses, BC + AB'(1) + 4°B'C’ Step 4: Drop the 1 to the second term, BC + AB’ +4'B'C’ Step 5: Factor B’ from the second & last terms, BC+ B(A+4C’) step 6: Apply (A + ’C’=A + C’) to theterm in parentheses, BC + B'(A+C") Step 7: Use the Distributive & Commutative laws, BC + AB’ + B°C’ Therefore, A’BC + AB’C’ + A’B°C’ + AB’C + ABC = BC + AB’ + B°C’ 3. ProvethatA+A’B=A+B. A. This rule can be proved as follows: B. The proof can also be carried by Truth table such as: (A+AB)+AB=% — (fromA=A+AB) 7 ae ee (AA +AB)+A'B=? (since = Aa) Cr 3 (AA +AB)+0+AB=2 (recall X+0=X) ofayaja] a a (AA + AB) + (AA’ + A’B) = ? (bec. AA’ = 0) titel 3 } } (A+AVA+B)=? (factoring) FGUAL AsB)= 7 (from 4+ 4’=1) ¢. theresulting logic circuit simplification: A+B=A4B (drop the 1) ee 4, Is A+BC=(A + BY(A +0) valid? A+BC=(A+BYA+C) 2 =AA+AC+AB+BC (Distributive law) 2 =A+AC+AB+BC (bec. 44 = A) 2 = A+ C)+AB+ BC (factoring) 2 = Aol +AB+BC (since 1+ C= 1) 2 =A+AB+BC (bec. Ae/=A) 2 = Al +B)+BC (factoring) 2 =Ael+BC (since 1 + B= 1) A+BC=A+BC (bec. Ae Therefore, A + BC=(A +B)(A +0) isvalid 5. Apply De Morgan's Laws to (AB + CNA + BO). (AB+ ©) (A+BO) = (AB + C) + (A + BC) = (AB) C +A (BC) =(A + BJC +A(B +0) FW Femande Page fof 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2.10 21 2.12 ‘ASSIGNMENT Demonstrate the validity of the following identities by means of truth tables: (a) DeMorgan’s theorem for three variables: (x + y + 2)! =x'y'z' and (xyz)! = (d) Theassociative law:x+(y+2)=(x+y) +z (c) Theassociative law and x()z)= (xy)z ‘Simplify the following Boolean expressions to a minimum number of literals: @)* way" (b)* (e+ y)@+y') ()* xyzty'ytay7 (d)* (A + B)'(A" +BY)! (©) @+b+e)a' b' +c) (f) a'be-+abe' +abe+a'be’ ‘Simplify the following Boolean expressions to a minimum number of literals: (a)® ABC + A'B + ABC’ (b)® x'yztxz ()* (et yO ty’) (d)® xy+x(wz twe') (e)® (BC’ + A'D)(AB’ + CD') () @’+e)(atb' +c’) Reduce the following Boolean expressions to the indicated number of literals: (a)* A'C! + ABC + AC’ to three literals (b)* (wy! + tet ay t we tothree literals (0)* A'B(D' + C'D) + BIA + A'CD) to one literal (a) (A' + O(A' + C1) (A+ B+ CD) to four literals (c) ABC'’D+A'BD+ABCD totwo literals Draw logic diagrams of the circuits that implement the original and simplified expressions in Problem 2.2. Draw logic diagrams of the circuits that implement the original and simplified expressions in Problem 2.3, Draw logic diagrams of the circuits that implement the original and simplified expressions in Problem 2.4. Find the complement of F= wr + yz; then show that FF’ = O and F + F’ = 1. Find the complement of the following expressions: (a)® xy’ tx'y (b) (a+c) (a+b!) (a'+b+c’) () ztz'(v'wtay) Given the Boolean functions F, and F,, show that (a) The Boolean function E = F; + F, contains the sum of the minterms of F, and Fy. (b) The Boolean function G = F,F; contains only the minterms that are common to F and Fy, List the truth table of the function: (a)* Feaytuy'ty'z (b) F=be+a'e’ ‘We can perform logical operations on strings of bits by considering each pair of correspond- ing bits separately (called bitwise operation). Given two eight-bit strings A = 10110001 and B = 10101100, evaluate the eight-bit result after the following logical operations: (a* AND (6)OR()* XOR_-@)* NOTA (@) NOTB 3. M. Fomande Page 20710 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG 2.13. Draw logic diagrams to implement the following Boolean expressions: (ayy (e) yeutyetuxy () y=utxtx'(uty’) 2.14 Implement the Boolean function Foxy +x'y' + y'z (a) With AND, OR, and inverter gates (b)* With OR and inverter gates (©) With AND and inverter gates (4) With NAND and inverter gates (©) With NOR and inverter gates 2.15* Simplify the following Boolean functions 7, and T; to a minimum number of literals: > Co a x oT] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2.16 The logical sum ofall minterms of a Boolean function of n variables is 1. (a) Prove the previous statement for n=3. (b) Suggest a procedure for a general proof. 2.17 Obtain the truth table of the following functions, and express each function in sum-of-min- terms and product-of-maxterms form: (a)* (b+cd)(c+bd) (b) (ed+b'c-+bd')(b+d) © (c'+a)b+e') (d) bd’ +acd' + ab'c+a'c! 2.18 For the Boolean function Fe=ay's ta'y'c + wiay + wx'y + way (a) Obtain the truth table of E (b) Draw the logic diagram, using the original Boolean expression. (c)® Use Boolean algebra to simplify the function to a minimum number of literals. (@) Obtain the truth table ofthe function from the simplified expression and show that itis the same as the one in part (a). (¢) Draw the logic diagram from the simplified expression, and compare the total number of gates with the diagram of part (b). 3. M. Fomande Page dof 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG 2.19% Express the following function as a sum of minterms and as a product of maxterms: F(A,B.C, D) = B'D + AD + BD 2.20. Express the complement of the following functions in sum-of-minterms form: (a) F(AB,C D)= 3(2,4,7,10, 12, 14) (b) Fs y, 2) = 11.5.7) 2.21 Convert each of the following to the other canonical form: (a) F(x y, 2) = E(1,3,5) (b) F(A, B,G D)=11G.5.8,11) 2.22" Convert each of the following expressions into sum of products and product of sums: (a) (ut xw)(e+u'v) (b) x! + x(x + y+ 2") 2.23 Draw the logic diagram corresponding to the following Boolean expressions without sim- plifying them: (a) BC’ + AB + ACD (b) (A + B)(C + D(A’ + B+ D) (0) (AB + A’B'(CD' + C’D) (d) A+CD+(A+D\(C'+D) 2.24 Show that the dual of the exclusive-OR is equal to its complement. 2.25 By substituting the Boolean expression equivalent of the binary operations as defined in Table 2.8, show the following: (a) The inhibition operation is neither commutative nor associative, (b) The exclusive-OR operation is commutative and associative. 2.26 Show that a positive logic NAND gate is a negative logic NOR gate and vice versa. 2.27 Write the Boolean equations and draw the logic diagram of the circuit whose outputs are defined by the following truth table: Table P2.27 f f, a Hoe RH oH He Ho ooS rooneococle 2.28 Write Boolean expressions and construct the truth tables describing the outputs of the circuits described by the logic diagrams in Fig, P2.28. 2.29 Determine whether the following Boolean equation is true or false. aly alg tate! sale! t y's! bale FM Fomande Page dof 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG (a) FIGURE P2.28 2.30. Write the following Boolean expressions in sum of products form: (b + da’ + b' +0) 2.31 Write the following Boolean expression in product of sums form: a'b +a'c' + abc 3. M. Fomande Page Sof 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG ‘STANDARD FORMS OF BOOLEAN EXPRESSION Tue Sum-oF-Propucr (SOP) FORM ‘A product term is term consisting of the product (Boolean multiplication) of literals (variables or their complements}. When two or more product terms are summed by Boolean addition, the resulting expression is aSOP. Some examples are B+ ABC ABC + CDE + B°CD’ A’B+ ABC + AC The domain of general Boolean expression is the set of variables contained in the expression in either complemented or uncomplemented form. For example, the domain of the expression A’B+ ABC isthe set of variables A, B,C and the domain of the expression ABC’ + CD’E+ B’CD" is the set of variables A, B,C, D, E. ‘An SOP expression can be implemented with one OR gate and two or more AND gates (ORing the ‘outputs of two or more AND gates). The implementation of the SOP expression AB + BCD + AC is shown. The output X of the OR gate equals theSOP expression. 1G) . X=A4B+BCD+AC Gi Oe bom wh OI CONVERSION OF A GENERAL EXPRESSION TO SOP FoRM The expression A(B + CD) for example, can be converted to SOP for by Boolean algebra techniques (in here, the Distributive law) A(B + CD) =AB+ABCD Other examples follow, AB + B(CD + EF) =AB + BCD + BEF (A+B) +C=(A+B)C =(A +B) C=4 THE STANDARD SOP FoRM A sstandard SOP expression is one in which ail the variables in the domain appear in each product term in the expression, as in ABC’D + A’B’CD’ + ABC’D. To convert product terms to standard SOP: Step 1: Multiply each nonstandard product term by a term made up of the sum of a missing variable and its complement. This results in two product terms where any variable added to its complement equals 1. As you know, you can multiply anything by 1 without changing its value. For example, theterm ABC is missing variable D or D” FW Femande Page of 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG ABC(D +D’)= ABCD + ABCD’ Step 2: Repeat Step 1 until all resulting product terms contain all variables in the domain in either complemented or uncomplemented form. In converting a product term to standard form, the number of product terms is doubled for each missing variable, as in this example ABC + A’B’ + ABC’D = AB’C(D + D’) + [A’B(C + C’)(D + D’) + ABC’D AB’CD + AB’CD’ + [A’B’C + A’B’C’[(D+D’) + ABC’D AB’CD + AB’CD’ + A’B’CD + A’B’CD’ + A’B’C’D+ A’B’C’D’ + ABC’D BINARY REPRESENTATION OF A STANDARD PRODUCT TERM A standard product term is equal to 1 for only one combination of variable values. For example, when =I, B=0, C=1, D=0 the product term AB’CD’ = 1, since ABCD’ = 120° ole! = 1 el elel 1 Note: A product term is implemented with an AND gate whose output is 1 only if each of its imput is 4. Inverters are used to produce the complements of the variables as required. Example: Determine the binary values for which the following standard SOP expression is equal to 1, ABCD+AB'C' D+ ABCD Solution: LoLeLel + 100'o'el + 0's’ = 14141 Hence, for the first term, for the second term, A=/, B= for the last term, A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0 ‘TheSOP expression equals 1 when any or all of these three product terms is 1. Tue Proouct-oF-Sums (POS) FORM ‘When two or more sum terms are muttiplied, the resulting expression is a product-of-sums (POS). Some examples are (A’+ BYA+B+O) (A’ +B’ + C)(C-+D’ + E(B’ + C+D) B+ B+ C’+ 0) ‘APOS expression can be implemented by logic in which the outputs of a number (equal to the number of sum terms in the expression) of OR gates connect to the inputs of an AND gate, as in [= N=(4+B\B+C+D(A+O Om bam we way + + THE STANDARD POS Form For example, the expression (A + B’ + C)(A+ B+ D’)(A + B’ + C’ + D) has a domain made up of the variables 4, B, C, D. Each sum term in a POS expression that does not contain all the variables in the domain, asin the given expression, can be expanded to standard form as follows: Step 1: Add to each nonstandard product term a term made up of the product of the missing variable and its complement. This results in two sum terms. For example, the term A + B’ + Cis missing variable DD’ FW Femande Page Tot 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG A+B +C=A+B'+C+DD Step 2: Apply thetheorem: X + YZ =(X + Y)(X +2), for the given expression, let =A + B+ C A+ B’+ C+ DD’ = (A+ B+ C+ D)(A+ B+ C+D) Step 3: Repeat Step 1 until all resulting sum terms contain all variables in the domain in either complemented or uncomplemented form. BINARY REPRESENTATION OF A STANDARD SUM TERM ‘A standard sum term is equal to 0 for only one combination of variable values. For example, when A=0, B=1, C=0, D=1 the sum term A+ B’ + C+ D’ =0, since A+ B+ C+ D’=041' 40+) =0+0+0+0-0 Note: A sum term is implemented with an OR gate whose output is 0 only if each of its input is 0. Inverters are used to produce the complements of the variables as required. Example: Determine the binary values for which the following standard POS expression is equal to 0, (A+B4C+D)(A+ B’+ C’+ D)(A’4B’4C'4D") Solution. (O+0+0+0 )(O+ 1 +1’ +0)(V+1'1'+ 1 )= Hence, for the first term, A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0 for the second term, A=0, B=1, C=I, for the last term, A=/, B=I, C=I, D=1 ‘The POS expression equals 0 when any of these three sum terms equals 0. 20200 =0 CONVERTING STANDARD SOP TO STANDARD POS THROUGH TRUTH TABLE FORMAT * Converting SOP Expressions to Truth Table Format A truth table is simply a list of the possible combinations of input variable values (domain) and the corresponding output values (1 or 0). For an expression with a domain of 3 variables, there are 8 of those variables (2° = 8). For an expression with a domain of 4 variables, there are 16 of those variables (2*=16), and so on. The following arethe steps to follow: 1. The first step in constructing a truth table from a SOP expression is to list all possible combination of binary values of the variables in the expression. 2. Next, convert theSOP expression to standard form if is not already. 3. Finally, place a1 in the output column (ie., X) for each binary value that makes the standard SOP expression a 1 and place a0 for all the remaining binary values. Example 1: Develop the truth table for X= A’B’C + AB’C’ + ABC. Solution: There are 3 variables in the domain, so there are 8 (2°=8) possible combinations of binary values of the input variables ABC as 000, 001, 010, 011, ... 111. The binary values that make the product terms in the expressions equal to 1 are: A’B’C:001; AB’C’:100; and ABC: 111. For each of these binary values, place a 1 in the output (X) column. For each of the remaining binary combinations, place a0 in the output column a ABC x 000 oo1 010 oun 100 101 110 1 PRODUCT TERM, ABC ABC’ ABC FW Femande Page Bot 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG ‘© Converting POS Expressions to Truth Table Format Recall that a POS expression is equal to O only if at least one of the sum terms is equal to 0. The following aretthe steps to follow: 1. The first step in constructing a truth table from a POS expression is to list all possible combination of binary values of the variables in the expression. 2. Next, convert the POS expression to standard form if it is not already. 3. Finally, place a0 in the output column (ie., X) for each binary value that makes the standard SOP expression a0 and place a 1 for all the remaining binary values. Example 2: Determine the truth table for X = (A+B+C)(A+B’+C)(A+B’+C’)(A'+B+C’)(A'+B’+0). Solution: There are 3 variables in the domain and the 8 possible binary values are listed in the inputs columns. The binary values that make the sum terms in the expression equal to 0 are (A+B+C):000; (A+B’+C):010;(A+B’+C’):011;(A’+B+C’):101;(A’+B’+C):110. For each of these binary values, place a in the output column. For each of the remaining binary combinations, place a1 in the output column. TNPUTS_[_ OUTPUT ee a SUM TERM 000 0 AGB oo1 1 010 0 ASB+C oun 0 ABA 100 1 202 ° ABC 110 0 eB 1 1 ‘© Converting Standard SOP-To-P.0S/POS-To-S OP Expressions Notice that the truth table in Example 1 and 2 (above) are equivalent. This means that the SOP expression can be converted to its equivalent POS expression, and vice versa as shown, TUS | OUeUT | pRoDUeT or ree] Barvans coo | 0 | at oor ae oi OE on | 0 | dae Toop a I] rio | 0 | aapec rr ee . £o5 #=)5 ‘ co coupe san BaD v-rece ame sane Ap sa 25 4 4a g5>4 2B Ls - cprouiBveyanpicysen” PSD ED ~ v-crroumrousvenascneeso) tos & $= z “ ‘ 2 FW Femande Page 9ot 10 Logio Circuits and Switching Theory URSMCOENG PROBLEMS 1. Create a truth table (including the product term column) for the standard SOP expression A’BC’ + ABC. 2. Develop a truth table(including the sum term column) for the following standard POS expression (AB'+CATBH+C)(ASB+C) 3. From the truth table shown, determine the SOP and POS expressions. Draw the equivalent logic circuits. THPUTS [OUTPUT PRODUCT or ABC x SUM TERM 000 O01 O10 o1L Too ToL 110 Tit 4, Ifa certain Boolean expression has a domain of S variables, how many binary values will be in its ‘truth table? 5. Ina certain truth table, the output is a 0 for the binary value 1100 and the rest are all 1’s. Write the POS and SOP equivalent Boolean equations out of this information. PROJECT REPORT Minimizing Boolean functions using Karnaugh Maps is not applicable for more than 5 variables and practical for only up to 4 variables, hence the class is to choose to report on two alternatives, namely, 1. The Quine McClusky Method which has the advantage of being easily implemented with a computer or programmable calculator. 2. Espresso Algorithm that has become the de facto world standard in logic function minimization incorporated in the Espresso logic minimizer. 3. Petrick’s Method is a technique for determining all minimum SOP solutions from a prime implicant chart. FW Femande Page 10of 10

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