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Teacher Name: Alejandro Roche

Teacher Email Address: ALRoche@dadeschools.net
Teacher Website: http://rocheacsm.weebly.com
Class Name: Honors Physical Science

Period: 2,6,8

Course Overview
Physical Science is a sophomore level course that includes earth and space sciences and physical
sciences as described in the Miami Dade County Curriculum Paging Guides. There will be an in-depth
exploration of science topics and their interrelationships. Students will develop study skills and practices
needed for success in high school and college. Please Note this course is a High School credit and
students must obtain a letter grade of B or better to receive credit.

Year At A Glance
I. Introduction

A. Develop Interest in Physical Science

B. Lab Safety
C. Develop the logic and sequence of the Scientific Process
D. Lab Report writing and expectations
II. Measurement
A. Develop the logic of using Metric Units
B. Practice Measurements by measuring
C. SI Units Conversions
D. Data analysis, graphing and Interpretation
E. Develop the concepts of mass, volume and density relationships
III. Motion
A. Develop the concept of motion
B. Position
C. Speed
D. Velocity
E. Acceleration
F. Graphs of Motion
IV. Forces
A. Develop the concept of Forces and equilibrium
B. Newtons First Law
C. Newtons Second Law
D. Newtons Third Law
E. Law of Universal Gravitation
V. Work & Machines
A. Develop the concept of work
B. Observe examples of work and power
C. Analyze and synthesize qualitative work scenarios

D. Identify and Build Simple Machines

2nd Nine weeks


A. Develop the concept of Energy
B. Forms of Energy
C. Energy Transformation
D. Law of Conservation of Energy
E. Energy resources
F. Review Energy Pyramid and trophic Levels
VII. Waves: Sound & Light
A. Develop the concept of waves
B. Properties of sound
C. Sound Waves
D. Electromagnetic spectrum and optics
E. Speed of light
VIII. Matter
A. Nature of Matter
B. Atoms, elements, and compounds
C. Phases of Matter
D. Classification of Matter (homogeneous and heterogeneous)
E. Properties of matter
IX. Temperature
A. Concept of temperature
B. Temperature conversions
C. Heat and Thermal Energy
D. Specific Heat
E. Transfer of Heat
X. Behavior of Gases
A. Atmosphere and Pressure
B. Factors affecting pressure

3rd Nine weeks

XI. Atomic Structure

A. Structure of the Atom

B. Atomic Models
C. Periodic Table
XII. Compounds
A. Chemical Bonds and electrons
B. Chemical Formulas
C. Building Blocks of Life
D. Organic Compounds
E. Macromolecules
XIII. Chemical Reactions
A. Chemical Reactions

B. Classifying Reactions
C. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
D. Biogeochemical Cycles
E. Processes Related to Cycles
F. Human Impact
XIV. Solutions

A. Properties of Water: The Universal Solvent

B. Solutions
C. Acids, Bases, and pH

4th Nine Weeks

XV. Crunch Time
XVI. Energy and Chemical Reactions

A. Types of Reactions
B. Required Energy
C. Reaction Systems
D. Reaction Rate
E. Nuclear Reactions
XVII. Electricity-Static Current

A. Develop the concept of Electricity

B. Conductors, semiconductors, and insulators
C. Electric Circuits and systems
XVIII. Magnetism

A. Develop the concept of Magnetism

B. Properties and Interactions of Magnets
C. Electromagnets
D. Electric motors and generators
XIX. Behavior of Gases

A. Gas Laws (Boyles law, Charles law, Gay-Lussacs law)

XX. Ramping-Up for Biology

A. Equipment and Procedures

B. Cells Types
C. Review of the Scientific Process
D. Famous Biologists

Class Expectations
All students must be prepared for class and be ready to participate in class discussions.
Treat your classmates and me fairly and with respect
Turn in thoughtfully completed work ON TIME
Work cooperatively and with equity in group work situations
Put forth your best effort on all types of assignments and activities.
Parent Teacher Communication
The best way to reach me is via email ALRoche@dadeschools.net or visiting the schools website, which
has a link to my email. I will post important class information, such as homework assignments, test/quiz
review, project/research paper instructions and sometimes review notes. Please check the website for
information on the class, important dates and if you are absent. Should you wish to schedule a
conference please call the main office so that they may coordinate a convenient date and time.

Class Materials
Students must have the following items:
Student Agenda
Composition notebook
Foundations of Physical Science Text Book (Provided by teacher)
Pen & pencil (blue/black & one colored pen)
3 ring binder with 6 dividers and lined paper

Grading Scale/Policy
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 69 - 60
F = 59 0
I = Incomplete
Z = Did not complete the assignment
X = Excused from assignment

Make-Up/Late Work
Upon returning to school after an absence, a student has the responsibility within the number of days
equal to the length of the absence or suspension to meet with the teacher to develop a plan for making
up missed work, quizzes, and examinations. Failure to turn in a completed assignment on the day that it
is due will result in one letter grade reduction of the final grade for each day.
Students are responsible for requesting and making up missing assignments due to absence.

Grade Breakdown for Class

Projects: 15%
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 15%
Classwork: 20%

Classroom Rules and Procedures

All Students are expected to be respectful and kind to all faculty, staff, fellow students,
and yourself.
All Students are expected to come prepared to class with all required materials.
All Students will be accountable of their work and actions.
Students are expected to be sitting at their assigned seat.
Students will be required to raise their hands to speak.
Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate F.
Students are to enter and begin bell work immediately.
Students are expected to follow directions immediately.

Teacher Name: Mr. Roche

Subject: Physical Science

Period: 2,6,8

Parents and students

Please sign and date this page to acknowledge that you have read this information.

Have your student keep the other information and place it in their binders as the first item to
refer to throughout the year.

I will be posting this on our school website as well.

Parent Name: ______________________________________________________Date____________

Parent Signature: ________________________
Student Name: _____________________ID # _____________________________Date____________
Student Signature: ________________________

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