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Description of Nation Dream:

Once you register with Nation Dream, you automatically become

a Citizen of the Republic of Estro. You then have the opportunity
to decide which Province and Municipality you would like to live


Northern Province

Port Municipality
Northern City Municipality
Estroian Municipality
Deon Municipality
Doveano Municipality
Sebrras Municipality
Avra Municipality
Aquerie Municipality
Zakka Municipality
Austro Cape Municipality
Western Town Municipality
West North Municipality
Sirus Municipality
Bardiona Municipality
Bokoko Municipality
Devno Municipality
Askasi Municipality
Pololmo Municipality
Avenga Municipality

Southern Province

Eastern Province

Western Province
Siberia Province

Oceana Province

Once you have chosen the Province and Municipality you will
reside in, you then have the opportunity to choose what type of
career you would like to go into:
Ordinary Working Class citizen

If you choose the political career, you will have the option to join
one of Estros political parties. Estro has 3 political parties:
Estro Socialist Party [ESP]
Estro National Capitalist Party [ENCP]
New National Front [NNF]
Each party will elect its own leaders and its own candidates for
National, Provincial and Municipal elections. The Game
Independent Electoral Commission[GIEC] will oversee elections in
Estro. Every citizen in Estro has the right to vote for the party of
their choice, however, citizens may also decide to abstain from
voting. There are 3 spheres of government in Estro:
National Government:

Will have the following

- Deal with International
- Appoint a National Cabnit
of Ministers which
manages and oversees
government National
- Make sure that all lower
structures function and
provide quality services.
- Manage the police force
and Defence force.
- Reports to Parliament and
implements policies
adopted by Parliament.
- Drafts a Constitution which
must be adopted by

Provincial Government:

Municipal Government:

- Manage the National

- Appoint a Provincial Cabnit
of Provincial Ministers
which oversees Provincial
- Reports to the Provincial
Legislature and
implements policies of the
- Manage the Provincial
- Appoints a Mayoral
Committee which oversees
Municipal Departments.
- Reports to the Municipal
Council and implements
by-elections of Council.
- Provides basic services to

Parliament, the Legislature and Council seats will be divided

according to the number of votes each political party received.
National Elections will take place every 3 months, Provincial
Elections take place every 2 months and Municipal elections take
place according to a timetable set by the GIEC.

If you choose the business career, you will have the option to join
one of the following Industries:

Companies/stores in industry:

Manufacturing Industry

Farming Industry

Tertiary Industry

Car Production
Electronics and tools
Newspaper and Magazine
Building Company
Textile Company
Fruit Farm
Vegetable farm
Chicken and Sheep Farm
Animal Farm
Clothing store
Technology Store
Food Store
Tatoo Store
Adult Store
Music instrument Store
Book Store

Businesses must comply with government laws and legislation

and must pay tax to government once a week. Businesses
determine the strength of Estros economy. Each business starts
off with a capital of 1million ED [Estro Dollars]. Businesses may be
awarded tenders or contracts by government. Business owners
must employ Ordinary working citizens to do the work of the
business and can also appoint a citizen to a management position
in the company.


Ordinary Citizens has the choice to sign employment contracts
with business owners, with government or to remain unemployed.
Businesses and Government will pay ordinary citizens to work for
them and even manage the business or government

departments. Ordinary citizens must make sure that government

provides quality services and may start or join trade unions to
hold businesses and government accountable. Trade unions is a
platform for Ordinary citizens to raise their concerns and may
even lobby other citizens to support a certain view or to join them
in a up rise against the government.

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