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English Syllabus 2015-16

Ms. Keremian - Room 40

Best way to reach me is via email: keremianl@mdusd.org
Class website where assignments are posted: http://lisakeremian.weebly.com/

Classroom Standards
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Positive
Be Productive
Be Polite

Required Materials required (adj): officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable.
1. Yellow, pink, blue highlighters (yes, all colors are required!)
2. post its (all sizes/shapes/colors are welcome load up because these are required for reading annotations)
3. binder paper WITHOUT ruffles
4. blue/black pens
5. red pen
6. pencil with eraser
7. binder with dividers to organize and store papers
8. 3x5 cards
9. daily planner to write down assignments
10. USB thumb drive or Google Drive to store documents

Required Texts (other texts may be added)

In preparation for college and high level learning, I always recommend buying the novels we will be reading in class. That
way you can truly connect with the text by directly annotating. After all, many of these texts are classics and may be
further dissected on a college level.
Romeo and Juliet (Shakepeare) Folgers Publishing
The Crucible (Miller)
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck)
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest (Kesey)
Greek Mythology
The Things They Carried (OBrien)
Grades are updated regularly on Aeries. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

It is your responsibility to write down homework before leaving class each day. Homework will also be posted on class
website: http://lisakeremian.weebly.com/
You are required to have assignments/reading done prior to walking through the door. I will not give credit to incomplete
Remind App
This year I am trying out the Remind App. Remind is a free, safe and simple way to instantly connect much like
Juniors Text: 81010 with the message: @256j
Freshmen Text: 81010 with the message: @4fres
Extra Credit
To be announced at random.

Bathroom Breaks
One student out at a time. Ask politely for permission during an appropriate time. Sign out/in on the clip board.

Late Work / Absences

Be responsible and communicate! I understand that life can get in the way sometime, but I cant read minds. You are
REQUIRED to email me and let me know why you are missing class. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what work you are
missing, by asking a friend and/or checking the class website. Please do not ask me, What did I miss? when you walk in.
If you are legally absent (excused through office), you have one school day per absence to make up your work.
Late work is worth 50%. This will significantly impact your grade.

Late/Absent Work is to be handled BEFORE or AFTER class (not while I am trying to get class going). This is considered a
personal matter, and needs to be handled on YOUR OWN TIME: before school, brunch, lunch, after school.

Email me the day work is missing, explain why you work is not on time.
When you return to class, bring the completed assignment.
Write and circle: Absent or Late at the top of the assignment.
Make sure assignment is properly labeled or I will not process it.
Put the assignment in the Absent (Yellow) or Late (Red) folder.

Tardy Policy
You must be in your seat when the bell rings. Not walking in the door. Not outside. Not down the hall.
1st warning
2nd parent contact
3rd and 4th teacher detention
5th+ See Student hand book

Academic Honesty
See Student Handbook
Students who cheat or plagiarize on any assignment/test will receive a 0 on the assignment, including any student who
allows others to copy his/her work. Student will be referred to the vice principal, parental contact will be made, and the
incident will be recorded in students permanent file.
Cell Phone Policy
Unless instructed... ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES. If it is out, I will take it for the period.

Word to the Wise

Im always here if you need something, just email me or make an appointment to see me. I want to make sure
that you have a successful and memorable year. Please let me know if theres something that can be done better
in the future, Im always open to suggestions.
Also, make sure to ALWAYS have your SSR outside reading book with you. Appropriate magazines with articles
and/or newspapers are acceptable too. E-readers are welcome, as long as they are NOT on your phone or iPod.
Im so excited to have you in my class this year. My job as your teacher is to help you:
o Learn skills, habits, and information that will help you be respected in your lives, both professionally and
o Become better people. By better, I mean more thoughtful, empathic, considerate, wise, intuitive, and
o Enjoy the life of your mind (and other peoples).
o Create a sense of community in our classroom that makes our class enviable.
o It is what you want it to be. If you want this to be an awesome class, then make it one; come to class
prepared, pay attention and join in.

English Syllabus Contract

I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus for Ms. Keremians English Class. I understand the contents of this syllabus and
acknowledge I am responsible for adhering to class rules and procedures. If I choose not to meet these expectations, I am
willing to accept the consequences.
Student Signature __________________________________Date______________________

Print Student Name________________________________________________________________

Student Email________________________________________________________________
Parent Information (to be filled out by parent or legal guardian):

I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus for Ms. Keremians English Class. I understand the contents of this syllabus and
acknowledge that my child is responsible for adhering to class rules and procedures. If he/she chooses not to meet these
expectations, I am willing to support the teacher in her commitment to carry out the aforementioned/school policy
Parent Signature __________________________________Date______________________

Print Parent Name___________________________________________________________

Relationship to student: ____________________________________________________
Home Phone: ________________________
Work Phone: ________________________
Cell Phone: ________________________

Best time to reach you: _______________

Email address: _________________________________________________________

Other important information (IEP, 504, allergies, etc.) : ________________________________________________

Movie Permission

From time to time, we may watch movies that have to do with the unit or novel we are learning about. Some films may
include mature content.
We understand and respect your wishes if you would rather not have your student view R rated movies at school.

____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos related to classroom
content and subjects.
____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos mentioned in
this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________

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