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Ryan Bruin
Professor Packer
English 1010
October 23, 2013
Plastic problems
Have you ever wondered what might happen to your body when drinking plastic
bottled water; or have you ever thought about the purity of plastic bottled water? What do
these plastic bottles do to our environment and how does that affect us? While many
people argue that plastic bottled water is good for you to drink, I argue that the chemicals
in plastic bottles increase the risk of cancer and disease that generally do not show until
Plastic bottles have various chemicals in them that may have significant health
effects not only on adults, but also on children. Studies show that infants take in a
chemical called BPA when they drink or eat from BPA ridden plastic containers. BPA is
used to make certain plastic and epoxy resins. People may think that a chemical such as
BPA is harmless, but many products such as baby bottles, pacifiers, Tupperware, and
other plastic containers are loaded with this chemical. Studies show that BPA could
theoretically act like a hormone in the body, disrupting normal hormone levels and
development in fetuses, babies, and children( Health-e Head2toe).
Many people wonder why their kids have hormonal issues. But that is not all;
many studies have shown kids may develop severe brain problems due to this chemical
called BPA. After a review of the evidence, the National Toxicology Program at the
Food and Drug Administration expressed concern about BPAs possible effects on the

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brain and behavior of infants and young children.(Environmental Exposure) This could
explain why our children are having such hard times in school and are not being socially
active. This chemical may be putting everybody at risk. Studies have found that adults
with the highest levels of BPA in their blood seem to have a higher incidence of heart
related health problems(Environmental Exposure). Although the BPA in plastic bottles
seems to generate concern in only a small group of people, it should in fact concern
anyone who consumes food or liquid from plastic containers that contain BPA
Most people may think that plastic bottled water is cleaner then tap water, but
studies show that this is not the case for example, Over 40% of bottled water comes
from municipal water systems. This means that in many cases, the bottled water you are
drinking is the same water you can get out of your own water tap (My Safe). Next time
you drink plastic bottled water ask yourself, is this water really worth drinking? Would
you be able to tell the difference between tap water and bottled water?
As I began to research this issue on the taste alone, I found several different
stories of people not being able to tell the difference. Consider this story that happened in
New York. Fifty people from New York were given a blind taste test between their
favorite bottled water and New York Citys municipal water. The majority of the study
group preferred the taste of New York Citys municipal water over their favorite bottle
water (My Safe ) Recent studies like these shed new light on bottled water, which
previous studies had not addressed. Disregarding the BPA that is in the water from the
plastic bottles, do we even know if this water is really spring water or naturally
purified? In June 2003 Nestle was sued for false advertising Poland Spring Water.
Nestle falsely advertises Poland Spring as "naturally purified" or "spring water" since

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the water does not meet the scientific definition for spring water. Spring water is defined
as water obtained from an underground source that flows naturally to the surface or
would flow naturally to the surface if it were not collected underground,Nestle Sued
hence you are drinking unpurified water.
In addition, I would also like to point out one more reason why we as a society
should choose not to drink plastic bottled water. We know that it may possess numerous
chemicals that could possibly be causing harm to our body, and we know that the bottled
water itself is not better then tap water. Have you ever thought about what the discarded
empty bottles are doing to our environment? Water bottles are made of completely
recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics, but PETs don't biodegrade they
photo degrade, which means they break down into smaller fragments over time. Those
fragments absorb toxins that pollute our waterways, contaminate our soil, and sicken
animals (which we then eat)(Causing Flood). These are concerns that are circulating
around the world and people are becoming more interested in knowing about the
chemical contents of plastic containers. The chemicals found in plastic bottles and
containers are likely jeopardizing the environment and our bodies.
Plastic bottled water should interest those who drink it beyond this limited
audience however; my point should speak to anyone who cares about the larger issue of
health in America. We must continue expanding our understanding of BPA and its
potentially harmful effects. I feel that by limiting BPA in our bodies we will be a healthier
society. We will also no longer waste our money on water that, according to research, is
not cleaner then our own tap water. I feel that by reducing the consumption of plastic
bottled water, our environment will be a much healthier place.

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Work Cited
"Health-e Head2toe: How Environmental Exposure May Affect Your Children." The Facts About
Bisphenol A, BPA. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2013.
"My Safe Clean Water." - Bottled Water Facts. Pentair Water., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2013.
"Nestle Sued for Falsely Advertising Poland Spring Water | The Solutions Source of the Water &
Wastewater Industry." Nestle Sued for Falsely Advertising Poland Spring Water | The
Solutions Source of the Water & Wastewater Industry. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2013.
Schriever, Norm. "Plastic Water Bottles Causing Flood of Harm to Our Environment."The
Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 29 July 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.

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