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4th Grade Art

Compass Art Final Assessment Rubric

Criteria 1: Use of Space

Name: ________________________

Outer circle is drawn

largely and leaves very
little background around

Criteria 2: Use of Techniques

Criteria 5: Neatness/Marker

Student stayed on the
lines while outlining and
kept a very consistent
line width.

Criteria 6: Neatness of Color

Use at least 3 of the

techniques learned to
help create their design

Student stayed in the
lines while coloring,
color is a flat even color
without streaks

Outer circle has been

drawn too small- about
50% filled and 50% empty

Some originality used in

how techniques were
incorporated into the design.
Some original ideas used

Used a least 2 of the

techniques learned to help
create their design

A few places where
student was off the
lines or line widths

Student stayed inside
most lines, color is
even and there are few

Used only 1 of the

techniques learned to
help create their

Few original ideas used in how

techniques were incorporated
into the design. No new ideas
included either. Techniques just
stack on top of each other.

A fairly small group of

colors used with some
repetition. Few or no
errors in color placement

Outer circle is drawn

much to small a
majority of the space
is background

A small group of colors have

been used and repeated to
create design unity. No
mistakes in placement

Techniques were used in

creative, original ways and not
just stacked on top of each
other. New ideas used too

Criteria 4: Color Use

Outer circle fills a

majority of the space,
but does leave less than
50% background space

Used at least 4 of the

techniques learned to
help create their design,

Criteria 3: Originality

No originality or creativity
of the use of techniques or
use of students own ideas.

Too many colors have been used

which makes the design lack
unity. Some errors may have
been made in color placement

Several places where
student was off the lines or
line widths vary

Some problems staying in
the lines while coloring,
Color values vary some
and there are streaks

Too many colors have

been used which makes the
design lack unity. Many
errors may have been made
in color placement

Many places where
student was off the lines
and line widths are not
consistent at all

Several problems with
staying line lines, color
values vary and color is
mostly streaky

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