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_______ 3-4
Can I apply?
Removal of Membership
Officers and
Officer Positions and Roles
Removal of Officers
Finding new
Official Client Request Form
Official Client

Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better
than we found them, more able to get where theyd like to go. Seth Godin

Opening Statement
We are Wilkes University Marketing Club. Born of an idea to utilize our college years to further
our futures before they begin. The hard work and dedication to the projects we complete will further
prepared for the many roads that lie ahead. Wilkes University can teach us everything we need, but
only when we apply it to a real world situation do we truly feel our education is working. This
club/chapter will not only make each of us better professionals, but also better people, and that is our
true goal!

Chapter Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to give each member four things: Real world
application, Enhanced learning, better abilities in team building and leadership, and most importantly,
Professional connections with people who can help you further your jobs in the future.

All members are subject to the same rules and guidelines. Under no circumstance do we tolerate
any type of discrimination in the organization. That being said, anyone can join. We have a very small
process for each new member to go through. The organization takes trips, does fund-raising and
charity, and works as a full service marketing organization for local businesses. We need dedicated,
hardworking, and loyal members so we can keep our high quality work at the same level.
ALL MEMBERS may be removed if the membership committee comes to a unanimous vote to
remove said member. If you believe someone has broken the bylaws of the organization found below,
you may bring this to the committee and state your case. All members have the right to defend
themselves and a vote will not be cast UNTIL said member has made his case and all information has
been given. The committee can also suspend a persons membership for a period of 2-5 weeks if they
feel time away from the organization is warranted.
The bylaws follow a strict no tolerance policy as they are here for the organizations benefit. These laws
will be enforced during all organizational events, on or off campus:
1. All members will wear business attire during all professional events. These include, but are not
limited to, meetings with clients, events, and conventions.
2. All members will conduct themselves in a professional manner during all events and meetings.
This means no derogatory or obscene words or gestures, no racial or sexist remarks or
comments, and absolutely no swearing.
3. New clients must apply on the official form found in the back of this constitution and must be
approved by the committee.
4. No organization member is allowed to use funding for personal reasons. Funding will only be
used for organizational needs after approval from the Treasury Board.
5. Deadlines are strict. Please do not miss a deadline if you volunteer for something. We employ a
2 chance policy for missing deadlines. In some cases, however, we hold the right to bring the

Membership Committee into the fold and vote on skipping the warning if the deadline missed
was of great importance.
6. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE will any members fight with one another, be rude, or attack
(verbally or physically) any person. We are a club that is founded on becoming professionals
inside and outside work life. Immediate removal from the chapter as well as possible legal
action will be enforced if anything happens.
7. Members must follow the chain of command (found under officers and positions title) when
needing approval for any chapter related things. All chapter approval will need a Majority vote
to pass (unless specified otherwise) and is the final decision whichever way it is voted.
8. Finally, no member shall try to undermine, back stab, or talk bad about any officer to overthrow
them. Chapter Officers are voted on at the start of a year IF someone would like to run against
them. These votes are made to give every member his own voice and should NOT become a
popularity contest, but rather what is best for our chapter.

Officers and Positions

All Chapter officers will hold the same or similar positions in the club as well. Committees,
however, will only be utilized in the chapter. The officer positions are as follows and who holds each
can be found at the end of this constitution each year.
All final decisions will be made by the president. Runs all operations and committees, as
well as sets meetings and finalizes trip itineraries.
Vice President
Assists the president in decisions and creates trip itineraries
Heads the Treasury Board. Holds all monetary information for the chapter. Also in charge of
money on trips and during events.
Record the time distribution during all meetings (unless another member would like to
volunteer), communicate with members and clients about times of meetings, and help record
or communicate any further information.
Director of Public Relations
Head of all public relations information. Publications and client acquisition goes directly
through the Director of PR. In charge of customizing client questionnaire, writing up press
releases, and any news (both print and television) stories. Writes up scripts for interviews
and event speeches.
Director of Design
Final say on marketing and design. Will work with logo design and event set up. Also will
be in charge of all design work throughout the chapter
Each Officer position is broad for a reason. Many of the officers will have members specifically
working with them and have positions to fill a void in the event an officer is for some reason absent
from the chapter. These members will be considered first alternates for the position, and are the first
members to be promoted in the event of an officer removal or graduation.

Meetings will be determined at the start of each semester by a vote in the Membership
Committee. Suggestions are welcome to when or where you would like to have the meetings and when
is best. We will have food and drinks at meetings after a big event or fundraiser is completed. Each
meeting will be recorded by the secretary or volunteered member for both content and time per subject.
Meetings should be attended as soon as possible as all meetings contain valuable information or even
speakers and business connections. Meetings are regular dress, however, if the meeting has a speaker or
business owner coming, business casual is required unless otherwise specified.

Finding New Clients

If you feel you know a client that could use our services, you should print off (or ask an officer
for a copy) the Official Client Request Form to be written and signed by the client (General Manager or
owner signature is required for legal reasons) we look for a few things for each client we vote on.
These include (but are not limited to):
Brand recognition
Marketing potential
Market Segment
Area of company
Finding a new client is not required by members, however, it is strongly urged to ask as you
never know who may end up being your boss or partner one day!

At the end of our time at school, we hope that not only will this chapter be something you look
back on fondly, but also give you the best opportunity to succeed well farther then a normal degree
would. We feel that this chapter will award each member with the opportunity to make invaluable
connections, learn how to apply classes to real world situations, and have fun going to events in
Pennsylvania and all around the USA. Most importantly, we hope that each member will be able to
write on a resume that they were part of something amazing, and be able to impress with what this
chapter accomplished.
The only thing we ask of alumni of the chapter is to not be a stranger. We hope that the alumni
will be able to come back a few years down the road and give a speech or interview potential
employees in the chapter. We want our chapter to become something that will give every member an
opportunity to be a part of something bigger than just a club or chapter, whether you are in college or a
professional. I hope that the original 3 founders will one day be able to come back and meet the new
officers and see how amazing our chapter has become.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter Drucker

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