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Eulla C.

Sociology Anthropology Extra Project

We learned from our class that our society has structured us to what we are right now.
However, we also learned that we, as human beings, have agency through which we
can maneuver around the limits, maximize the opportunities, and affect change in our
lives and in our society.

Our parents are the first person who shaped us. Because they are the first person in the
world who taught us our first steps. Those are how to crawl, how to stand, how to walk
or how to speak which are the first important lessons in our life. Parents also teach us
how to see life. At school we gain more knowledge. It brings us basic knowledge and
skills to survive in life. This knowledge influences our personality and views in everyone
as a whole individual in society. The society think that students or youth is the hope of
nation. Youth play an important role in improving and strengthening the society. But
sometimes they become a problem of our society.

Life is full of patterns. We live in a patterns that we cannot escape. The pattern start
when we are born then we go to school, college and graduate so that we can get a job,
have a family and thats it. Thats the life that society wants to see from us to say that

our life is an achievement or successful. Society dictate how lives our life. Because it
provides us safety and acceptance by the society. I believe that humans are actually
free to do anything but they are scared of that freedom because freedom comes with
responsibility. We are not ready to face on short, scared to face which not socially
accepted. The society wants us to live a life that will not do any harm to others. So the
society try to guide us about our life. So patterns and rules are followed. Our lives are
controlled. We are controlled not by the government but by our society.

Think about this, the society is changing us because we are reacting to the actions of
other people. We are changing the society because we as part of society, are changing.
If we decide to go along with the patterns and rules of the society, society is shaping us
because it is dictating the way we act. The way the society shaped the people affects
the way the people act then it is shape the society. Life is too short to waste any second
of time on wondering what other people think about us.

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