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Strengthen Your “Deconstructing Muscles.

I. In the following passage from a letter to her daughter, Lady Wortely

Montague (1689-1762) discusses the education of her daughter. Read the
passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze how Lady
Montague uses [rhetorical strategies and stylistic devices] to convey her
views about the role of knowledge played in the lives of women of her
time. (AP Language, 199
II. a. Highlight the subject of the prompt

b. Underline the key verb(s) of the prompt.

c. Bracket the object/goal of the prompt.

d. The topic of the letter is education of her daughter

e. The letter is one that is written from a __mother to


f. The historical context is the ________________15th-16th, __________16th-

17th,  17th-18th.

g. Will the time period play a necessary role in how the writer
addresses the text? _________yes no

h. Can the writer choose to address ONLY rhetorical strategies?

______yes ______ no

i. Can the writer choose to compose an essay about his/her views

concerning knowledge and education? _____yes _____no

II. Carefully read the following passage from George Eliot’s novel Middlemarch
(1871), Then write an essay in which you characterize the narrator’s attitude
toward Dorothea Brooke and analyze the [literary techniques used to convey
the attitude]. Support your analysis with [specific references to the passage.]
(AP Literature, 1998)

o Highlight the subject of the prompt

o Underline the key verb(s) of the prompt.

o Brackewt the object/goal of the prompt.

o For this prompt, is it important to pay close attention to the time

period the novel’s setting? _____ yes _____no

o Is the writer expected to address all of the possible literary

techniques in this passage? _____yes __ ___ no
o Based on the demands of the prompt, can the essay be an abstract
discussion? _____ yes _____ no

o Based on the demands of the prompt, can the writer discuss his or
her own attitude toward Dorothea? _____ yes _____no

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