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Keay Hese extmcts taken From “lWaitive Yor Godot’ amp trace siews that account For the presence oF the Existeutialist Hheveirt in: the way the chacacens structure their discourse Clextual awalysis) thors the presence of symbolism, \Rony, presuypes: Coiscucsive — the avttter's position , (secisl awalysis) Awalysis ) zpedlesy, Discoube oF power esTaacon: weapon: EsTRAGON: EsTaacon: 2STRAGON: ‘ESTRAGON: ‘viapmarR: zsTRAcoN: ‘viapnan: = (hur, coldly). May one enquire where His“ ee Estragon, sitting ona low mound, is trying to take. off his boot. He pulls at it with both hands, ponting. Be gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again. ‘As before. Enter Vladimir. giving up again). Nothing to be done. (advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide part). I'm beginning to come round to that opinion. All my life I've tried to put it from = saying, Viadimir, be reasonable, you hay tried everything. And [resumed the struggle: (He ‘broods, musing on the struggle. Turning to Estragon.) So there you are agein. jets mlb Ant? a ” : Tim glad to see you back. I thou for. were gon 2 too, "Together again at last! We'll have to celebrate this. Bur how? (ife rejects.) Get up tll Lembrace_ tab ein you Grritably), Not now, not now. Highness spent the night? > Ina ditch (admiringly). A ditch! Where? (without gesture). Over there, And they dida't beat you? Boat mo? Certainly they beat me. ‘The same lot as usual? ‘The seme? Tdon't know ‘When I think of it... all these years... but for me... where would you be ... ?(Decisively) You'd be nothing more than alittle heap of bones at the present minute, no doubt about it 9 seTRacon; And what of it? ‘vEADDa: (gloomily). It's too much for one man. (Pause. (Cheerfully,) On the other hand what's the good. of losing heart aow, that’s what Isay. We should_ have thought of it a million years ago, in the nineties. zsmacow: Ah stop blathering and help me off with this bloody thing. viapnam: Hand in hand from the top of the Biffel Tower, ‘among the first, We were presentable in those days. Now it’s too lata, They woulda’t even let us up, (Bstragon tears at his boot.) What are you doing? xsreacon: Taking off my boot, Did that never happen to you? viappar: Boots must be taken off every day,l'm tired telling you that. Why don't you listen to me? EsTRAGON: (feebly). Help me! viapnar: It hurts? zgmmagon: Hurts! He wants to know if it hurts! vapmam: (angrily). No one ever suffers but you. I don't, count. [1 like to hear what you'd say if you had what Uhave. ssrnagon: It hurts? ‘yiapnar: Hurts! He wants to know if t hurts! RSTRAGON: (pointing). You might button it all the same. viapman: (stooping), True. (He butions his fly.) Never neglect the little things of life. esraacon: What do you expect, you always wait till the last moment. = viapmam: (musingly). The last moment .. . (He meditates.) Hope deferred maketh the something sick, who said that? gsrracon: Why don't you help me? ‘YLapiaGn: Sometimes I feel it coming all the same. Then I go all queer. (He takes off his hat, peers inside it, feels about inside it, shakes it, pute it on again.) How shall I say? Relieved and at the same time 10 LADDER: ESTHAGON: viApDAR, -BSTRAGON ‘There's maz all over for you, blaming 6n his _ (he. veil for the word)... appalled. (With emphasis) s2-e41s.8D. fe eke of hs hat again, peers inside i) Bunny. (ie Rnacks on theses as though to dislodge a foreign body, peers into tagain, puts it on again.) Nothing to be done, (Estragon with « supreme effort succeda in pling if his boot. He looks inside it, feels about inside ie tarna i speide dam, shakes, Tooke de oe ‘anything has fallen out, finds tothng, ol inside i agai, searing eho before him.) Well? -s y. Stow. " There's nothing to show try and patton again Aeon hi fa) TN ee a ‘boots the faults of his feet. (He takes off his hal. goin, pers inside it, frie about inside, nace on the crown, blows into it, puts it on again.) This is geting alarming, (Silence. Viadimir dep in thought, Estragon pulling at his cs) Que ofthe ‘thieves was saved. (Pause.) It's a reasonable, = Pee) Gogo. What? ‘Suppose ve repeated. : Repented what? 2 OR... (He reflects.) We woulda’t have to go into the details (Our being bora? Viadimir breaks into « hearty laugh which he immediately stijles, his hand pressed to his pudis, fis face contorted. One daren't even laugh any more, Dreadful privation. : Merely amie, (He smiles suddenly from ear to ear, keeps smiling, ceases as suddenly.) I's not the same thing. Nothing to be done, (Pause.) Gogo. u facing auditorium.) Inspiring prospects. (He turns to Vladimir) Lat’s go. : Wecan't, Why aot? We're waiting for Godot. (despairing!y), Ab! (Pause ) You'vesureit washere? What? ‘That wo were to wait. He said by the tree. (They look at the tree.) Do you ‘Weany othe? What is it? don't know. A willow. Where are the leaves? : Temust be dead. No more weeping. Or perhaps it’s not the season. : Looks to me more like a bush. 2 Ashrub, Abush. ‘A—. What are you insinuating? That. we've come to the wrong place? : “Ho should be here. He didn't say for sure he'd come. ‘And ithe doesn’t come? We'll come back tomorrow. nd then the day after tomorrow. Possibly. And so 02. ‘The point ia— Until he comes. You're merciless ‘We came here yestorday. [Ah no, there you're mistaken. + What did we do yeaterday? : What did we do yesterday? : Yea, Why... (Angrily). Nothing is certain when you're about. u EsTmagon: In my opinion we were here, vtapman: (looking round). You recognize the place? esrmacow: [didn't say that, vtapmas: Well? zermacon: That makes no difference. vtapmam: All the same... that tree auditorium)... that bog. tsrRacon: You're sure it was this evening? viapmar: What? zeTRAGoN: That we were to wait. . (turning towards the viapnaa: He said Saturday. (Pause) think, ag At“Catre think zstaacon: You vranne: Imust have made a note of it. ‘He fumbles in his pockets, bursting with niscellaneous rubbish. (very insidious). But what Saturday? And ia it Saturday? Is it not rather Sunday? (Pause.) Or Monday? (Pause.) Or Friday? (ookingly wildly about him, 0s though the date was insoribed in the landscape). t's nct possible! Or Thursday? veapnem: What'll wedo? rhe came yestorda; be sure be won't come ESTRAGON EsTRacon ‘minute, do you mind? VeapmMm: (feebly). All right. (Estragon sits down on the mound. Viadimir paces agitatedly to and jro, halting frome time to time t9 gaze into distance off. Estragon falls asleep. Vladimir halte before Estragon.) Gogo! .. . Gogo!... coco! Estragon wakes with a start. ESTRAGON: (Festored to the horror of his situation) 1 asleep! (Despairingly.) Why will you never let me sleep? - vapoun: [felt lonely, viapnam: felt lonely. somacon: Iwas dreaming I was heppy. ‘veapma: That passed the time. gemmacon: [was dreaming that— ‘viapnare: (violently). Don’t tell me! (Stlenoe.) I wonder is she really blind, Blind? Who? : Pozzo, Blind? He told us be, was blind. : Well what about it? : Keacomed to me he saw us. : You dreamt it, Pause.) Let's go. We can't. Ab! (ause,) Are you sure it. wasn't him? : Not atall! (Less sure.) Not at all! (Still less sure.) Not at all! + [suppose I might aa well get up. (He gets up painfully.) Ow! Di viapaum: Idon't know what to think any more, He sits down, tries to take off his boots.) Mine Hop me poca:"Worl ecg, il taste satire)? An Sleeping 20"? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think T do, what shall [say of today? That with Estragon, ny friend, at this place, until the fall of night, I waited for Godot? That Porzo passed, with his ‘carzier, and that be spoke to us? Probably. But in all that what truth will there be? (Eatrogon, having struggled with his boots in vain, ia dozing of togoin Vladimir seares at him.) te know nothing. He'll ell me about the blows he. _received and I'l give him a carrot. (Pause) “Astride of a grave and a dificult birth. Down in che hele, lingeringly, the grave digger puts %0 Bor: tap: on the forceps. We have time to grow old. ‘The air is full of our eries. (He listens.) But habit _is1agroat deadener. (He looks again at Baia) ‘At me too someone is looking, of me too someone is saying, be ia sleeping, he knows nothing, let him sleep on. (Pause.) lsan't go oa! (Pause.) What have I said? He goes feverishly to and fro, halts finally at izirana bf broods. Enter Bay right, He hale Mister... (Vladimir turns.) Mz. Albert . Off we go again. (Pause.) Do you not recognize a No, a It wasn't you came yesterday No, sir. ‘This is your Sree time. Silence. You have a message from Mr. Godot. Yea,sir, ~ He won't come this evening. . Noysiz, : But he'll come tomorrow. : Yara Silence. : Did you meet anyone? No, siz. ‘Two other... (he hesitates)... men? [didn’t see anyone, sir Silence What does he do, Mr. Godot? (Silence.) Do vou hear me? Yes, sir. Well? He does nothing, sir. om ‘Silence. viapnam: How is your brother? nor: He's sick, sir. viapnam: Perhaps it was he came yesterday. aor: Idon’s know, sir. Silence. ‘veapnam: (softy). Has he a beard, Mr. Godot? sor: Yes, si. (he hesitates)... or black?, viapmam: Christ have merey.on.ua! Silence. sor: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, sir? viappar: Tell him... (he hesitates)... tell him you saw me and that., .. (he hesitates) ... that you saw me. (Pause. Vladimir advances, the Boy recoils. Vladimir haits, the Boy halts. With sudden vioience) You're sure you saw me, you won't come and tell me tomorrow that you never saw me! Silence. Viadimir makes a sudden spring forward, the Boy avoids him and exit running. Silence. The sun sets, the moon rises. As in Act [. Vladimir stands motionless and bowed. Estragon wakes, takes off his boots, gets up with one in each hand and goes and puts them down centre front, then goes towards Vladimir, ksraacon: What's wrong with you? vuapmum: Nothing. zsTaacon: T'm going. viapnam: So am 1. ssrmacon: Waa I long asleep? vuapoam: I don't know. Silence. esrracon: Where shall we go? vtapna: Not far. BSTRAGON: Ob yes, let's go far away from here, viapnem: We can’t. ey viapoa: iverything’é doad but the tree. sstaacon: (ooking a! the ives). What is it? 2 Tes the tree, esreacon veapaan: -ESTRAGON viapaeR: BSTRAGON: viapaen: esTRacon. vLADRER ESTRAGON: ‘vLapmaR: ESTRAGON EADIE: zerRaGoN: Why not? We have to come back tomorrow. What for? To wait for Godot. AB! (Silence) He didn't come? No. And now it’s too late. ‘Yes, aow it's aight. ‘Abd itwe dropped hi? (Pauee) It we dropped punish us, (Silence. He looks at thet ‘Yes, but what kind? 1: [don't know. A willow. Estragon draws Vladimir towards the tree. They ‘stand motionless before it. Silence Why don't ws hang ourselves? Wich what? You haven't got a bit of rope? _ No, ‘Then we can’t Let’s go. Wait, there's my belt, It's too short. ‘You could hang on to my legs. ‘And who'd hang on to mine? True. Show all the same. (Eatragon loosens the cord ‘that holds up his trousers which, much soo big forhim, fallabout his ankles. They look at the cord.) It might do at @ pinch. But is it atrong_ ‘enough? ‘Weill soon see. Hers. ‘They eoch toke an end of the cord and pull. It breaks. They almost fal. 2 2 Dit. 2 Yee " Wai ‘bang ourselves tomorrow, (Pause.) Uni : Not worth a curse. Silenee. You say we have to come back tomorrow? 2 Yes. ‘Then we can bring 2 good bit of rope 2 Yes. Silenee. Tean't go on like this. Ppesoa ish fs sak » parted? That might be better for us. Godot. comes. : And if he comes? ‘We'llbe saved. Vladimir takes off his hat (Lucky's), peers inside it, ole about inside it, shakes it, knocks on the crown, puta it on again. ‘Well? Stall we go? Pull on your trousers. What? Pall on your tousers._ ‘You want mé to pull off my trousers? Pull of your trousers. (realizing his trousers ore down). True, He puils up his trousers. Well hal ogo? They do not move CURTAIN

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