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CHAPTER 1 Native Peoples of America, to 1500 + OUTLINE AND SUMMARY 1 Introduction ‘American history began more than ten thousand years before Columbus's first voyage. Native ‘Americans developed diverse cultures, but with much interaction among the many different groups, This chapter focuses on these questions: (1) How did environmental change shape the transition from Paleo-Indian to Archaic ways of life?(2)What were the principal differences among the Native American cultures that emerged after 2500 B.C.? (3) Despite their diversity, what significant values and practices did North American Indians share? 00 B.C. ‘The First Americans, ¢, 13,000-2: A. Peopling New Worlds ‘The two main theories about the origins of the people of the Americas are: (1) During the last Ice Age (c. 10,500 B.C.) bands of hunters from Siberia crossed the then-existing land bridge into Alaska and from there spread out over the Western Hemisphere. (2) As early as 13,000 B.C. people came by boat, settling at various spots along the western coast of the Americas, A majority of today’s archaeologists believe that both theories are correct. In addition, around 7000 B.C. an Attapaskan-speaking people arrived in Alaska and northwestem Canada and gradually migrated to the southwest where they became the ancestors of the Apaches and Navajo. Even more recently, non-Indian groups (Eskimos, Inuits, and Aleuts) crossed the Bering Sea to Alaske. ‘These earliest Americans, called Paleo-Indians by archaeologists, lived in small hunting bands that moved constantly in pursuit of mammoths, mastodons, and other big game. / 9000 B.C. the mammoths and mastodons became extinct probably because of climatic warming. Groups of Paleo-Indians came together briefly at quarries, where they obtained flint for spear points and tools. By way of these encounters, the bands intermarried, traded, and exchanged cultural traits. bout B. Archaic Societies ‘As the Earth's atmosphere warmed, a tremendous range of plants and animals flourished on the American continents and in their waters. This enabled archaic peoples (Native Americans of the period 8000 to 2500 B.C.) to broaden their diets to include small mammals, fish, and wild plants. Where the abundance was especially apparent larger groups of people lived in a smaller area and established permanent villages. Over time, these people distinguished between men's and women’s roles: men bunted and fished; women harvested and prepared wild plants. As early es 5000 B.C. some Native Americans were starting to farm. In Mexico and Central America, Indians were growing squash, beans, and some fruit by 3000 B.C., and by 2500 B.C. maize cultivation had spread from Central ‘America and Mexico as far north as New Mexico and as far south as the Amazon River basin. “ght Hougnion Min Company. A nights reserve 2 Chapter 1: Native Peoples of America, to 1500 HL. Cultural Diversity, ¢. 2500 B.CA.D. 1500 A. Introduction After about 2500 B.C. many Native Americans’ way of life evolved from that of the Archaic period. The change was greatest among peoples who had started to farm, but, even among some who had not, extended religious and political systems and hierarchical states, developed. B. Mesoamerica and South America Farming societies in Mesoamerica (southem Mexico and Central America) and in South America greatly increased their food production between 2500 and 2000 B.C. Some of the ‘most productive of these farming peoples. such as the Olmecs, established large urban centers after 1200 B.C. from which hereditary rulers imposed their will on small surrounding areas called “chiefdoms.” Between A.D. | and 500 a few chiefdoms in Mesoamerica and South America grew into full-fledged states. The capital of one such state near present-day Mexico City, was Teotihuacan. At the height of its power (between the second and seventh centuries A.D.), this state had over 100,000 people. As this state declined in the eighth century, it was conquered and incorporated into still more powerful states, run first by the Mayans and later the Aztecs, These societies built huge engineering and public works projects, carried on extensive trade, and possessed sophisticated calendars and writing and number systems. The Aztec and Inca Empires were still expanding when the Spanish ‘conquistadores arrived in the sixteenth century C. The Southwest In the Southwest (including the southwestern part of the United States and northern Mexico), water was often scarce. As a result, maize cultivation did not reach the area until 2500 B.C. and full-time farming was common only after 400 B.C. With the coming of agriculture, new Indian cultures arose. By the third century B.C. the Hohokam people of southern Arizona had built extensive canal systems for irrigation, which allowed them to harvest two crops a year. They also resided in permanent villages of several hundred people. ‘The Anasazi people of the Southwest lived primarily by farming, too. These ancestors of the Pueblo Indians dominated the Southwest for almost 600 years, founding confederations of towns such as Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, inhabited by about fifteen thousand persons. By the thirteenth century, however, the Anasazi and Hohokam cultures declined, and these peoples abandoned their large settlements, perhaps due to prolonged periods of drought. At roughly the same time the foraging Apaches and Navajo arrived in the Southwest. D. The Eastem Woodlands ‘Many tribes in the Eastern Woodlands (the area from the Mississippi Valley to the Atlantic coast) experimented with village life and political centralization even before they started farming. As early as 1200 B.C. five thousand people lived at Poverty Point on the shore of the Mississippi River in Louisiane. As Poverty Point declined in importance, a new mound- building culture, the Adena, emerged. Adena mounds, often containing graves, were built al over the Ohio Valley. in the second century B.C. Adena culture evolved into the more complex and widespread Hopewell civilization, which built more elaborate mounds. Agriculture did not become the primary source of food for Eastern Woodlands peoples until aficr the seventh century A.D. The first full-time farmers in the East lived on the flood plains of the Mississippi River. where, incorporating elements of Hopewell culture, they evolved into the still more sophisticated Mississippian civilization, Mississippian towns grew to have thousands of inhabitants. The largest town was Cahokia, near present-day St. Louis, Mississippian artists produced works of clay, stone, shell, and copper. Their religion was based on sun worship, and their political system was centralized and hierarchical. By the Copyngnt © Heuston Min Company. Al ight reserves. Chapter 1: Native Peoples of America, to 1500 3 Mississippian culture had declined and most Easter Woodlands Indians ized political power. However. they continued to land cleari thirteenth centu had abandoned large settlements and centr engage in agriculture, using the ecologically sound slash-and-bum method to grow their com and beans, Nonfarming Societe: ‘Along the Pacific coast, from southern Alaska to northem Californie, Indians fished for salmon and leamed to dry and store their catch year-round, making possible the establishment of permanent villages of several hundred people. Further south California Indians also resided in permanent villages and sustained themselves by collecting and scrinding acorns into meal. Both groups engaged in trade and warfare and, as a result, united under the leadership of chiefs. On the Great Plains and in the Great Basin, the rainfall was too uncertain to allow permanent settlements. Instead, Indians there roamed over large areas, hunting a variety of animals, especially bison, and foraging for wild seeds and nuts, The Eskimos and Aleuts, arriving in western Alaska from Siberia, brought along advanced hunting tools, such as harpoons and spears. With these they hunted sea mammals and caribou. In time they spread across northern Canada all the way to Greenland, where in the period 980 to about 1100, they had limited contacts with Norsemen trying to colonize Greenland and Newfoundland. For the most part, though, the peoples of the Americas developed in isolation from those on other continents. In many way’ the evolution of the ‘American cultures paralleled those in Europe, Asia, and Attica. IV. North American Peoples on the Eve of Contact A Introduction By 1500 about 75 million people lived in the Wester Hemisphere. Of these, 7 million to 10 million inhabited land north of Mesoamerica. These peoples were divided into several hundred nations and tribes and spoke diverse languages, but most shared certain characteristics: using bows and arrows and ceramic pottery; holding some common religious beliefs, practices and rituals: living in kinship-based communities; and agreeing to communal control of resources. Kinship and Gender Kinship held Indian societies together. The kinship group, or extended family, was far more important than the nuclear family of husband, wife, and young children. In agricultural societies the women did the farming (except among the tribes of the Southwest, where both sexes were cultivators). There was fighting among kinship groups and tribes over scarce resources and other conflicts, but rarely did the combatants attempt to kill large mumbers of the enemy, Spiritual and Social Values Native Americans found all nature, including humanity, interrelated and suffused with spiritual powers or, in the language of the Algonquian, manitou, Indians sought to placate fand be in tune with these spiritual forces. They did this through dreaming; altering their state ‘of consciousness by acts of physical endurance and self-torture, such as the Sun Dance of the Plains Indians: and following the advice of medicine men and women. To smooth relations between persons of unequal status and power and hold their societies together, Indians relied on reciprocity, which included the giving of gifts and trading of goods in retum for receiving prestige, submission, and authority, Indian communities generally demanded conformity and close cooperation of their members. V. Conclusion Human history in the Western Hemisphere did not begin with the arrival of Columbus. For thousands of years before 1492 Native Americans hunted: g sathered; farmed: built communities, CCopyran © Houghton Min Company Al nghts reserves. 4 Chapter 1: Native Peopies of America, to 1500 roads, and trails: and created complex societies. While not always good conservationists, Indians did, tor the most par, respect the land and use it in ways that allowed natural resources to renew themselves. Europeans arriving in North America after 1500 showed no such self-restraint. VOCABULARY The following terms are used in Chapter 1. To understand the chapter fully, itis important that you know what each of them means. archaeological of oF pertaining to the scientific study of any prehistoric culture by excavation and description of its remains indigenous native to a particular gion kiva 2 large chamber, often wholly or partially underground, in a Pueblo Indian village: used for religious ceremonies and other purposes hierarchy a system of placing persons or things in a graded order, from lower to higher, in wealth, power, status, and so on reciprocity a system of mutual give-and-take, allowing individuals or social groups of unequal power, wealth, or status to get along while preserving unequal power relationships; also, a system by which human beings can coexist with nature and the powerful supernatural forces in which they believe consensus an agreement in opinion; collective opinion CHAPTER 2 The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625 OUTLINE AND SUMMARY 1. Introduction ‘When Columbus and his crew landed on the island of San Salvador on October 12, 1492, the isolation of the Western Hemisphere from Europe and Asia ended. Henceforth, the Americas would become the area of encounter for Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans, and out of these interactions would emerge the Atlantic World. Chapter 2 focuses on these questions: (1)What forces were transforming West Africa before the advent of the Atlantic slave trade? (2)How did European monarchs use commerce and religion to advance their nations’ fortunes? (3) What role did the Columbian exchange play in the formation of an Atlantic world? (4) How did relations with Native Americans affect the success of early European colonizing efforts? Tl, African and European Peoples ‘A. West Africa: Tradition and Change In the grasslands south of the Sahara Desert and cast of the West Aftican coast, kingdoms arose that rivaled those in Europe in size and wealth. In the fourteenth century, one of these empires, the Mali, dominated the whole region and engaged in lucrative trade with Europe and the Middle East. Its leading efty, Timbuktu, was an important center of Islamic learning By the sixteenth century, however, most of Mali and the successor state, Songhai, had been ‘conquered by Morocco. In the fifteenth century, the small states on the Guinea and Senegambian coast grew in population and importance because of the foreign demand for the gold that the Africans mined and traded. In the mid-1400s the Portuguese arrived on the coast, too, looking for gold and slaves. West African leaders ranged from powerful emperors, who claimed demigod status, to heads of small states, who ruled mainly by persuasion. Kinship groups formed the most important unit holding people together. Men could marry more than one woman, allowing high-starus men to establish kinship networks with other important families through their several wives, Another driving force behind marriage was West Africa’s high mortality rate, brought on by frequent famines and tropical disease epidemics. The shortage of people placed a high premium on the production of children. These children contributed to the families’ wealth by increasing its food production, important in West Africa because most of the food was obtained by farming, an activity in which both men and women engaged. They grew yams, rice, and other grains. By the fifteenth century a market economy had developed, with farmers trading surplus crops for atisan-made goods. Religion and spirituality permeated African culture and inspired artistic endeavors. West Afticans developed sophisticated art and music, on which much of twentieth-century art and jazz are based. By the 1500s Islam was just starting to spread beyond the kings and upper class to the common people of the grasslands. Christianity introduced by the Portuguese in the 1400s and 1500s, gnade limited headway until the nineteenth century Copyant © Houghion Mii Congany. Al gms reser. Chapter 2: The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625 13 B. European Culture and Society At the time of Columbus's first voyage to America, Europe was at the height of a great cultural revival. the Renaissance, Scholars were trying to map the world and-to understand natural science, including astronomy. European society was hierarchical; atthe top were the kings who govemed most states and had been consolidating their power for @ century Exploited peasants made up 75 percent of the people. Population increases in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries made land in Europe scarce and valuable, That encouraged the upper classes to enclose more and more of the common fields, converting them to their private property, while displaced country people drifted to the small towns, which were crowded, dirty, and disease-ridden. Traditional European society, which like Native American and Africen cultures had been based on extended families and social reciprocity, ‘was starting to change. Nuclear families were replacing kinship networks. In these nuclear families, according to the ideal, the father ruled over wife and children as the king ruled over his subjects, New business enterprises and organizations, like joint stock companies, broke the bonds of social reciprocity. Emerging entrepreneurs favored “unimpeded acquisition of wealth” and unregulated competition. They “insisted that individuals owed one another nothing but the money necessary to settle each market transaction.” C. Religious Upheavals ‘After the Spanish Reconquista only small pockets of Jewish and Muslim communities existed in Europe, And while some older, non-Christian beliefs still existed—namely astrological or belief in magic—most Europeans in 1492 were Christians, The Roman Catholic Church was headed by a pope whose authority was acknowledged everywhere except in Russia and the Balkan peninsula, and it was administered by a hierarchy of clergy who did not marry. By the fifteenth century this powerful institution was selling indulgences (blessings that would shorten the repentant sinner’s time in purgatory) for donations to the church, In 1517 a German Friar, Martin Luther, denounced indulgences and other corrupt practices, broke with the pope, and initiated the Protestant Reformation. Luther and other Protestants preached that one could not buy or eam salvation by good works (or donations to the church) and that priests had no special powers of intervention. God alone decided who was saved and who was damned, and Christians must have faith in his love and justice, French Protestant leader John Calvin and his followers went a step further, emphasizing the doctrine of predestination—God’s foreknowledge of who was saved and wino was damned, The Protestant challenge led to the Counter-Reformation, in which the modem Roman Catholic Church was born. The renewed church aimed to clean out commuption and stimulate religious zeal, while attempting to suppress Protestantism. Thereafter, European countries divided into rival Protestant and Catholic camps. D. The Reformation in England, 1533-1625 ‘The Reformation began in Engiand when King Henry VIM (ruled 1509-1547) asked the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, who had not given birth to a male heir. ‘After the pope refused, Henry pushed through Parliament the laws of 1533-1534, which dissolved his marriage and declared the king head of the Church of England (Anglican). Religious strife continued in England for more than one hundred years after Henry's split with the Catholic Church. Henry's son and successor, Edward VII, leaned toward Protestantism during his brief reign. He was followed by “Bloody Mary,” who tried to restore Catholicism, often buming Protestants at the stake. This persecution turned her successor and half-sister, Elizabeth I (1558-1603), and the majority of the English people against Catholicism, But the English differed on how Protestant the Church of England enya © Hougnen Min Company. Al ghts 14 Chapter 2: The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625 should be, Those who wanted to remove all vestiges of Catholicism were called Puritans. ‘These Calvinistic Puritans believed in predestination and felt that only the saved should belong to the church, They wanted each congregation to be self-governing and free from interference from bishops and a church hierarchy. Puritanism, with its message of righteousness and self-diseipline, appealed particularly to England's landowning gentry, small farmers, university-educated clergy, intellectuals, merchants, shopkeepers, and amtisans. Elizabeth managed to satisfy most English Protestants (Puritan and Anglican), but her successor, James I (1603-1625), the first of the Stuart kings, made clear his dislike of Puritans. I, Europe and the Atlantic World, 1400-1600 A. Portugal and the Atlantic, 1400-1500 Portugal led the way in Europe’s ocean expansion. Because of advances in maritime technology, such as the caravel and magnetic compass, Prince Henry the Navigator was able to send Portuguese sailors farther down the coast of Africa to fight Muslims and seek opportunities for profitable trade. Portugal established a gold-processing factory at Arguin, rounded Africa's Cape of Good Hope, and developed valuable commercial links with India. ‘These Portuguese voyages brought Europeans face to face with black-skinned Africans and ‘an entrance into the already flourishing slave trade. B. The “New Slavery” and Racism Slavery existed in West Africa before the arrival of Europeans, but it was not based on racial differences between masters and slaves, and the slaves were often eventually absorbed into the owners’ families. First Muslims from North Africa, then Europeans tumed African slavery into an “intercontinental business.” Generally, European slavers bought war captives from African slave-trading kings, thereby encouraging those rulers to engage in warfare with their neighbors, using the guns they had obtained from earlier slave sales. Nearly 12 million ‘Africans were shipped across the Atlantic under horrific conditions to labor in the Western Hemisphere before the international slave trade finally ended, centuries later. The new slavery based on race would further dehumanize black Africans in the eyes of white Europeans, who regarded slaves as simply property, not persons, C. To America and Beyond, 1492-1522 Christopher Columbus insisted that Europeans could reach Asia and its rich trading opportunities by sailing westward across the Atlantic. He convinced the king and queen of Spain, who were anxious to break Portugal's monopoly of trade via the route around Africa, to finance his voyages of discovery. On his 1492 trip he landed on the island of Guanabani in the West Indies, which he called San Salvador. On a subsequent voyage he claimed and colonized for Spain the island of Hispaniola (where today Haiti and the Dominican Republic are situated). Even after his last expedition across the Atlantic (1498-1502), Columbus did not realize he had discovered a new world. Nor did John Cabot suspect he was not in Asia when he explored and claimed the north Atlantic coast for England. Later explorers, when they did understand that a big landmass (which they named America) blocked the way to Asia, geared their efforts toward discovering a water route through or around the Americas to the beckoning trade of Asia. Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific in that quest. Magellan sailed around the tip of South America, getting as far as the Philippines before being killed. Verrazano explored the coast of North America, and Jacques Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence, each looking for the supposed Northwest Passage to Asia, D. Spain's Conquistadores, 1492-1536 The early Spanish explorers soon became conquerors as well. Columbus exported Indian slaves from Hispaniola and gave grants to Spaniards to extract labor and other tribute from Ccesyeght © Houahon Min Company Apt reper, Chapter 2: The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625 15 the native population there, In 1519 Hemén Cortés landed in Mexico and subjugated the mighty Aztec Empire, and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas. Though often awestruck izations they encquntered, Spanish conquerors fanned out over the Caribbean and the Americas from Mexico 16 Chile, subduing and enslaving the native peoples and enriching themselves and Spain. The Indian population was nearly decimated by forced labor, warfare, starvation, and, above all, alien diseases, particularly small pox. When shortages of Indian slaves developed, the Portuguese delivered African substitutes. ‘The Columbian Exchange The “Columbian exchange,” that is the “biological encounter” of Europe, Africa, and “America had tremendous impact on the peoples, animals, and plants ofall three areas. The Giscase-causing microbes that Europeans and Africans brought with them wiped out whole tribes of Indians who lacked natural immunity, which in tun made it easier for Europeans to ‘conquer and colonize. Europeans brought new animals—horses, catie, sheep-—to the ‘Americas, as well as such plants as wheat, coffee, and sugar. Enslaved Africans introduced flee and yams, From the Americas, Europe and Arica received com, potatoes, tobacco and many other plants, along with turkeys. Transplanted crops and animals enriched human diets but also caused environmental change and damage to the new habitats. Peoples, too. mingled. Since the 300,000 Spanish colonists who arrived in the Americas inthe sixteenth ‘century were 90 percent males, many of them took Indian wives and produced the mest. populations of Mexico and Latin America. European planters begot mulatto children with enslaved African women. Children of mixed Indian-A frican ancestry were also common. The Americes produced fabulous wealth for Spain and her colonists in the sixteenth century Gold and silver from Mexican and Peruvian mines, sugar cane from West Indian plantations, sheep and cattle from Mexican ranches all enriched Spain’s kings, though their failure to use the wealth wisely limited the long-term benefit for their nation IV. Footholds in North America, 1512-1625 A Spain's Norther Frontier Tn the 1500s a number of Spaniards, searching for gold, silver, and slaves, penetrated areas that would one day be the United States, Cabeza de Vaca and Estevanico traveled from Florida to Texas to New Mexico; de Soto’s party went from Tampa Bay to the Appalachians ‘and then to Texas, The first lasting European post was established at St. Augustine. ‘Although they found no gold, these and other expeditions spread European diseases that ‘wiped out mos ofthe surviving Mississippian communities, most before they even Izid eyes dn the newcomers. Coronado plundered pueblos and searched for riches from the Grand Canyon to Kansas. In 1598 Juan de Ofte proclaimed the royal colony of New Mexico, which barely survived Indian resistance and uprisings. France: Colonizing Canada French aftempis at planting permanent colonies in the St. Lawrence Valley in 1541, South ‘Carolina in 1562, and Florida in 1564 all ended in failure, However, the French carried on a Jucrative fur trade with the Indians from Newfoundland to Maine and slong the St Lawrence. Sensing the importance ofthis trade and determined to beat their rivals, the English and Dutch, 10 its profits, the French in 1608 sent explorer Samuel de Champlain 10 found Quebec, the first permanent French settlement in Canada. He wisely allied it with the local Hurons, Algonquins, and Montagnais. England and the Atlantic World, 1558-1603 By the late 1500s, intensifying conflicts with Catholic Spain were leading Protestant England to take an interest in the Wester Hemisphere. Queen Elizabeth encouraged English “sea dogs” like Francis Drake to raid Spanish treasure ships ané pons in the Wester Hemisphere, and she split the rich plunder with them, Also, the English searched for the ‘copyright© Houghton Min Company. ll ngs reserved. 16 Chapter 2: The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625 Northwest Passage and scoured America for gold and colony sites. After an English colony in Newfoundland disbanded, Sir Walter Raleigh sponsored a settlement on Roanoke Island The English colonists antagonized the initially friendly Indians and failed to plant crops to feed themselves. Their pleas to England for more supplies went unanswered because of the Anglo-Spanish war then raging. England's victory in that struggle, including her 1588 defeat ofthe Spanish Armada, established the English as a major power in the Atlantic. However, in 1590, when a relief ship did finally land in Roanoke, it found no Englishmen. To this day historians do not know what became of that “lost colony.” Failure and Success in Virginia, 1603-1625 In May 1607 a party of 105 English people landed in Virginia and began the settlement of Jamestown. The venture was organized and financed by an English joint-stock company, the Virginia Company of London. The only role of the English government was to grant 2 charter to the company giving it the right to land anywhere from Cape Fear to the Hudson River, Many of the early arrivals were “gentlemen” who refused to farm, hoping instead to find gold. This failure to secure foodstuffs combined with the company’s failure to adequately supply them, led to starvation and conflict with the Powhatans. During the first ‘years the majority of the settlers died, and the survivors were on the verge of leaving several times, The discipline and forced work imposed for a while by Captain John Smith helped save the colony. Settler John Rolfe's development of a tobacco palatable to Europeans gave the colony the profitable export that ensured its financial success. At first the stockholders in England treated the settlers as company employees, denying them any say in the colony's government or ownership of any of its land. To attract, additional settlers and capital, the company started awarding land to people who paid their ‘own and other people's passage to Virginia. This “headrights” system enabled planters who imported many indentured servants to acquire large estates. In 1619 the company also granted inhabitants the right to elect delegates toa legislative assembly, thus marking the beginnings of representative government in North America. An Indian attack in 1622 killed ‘many of the English settlers. Charges of company mismanagement led King James I to revoke the charter in 1624, and Virginia became a royal colony. At thet point Virginia had only about 500 colonists, most of whom were indentured servants who did not live long because of poor diet, diseases, and overwork. New England Begins, 1614-1625 In the winter of 1620, the Mayflower landed 102 English men and women at Plymouth Bay, where they founded Plymouth, The settlement was financed by some London merchants headed by Thomas Weston, who had received a patent from the Virginia Company of London to establish a colony. Weston had entered into an agreement with a group of English Separatists who had been living in Holland to escape Anglican persecution. The Separatists and other non-Puritan Englishmen who joined the expedition promised to send lumber, furs, and fish back to Weston for seven years in retum for his investment. Winter storms, however, blew the Mayflower off course, and the colonists landed outside the boundaries of Virginia and the jurisdiction of its government. Therefore, the adult males signed the Mayflower Compact, creating their own civil government and pledging to abide by its laws. Half the Pilgrims, as they came to be called, died during the first winter in Plymouth, Those still alive in the spring of 1621 were greatly helped by two friendly Indians, Squanto and Samoset, who taught them how to plant com and arranged treaties with neighboring ties, While Plymouth never grew wealthy or large, it was the vanguard of a mighty Puritan migration to New England in the 1630s and proved that a self-governing farm community could survive in New England. ‘Sesyrght © Houghton Mtn rary. aligns reserves. Chapter 2: The Rise ofthe Atlantic World, 1400-1625 17 F._A“New Netherland” on the Hudson, 1609-1625 Py ele, Dutch traders erected Fort Nassau, near present-day Albany, and established New eee ana in 1626 local Munsee Indians allowed the Dutch to settle on an island «the a eaarrat tbe Hudson the Dutéh named it Manhattan and stared the settlement of Now roa jam, Most ofthe setters lived by the fur rade, competing with the French. They dealt primarily withthe Iroquois, the enemies ofthe French-backed Hurons V. Conclusion othe 1500s an Atlantic world developed, connecting Europe, Africa, and the Arsh Through exploration, trade, and conquest, emerging Wester European nation stint exploited for their Tee the peoples and resources of West Africa and the Americas, with often Govensui effects ta those populations. By 1600 the Spanish had planted their empire firmly Mexico, the Chritibear, and Cental and South America, but the Indian peoples north of Mexico still held back carpe conquerors and colonizers, Between 1600 and 1625 the Spanish made few aa ine north of Mexico to protect the borders of New Spain, while the Fre h and aaeecre Jushed fur-trading colonies, and the English had begun farming on formeriy Indian land in Virginia and Plymouth. VOCABULARY ‘The following terms are used in Chapter 2, To understand the chapter fully, i important that you mow what each of them means. deference the submission or yielding tothe judgment, opinion, and/or will of another, respectful or courteous regard hierarchy a system of placing persons or things ina graded order, from lower higher, in wealth, power, status, and so on yeomen free, landowning small farmers, below the gentry in status capitalism a cystem under which the means of production, distribution, and exchange sec in large measure privately owned and directed and in which prices and ‘Wages are determined by supply-and-demand market forces indoctrination the teaching or inculcating of a doctrine or set of beliefs Eucharist the Christian sacrament of the Lord's Supper; communion; the sacrifice of the Mass, also the consecrated elements of the Lord's Supper, such as the bread Gentry Jandowners with substantial amounts of property and without aristocratic titles considered “gentlemen” and therefore not to do manual labor played an important role in English government Caravel a type of small, maneuverable ship developed by the Spanish ané Portuguese in the 1400s Astrolabe an astronomical instrument for taking the altinade ofthe sun or stars, useful in solving problems in astronomy and navigation Huguenots, French Protestants patent an official document conferring aright (such asthe exclusive right to make tice of or sell an invention) or a grant of land (such as the charter given to the Virginia Company of London) Ccopyrght © Houghton Min Gompsry. 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