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Money and Shopping iheiro e Compras Words in Context__ Be a smart shopper! Remember these things: + Compare the price of the item you want in different stores. + You can usually return or exchange items. Be sure to keep your receipt. + Tryto shop when there's a sale. You'll save money! 1 apenny /one cent / 1¢ Lev eentovo /U88 01 2 anickel / ve cents / 5¢ ‘9co centavos / 058 05 3 aime / ten cents / 10¢ ‘doz contoves /USS0.10 4c quarter / twenty-five cents / 25¢ vate @ cco centewos / 55028 5 ahaif dollar / ity cents / 50¢ ‘cnaenta centavos / US$ 0.50 9 10 one dollar / one-dollar bill / $1 1 dar 0 nota cea ke / USS 1,00, five dollars /c fve-dollar bil / $5 ‘eco dblres / rs nota de choo dolres / USS 600 ten dollars « ten-doliar bil / $10 {doz célores | nota de doz aloes / US$ 10.00 twenty dollars / « twenty-dollar bil / $20, vine dolores / 7 note de Vine dolores / USS 20.00 fity dollars /« fifty-dollar bil / $50 _enquente dares / ria note de cinaenta délres / USS 60.00 one hundred dollars / c:one hundred-dollar bill $100 pam doirag va nota de cofh dblgas / YS 1000

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