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{\rtf1 {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;}\pard\tx1500\tx3000\plain\fs16\cf1\b1 From

: \b0\tab <info@shopstewards.net>\par
\pard\tx1500\tx3000\plain\fs16\cf1\b1 To:\b0\tab <shopstewardsnet@lists.riseup.n
\pard\tx1500\tx3000\plain\fs16\cf1\b1 Date: \b0\tab 02/03/2010 20:36\par
\pard\tx1500\tx3000\plain\fs16\cf1\b1 Subject: \b0\tab [shopstewardsnet] Check o
ut the website\par
\par \par \par \par \par \par Check out the homepage on the National Shop Stew
ards Network website\par (http://www.shopstewards.net <http://www.shopstewards.n
et/> ) for details of\par a range of meetings and activities across England, Sco
tland and Wales to\par show support for the PCS Union's struggle against sacking
s and to defend\par agreed levels of redundancy compensation, planning the way f
orward against\par public service cuts with SERTUC, opposing local authority cut
s and\par commemorating the 25th anniversary of the end of the miners' strike.\p
ar \par \par \par Follow Shopstewards on Twitter\par \par }

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