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ACI MATERIA\ Title no. 96-M56 RNAI Water Permeability and Autogenous Heal Concrete by Carola Edvardsen ie welnaoon frac! phomaton of egos baling in efecto tin te fll iki farton thc ede Bar eens Meigen fw tag th ca pracy rele tint ie ete eae Dr ra sly Th fa the hs bet no deli teal epleiion fey kc Seco i tv hon the pero elf obec ‘he py pros ted adn rel an een! car te eof ack ngs igen on 0 lager wef ef te Te (Sper! i ra orb ee ee ‘tac te wi cous fr cages lesa snp Shera ain fhe ic gin ts ton ol te np etl roth of ae barng once a ‘eral a i el gro repent cif oe {rth prc at a darned iy he ngs ‘hota ad pal ends toll Forge ey rot ts ipa nthe ck ith eer eae, ‘ea cnt onasion tr ands have wo fas acon hang On tea oft pein Sit tate 0 dedi he rat ete oa eect of negra wer rial KKepworde: autogenous hiling onoretes; etching (excturing spas; INTRODUCTION Besides the durability and general stability the watertight- nes is of significant importance forthe serviceability of rein- forced concrete structures subjected to water pressure load, ive, basements, water retaining structures, water service reser voirs, or waste water reservoirs. Water-tightness of the con= crete can be insured either by using special membranes or by the concrete itself. However, 100 percent waterstightness can never be achieved. Cracks are unavoidable in reinforced con- ‘rete structures, The design method essures the presence of cracks. Damages of structures show that tenale eracks result- ing from the restraint of imposed deformations are norm, e=- pecially for water retaining structares, Due to the tensile ‘racks, the concrete structure will become water-permeable up to a certain degree, depending on the crack width, the cracie length, the hydraulic gradient, ete At the seme time, practical experiences demonstrate that cracks have the ability to heal themselves, eg, the water flow will be reduced with time. In extreme eises, cracks can seal completely. The autogenous healing of eracks in concrete seems to be @ complicated chemical/physical process, Al- though the autogenous healing has become pert ofthe civil en- gineering folklore, the information about the process itself and the influencing parameters were limited. A quantification of the flow reduction degree hes been lacking until recently. For the first time, the effect of erack healing waa investigated on a larger scale through experimental” and theoretical studies.” 448 TECHNICAL PAPER 1g of Cracks in RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE ‘The sim of the research described inthis paper is to investi- Agate the effects of autogenous healing upon the leakage of wa- ‘er through cracks in éoncrete so that recoramendations can be ‘made for engineering practice. The results ean be used to cost ‘optimize the design of water retaining structures, WATER PERMEABILITY AND AUTOGENOUS. HEALING Water permeability ‘The model that was used to analyze the initial low of water (Gow before the au ing occurs) through eracks in rate ie encore rare ee rer setibed in uid mechanics textbooks." This model azsumes the flow to be an ingompressile fluid that runs between parallel- sided plates where the laminar flow is filly developed. The ‘equation, whichis derived from this model to estimate the water flow through a smooth parallel-sded crack, can be written as Ge = Ap b- WR A d a water flow of idealized smooth oracks, m*/see; fferential water pressure between inlet and outlet of the erack, N/tc¥; b= length ofthe crack (visible crack length atthe surface of the structure), mi we = crack width, low path length ofa crack (thiness of the concrete structure), m; and T= absolute viscosity, Ne/in*. Eq, (1), often referred to as Poiseuille Law, shows that the crack width is the dominant factor for the water permeability 8 the flow rate is proportional to the wideh eubed. However, smooth parallel-sided erzcks will not occur in con- crete, Due to the roughness of the inner crack surface, the wa ter flow will be much less than theoretically estimated according to Eq, (1). The reesons for the reduced water flow ‘hrough cracks are: + Roughness of the erack surfaces: macroroughness (crack. development around the coarse aggregate) and microrough- ness (surface roughness of aggregates and paste) + Variation of erack width slong the flow path and the viei- ble erack length; + Local erack width reduction atthe reinforcement, ACI eye ral 96, ety sa 98, eta ey 195, ed vce et te peta oie sight (hewn Gaeta tate Mil ngs sabe tela eae ‘eons eae perms Sane we ropa, Fea eel ebliedie eyes 00 AC Meee Ira by Seay i 2 ACI Materials Journal/July-August 1999 (Sects tents be senbr pny of OOWT Coing Eng and Pas AS “egy Dm Se meh ftom the il ty of an, Gry, + Crack branching: and + ‘Physical effeets(adhetion and cohesion). Eq, (I) is therefore to be modified by a reduction factor & ap = BAP Ww/2 d ° gy = water flow of natural rough cracks 1a/see and = reuction factor comprising the roughness of cracks. ‘The previously performed experimental stadias™” show a lange variability for the flow reduction factor €, The reduction factor varied between 0.02 and 0.17 in the water permeability tostsonreinforeed concrete slabs The reesured water fow Wad always less than 1/5 of the Poiseulllefiow, calculated according ‘© Eq, (1), The deviation ofthe reduction fctor was even higher with 008 <8 < 0.48 attests performed by Meichsner” ‘Autogenous healing of cracks in concrete In the literature," the following chermial, physical, and mo- ‘chanical processes maybe the reeson forthe autogenous healing: Swelling and hydration of cement paste, Precipitation of calcium carbonate crystals; Blocking of flow path by water impurities; and Blocking of ow path by the concrete particles broken from the crack surface due to cracking. ‘The most significant factor, which influence the autogenous healing, is the precipitation of ealeium carbonate. This will be itself gives evidence of this provess dally. White cain traces af the surface of the concrete structure signify the formation of alGium carbonate at cracks (Fig. 1) RESEARCH STUDIES ‘One aim of the experimental stadies!™* was'to determine the relationship between the width of a crack in concrete, 3s ‘neafured on the exposed surfaces, and the leakage of water passing through the erack: The other aim was to investigate the phesiomenon of autogenous healing. ‘During Phase I, water permeability teats were conducted’on small concrete fest specimens [200 x £00 x 200 mm ($00 and 400 ram], each with a single tension erack, and varying the following parameters (Table 1) + Crack width w (e= 0.10, 0120, end 0.30 man); + Grack length d ie, thickness ofthe concrete clement (d= 200, $00, and 400 mm); Pig. 1—Whitecaleium traces at concrete surface, indicating autoge- CHEASEGREESGa Rens REM ‘Table 1—Experimental test program'? a = = ee valapt : 1 saa ae cmon mgt : bweo ‘crack pleat ‘Constant Satta -substanon sae | s seanoet, cack re a, | een ee i “COOOL ag | S| ER oe ACI Materials Journai/July-August 1999 449 Fig: 9 Testing deve for producing realistic eile racks ender water pressure sujeton! Witer fow (trea) ° om Duration of exposre to water) Fig, s—Relationship between water flo ond time for dire crak width (pr tal ec, = tna ow (trem) “ 2 10 Weer rarnd | mim x0 = an 0 as Boe © : F ats 01cm ag caso aa each wit Saber tm ton ‘Water pressure head p (p ranging from 2.5 to 20 mof + Hyéraulic gradient 1(Irenging from 6.25 to 50), ie, the ‘water pressure head m divided by the thickness ofthe structure m Hardness of water (soft water with approximetely 10 mg (C2C04/1, hard water with approximately 480 mg CaCO,/ and distilled water) 450 + Cement pordand cement, slag cement, sulfate resistant etme) + Aggrogne (granite limestone, bt) and + _ Filer (lmestone dst, fy-ch. ‘To produc a realise tension crack and subject ito water pressure spacial testing devise wen developed (ip 2) The Eenkage and temperature tie water were coisas mea sured during the exposure to water presse The water feos td afer peeing through the cack) was chemtclly analyaed to getinformation about the constmapon of alu carbonate (aysrogen carbonste) Arte tests were fished (ert period ranging ffom 5 to 29 wees) the sacs of the creck path vere examined for blocking material by mens of opted! mi Crocaopy (polished and ik seton) scanning electron ‘roscope observations, and sreyaftecton-ansigns Other essential, relevant fore, afteing the autogenous healing, uch ae + Crack motions (active race with varying cack width; [Ail substanes preset in th water (iroceens Sia fume, and benteit) end (rack branching nea he saris ofthe concrete strec- tures due to skis reinforcement vere investigate in Phase Il The influence of crack branching tn the leakage of water and autogenous heling was exined by conducting water permed este on enforced concrete slabs (2800 x 1000 x 400mm) (Tale) The influence of crack ‘motions and aril! eubstarses was examined by water pers Imeability tess conducted on the pevouily mentoned small test peciens. RESULTS Dormant cracks Fig. $ presents some results ofthe investigations! with sin- ale crack specimens and dormant cracks. The characteristic flow curve of eoncrete cracks during autogenous healing shows a significantly decreasing rate et the early stages. The initially high leakages quicidy dropped to a reduced level “About 50 percent of the concrete specimens with erack width (mean value) of w= 0.20 mm and 2 water preseure head of p= 2.5 m (I= 6.35) healed completely during 7 weeks of water ex- posure. Even for p= 10 m(I= 25), 95 percent of the cracks ‘were healed up to the extent chat the fow completely stopped (w= 0.20 mm, 7 weeks of water exposure). ig. # shows the relationship between the initial ow and the crack width, There is alarge distribution ofthe results thet cen ‘be preliminary attributed tothe large variability ofthe measured racic widths (a well-known problem at investigations with the crack width es test parameter). Despite the variability of the re sults, the validity of Bq 1) was confirmed, which indicates ehat ‘ACI Materials JournallJuly-August 1999 : Te messes, dor o pomeovat Fig ¢—Relatonhip bree lw end incre (perm Paes ioe eae Wistrtow (Het) «0 ae eee 300 st, 5 “0 2 2 © uaton of export water ye Eig flats eae or and ti fo reformer ple poe at Boe wing Gor B cnt eee de ‘eater presnare of 2.5 m)? ae a the leskage of water through cracks in concrete is proportional to the width cubed Active cracks Fig. 6 presents the water low of an active crack (ereck mo- tion corresponding to 1-day eyele) in comparison with a der- ‘ant crack with & comparable crack width (tigy, = EA. Wi) and water pressure,’ The figure shows that an autogenous healing also occurs in active cracks. The autogenous healing of sctive eracks is comparable to dormant cracks at minimum crack width (min. tg) whereas the healing takes more time at ‘maximum crack width (max. ta). Compared with dormant cracks, the period for total healing at maximum crack width will be increased by at least 15 weeks, Crack branching For the toto slabs with comparable main reinforcement, ‘mean surface crack width could be reduced from 0.25 mm (Slab ‘$2 without skin reinforcement) £00.10 mm (Slab 81 with skin inforcement) a comparable steel stresses (skin reinforce: considered) Crack branching, which is caused by the skin reinforcement, has a significant reduction of the crack widths at the surfaces 0fS1, whereas the crack widths in the middle of the two slabe were comparable. Fig. 6 shows that the inicial flow could be reduced by two orders of magnitude due tothe skin re- Inforcersent, and that the branched cracks of $1 healed up to negligible low rates after one month of exposure to water. Tt ACI Materials JournaliJuly-August 1999 csi (b) a7 tel of x, co eth 0 seems tha, besides the visible crack branching at the surface of, ‘the St, contractions in the inner crack path exist and reduee the ‘initial flow end support the autogenous healing further. NEW FINDINGS ON MECHANISM OF AUTOGENOUS HEALING? Cause of autogenous healing ‘ll the chemical and mineralogical investigations! of the crack fracture surfaces have shown the formation of crystalline CaCO, as practically an exclusive cause of autogenous healing, (Fig, 2). Irrespective ofthe investigated experimental parame- ters, it was possible to prove the presence of calcite formation i all the cracks, thereby also in cracks witha large width (w= 0.80 min) alarge movement (A w= 60 percent), and ahigh wae ter pressure head (p= 10 m of water), An enalysis of the possi- ble influence of hardened swelled cement paste on the reduction of the leakage rate revealed to be of lesser impor- tance. The influence from mechanical processes (blocking of the flow path by suspensions or loose concrete particles) was observed equally small ‘CaCO, formation in water flown-through crack ‘Accomprehensive theoretical discussion of the laws that gow cern the cate nucleation end the subsequent crystal growth of ‘water-bearing cracks in concrete i given in Reference s based fon the findings of the investigations presented in Reference 1 and 2, The important results ofthese considerations® are given the following. Fig. &--Media, interfaces, and reactions in CaCOy-CO,-H,O ‘yen Log M (mol) 0 HCC ‘7 \ca”*) od, 8 + 4567 8 9 011 pH 25 Seba ements of C2, CO A calete formation in the ares of water-bearing cracks tales place in the material system CaCOy-CO,-H,0 according tothe following resetions™ Cat + CO, © CaCO, (5 yaar > 8) (sa) Catt HCOS + CaCO, +H (75 < Pyne <8) (Sb) ‘The water-insoluble CaCO, is evolved from a reaction be- tween the calcium ions Ca" rerete, and the -water available bicarborates HCO,,, or carbonates CO," (Fig. 8). Whetier and where inthe crack the calite formation develops with a subsequent erystel growth dependsapart from the temperature, pH value, and CO, partial pressure— very decisively ftom the saturation index Q of calcite (© = (Ce#(CO,")/1C] and with it from the concentration of the tons (Ce#*)(CO,*) in the solution and the solubility product of calcite K." Laboratory experiments on corresponcing test 462 Fig. 10~Conditions in water-penctrated coneret rack? tube solutions!* show that in « homogeiious nucleation, « saturation of = soi to trigger acalcite nucleation with subsequent crystal growth, When a concrete surface acts like « cast to the nucleation process ons has to desure 8 heterogeneous nucleation, and thet afar smaller saturation (Q <<< 20) will be necessary forthe nacleus formation ina water bearing race Furthermore, thermodynamic considerations of C400, for- nnation have shown thatthe following circumstances favor a C&C, precipitation in a rack: + Rising water temperatare, + Rising pH value of the water and + _Falling CO, partial pressure inthe water. Fig. 9 shows the equilibrium concentration of the CeCO, formaticn’s participating components Ca", CO,", and HOO? as function of pH value ofthe solution, According t this, the solubility curve for the CaCO, passes through a minimum ata pH value of epproximately 9.8 where there isthe leat Ca" re- ‘uicement to tigger ofa primary calete precipitation. ‘The solubility minimum of CaCO, cccus, therefore at «pt value chat lies between thet of hardened cement paste (sit 18.5) and that usually encountered in water (pH = 6.5 t0 7.6) ‘This is of great importance for a fowed-through concrete rack in which an intermiving of the two aqueats solutions {gore ovater and exposure water) takes place along the erack path [tis only a question of where the intermixed water in the rac reaches the eacler-mentioned pH value ofthe solubility minimum and sets of primary CaCO, precipitation. By taking into aesount the experimental results! a model was developed for the autogenous healing of eracks a a reult of calcite formation. In the following, the main elements of the sutogenovs healing model wall be presented. For a more de- tailed illustration, refer to Reference 8, ‘The autogenous healing model assumes thet the water en- tering the crack exhibits the usual pH value (pH= 5.5 «0 7.3) and the urual 00, conten: (Peog = 10%) Apart from the bice- bonates and carbonates, the water contains a oerizin amount of Cat" (Fig. 10) Ttis, however, stil underesturated in relation to 4 CaCO, precipitation, While this CO, containing water pene trates the hardened cement past, it dissolves additonal Cat* ions from the Ca(OH), and the CSH phates of the hardened ce- ‘ment paste, and the pl value of che water wil ree At the came ACI Materials JournaliJuly-August 1899 Fig. 11 Sure ond difision-eontraled proces of ais growth? time, the in-thepore-water-contained .allalis, KOH and NaOH, effect a risen the pH value (pH > 8), and the in-water- present-bicarbonates will be converted into carbonates. As a result of the concentration gradient, the dissolved Ca ions will difise into the through-flowing water and be removed with it The pH value, as well as the Caf ion concentration, will thereby rise over the low path length. A gradient in the pH value, a5 wel as in the Ce ion concentration, are also to be expected over the erack width because ofthe smalle flow velocity sin the aes ofthe rough angled crack walls especal- lyin the ares ofhollow depressions (where standing water may also be present), fewer Ca¥ ions are transported away than in ‘he middle of the crack where the water is flowing nearly un disturbed with mean flow velocity t~. ‘These regions with a low flow near the crack walls favor a supersaturation ofthe water, o that primary calcite precipi- tation corresponding with Eq, (Sa) takes place. Beside this pri- ‘mary calcite precipitation, further nucleations can take place in any other places along the course ofthe erack so far asthe con- ditions for a precipitation corresponding with Fig. are satis- fied. The precipitation conditions (high pH value and a good supply of Cet") are better realize in the contact area between ‘water and hardened cement paste than at the contact area be- tween water and aggregate grain, The subsequent crystal growth responds to diferent crystal growth processes that are determined by the changes in the chemieal and physicl eondi= tions in the crack (Fig. 11), In the initial phase of exposure to water, the kinetics of erystal growth is surface controlled as long as suficient CaP ions are available directly on the crack ‘wells (Fig. 12) onthe left. As soon as they are used wp, further Cat ions wil be transported from the inside of the concrete to the crack walls by means of diffusion. In this phase, a diffusion contrellederystal growth takes place. ‘The transition from the surface-controlled erystal growth to the difusion-controlled crystal growth causes the characeris- tic autogenous healing behavior of water-besring cracks (Fig. 12). As long as there are sufficient Ca'™ ions directly on the crack walle very rapid rystl growth takes place, Ate the consumption ofthe Ce" ions on the crack wal, Ca diffusion wil develop because of the concentration gradient. In this case, the period in which the CaP ions require to diffuse through the concrete and the sleedy avallabiecaeie ayer is greater than the periad required for their absorption and incorporation into the erystal lattice, Therefore, the erystal growth rate and the thereby conditioned autogenous healing ratedepend on theif fusion velocity of the Ca¥ ions through the concrete and the CaCO, boundary layer. As a consequence, water flow-through ‘racks exhibit a pronounced erystal groweh and an attendant AOI Materials JournalfJuly-August 1999 grees alog ete on. on aes Daniel ucasae tows 1 jeeps form tae ace ngty crack width reduction in the Initial phase (the first sto 5 day). ‘The result isa strong discharge decrease or autogenous heal- ing raterSubsequent to the surfice controlled erystal growsh, the very slowly progressing diffusion controlled crystal growth causes only very small cross-sectional reductions and small discharge reductions that ere reflected inthe nearly par- allel curve shape of the autogenous healing rate in Fig. 12. Influencing parameters "To a considerable degree, the autogenous healing process is influenced by the crack width and the prevailing water pres- sure, whereas the type of cement, aggregate, and Sller nd the hhardneee ofthe water are ofan leseer influence. ‘The analyses" of water revealed that not all the CO,* and HOO, ions present in the water wil be conaumed for the pre- ‘Gpitation, This means that the carbonate content in the water ia not the limiting factor for the CaCO,” precipitation, even when the water is very sof [urban low pH (ecid) rain water), ‘which was confirmed by the experimental investigation with such type of water, ANALYSIS OF RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS? Initial water flow ‘Due to the large distribution of water leakage, Eq, (1) seems to bes reasonable assumption to use to estimate the water low. A regression analysis of all the test results (Phase 1) gives 2 mean value of & = 0.95 for the reduction factor in Bq, (1). Ase ssurning a water temperature of 20 C (v ="1)/p = 1.00 mm/sec) the initial flow can be estimated from Eq, (1) fora visible cracls length of B= 1.00 m to Gq = 40-Tewa oh, o Initial water Ieekage per meter visible erack length, 17h; hydraulic gradient, m of water heed/m; he surface, mm; and ater temperatures, ‘Water temperatures diferent from 20 C are to be corrected by the factor i. Rate of autogenous healing ‘The relationship between the flow (mean value) and the pe- riod far all tests of Phase I are shown in Fig. 13. This graphic model can be used to estimate the water flow at any time con- sidering the autogenous healing effect (valid for dormant and active cracks). ‘A regression analysis of the results gives Bq (6) to estimate the influence of antogencus healing. The experiments demonstrated that the influence of the hydraulic gradient on the water flow 453 ' i i | i one BE PN et tint acta fie wit ie Table 2—Permissible crack widths for autogenous healing? Hiyauie gradieng w/in oo at 2 10% or8, 010 a 1st0s3 | oom ors 1 oaoto0ss | aismoao ‘aed open Hopemant © bso perert, is less significant than that of the crack width, Therefore, the differences in hydraulic gradient were not considered in vor ofa simplified handling Goto = 65-052 E13 IGS SE ey with a, ~ ‘Water Ieakage at time & 1/h, % t initial water flow, I/b, according to Eq, (4; crack width (mean value) atthe surface, mm; and ‘water exposure time h Total water leakage Fig. 14 shows the totd amount of water (mean value) forall tests in Phase I. The total water ow until the stage of total healing of the rack can be estimated (very rough estimate) at 00 1000" q, Permissible crack widths ‘With the tes results anda careful extrapolation, permissible crack widths (ay = design crack width), which ean be expected to obtain an almost total selfhealing after few weeks of water pressure exposure, can be derived from Table 2. CONCLUSIONS ‘The following conclusions are derived from the presented research." 1. Concrete cracks, both dormant and active, subjected to water pressure are able to heal themselves with time, 2. The greatest autogenous healing effet occurs within the frst 8 to 5 days of water exposure, where the then-still- avaiable water leakage, depending on the makes up 1 to 20 percent ofthe initial water leakage rate. 8. The participation of elcium carbonate crystals (CaCO,)in the erackis almost the sole cause for the autogenous healing of the cracks, +4. The growth rate of the CaCO, crystals depends on crack width and water pressure, whereas concrete composition (type of cement type and aggregate, respectively) and type of water (Ge, hardness of water) hes no influence on the autogenous healing rate 5. The formation of CaCO, responds to two diferent crystal growth processes. In the initial phase of the water expooure, 454 Codie Spe a a toe a the kinetics of crystal growth is surface controlled; late, it ‘turns to a diffusion controlled erystal growth. ‘6. An additional lin reinforcement proves ta be highly ef fective in supporting the autogenous healing process, REFERENCES st et maga ene bata ict pace Boceen e Sea Tied Scres tudor Sal rae Ter ace ke fy neat at nec coc Unease fader oe gvoaney Se pd iva Stating vo inn ner gets Basnonintics (ope Healy of ose Sara ame gee te Peete he oat Selig nt Uaioe ee coas 1 Biron, “Vherdcigt wd Scheid von Tee pote bees Cine Rema Sea Mn Besa he Gon tearing acento ESC sepchtier ates be dani Boe ‘eksoes : “Mans 8 Sand td ion, London Ya Nowra wet fl CAs “eB of Age Hig on Lkge of wha tntagh Ga in Gece Cake Coe: Iocan et Magatthay ie @ Rapier Vind Seeman or nana (ice Ree of i SgarconCsta’ Bond allen bac WO (0 Ooo) ‘Toate, “OtrdaSltang on Troms ete (eps Bag ecw Coe Ba oy Scenes sre eeky 1 Cupp Aang ating of uh in Const td Bate a ee SES St cre ‘al HOw, are acer ices ae te ce yan Gly FR, Te Sein es Cant wed Ne ool Wie CNOS Btn Ga Bese” naan Penton aire it owe Mat Chet ting Mb ad Epa, suger Stow te ok *TStenm ed Morente We ere were Te. Uw Rete ad Beli in Systm Ordo ant cabaret (040 Ge A Rover News Jetoe fe Mug icllngm vo Nerh ieee In tat, Ds “The Oakeley ef Some Coe Ground wae TE Roma One Cotesia a aes te Pes LN nd ug Eta ti of Cae Aw sth ud Mi Oy pia terestoasdsc Coes Ein sage Maid 2 Sim cig tr once Comes dan Use iciecoe, To Nine & eel May “salon of Ct Ce vot Snel ehstea Paoa anc sade te tan By "amopee Slug od Reawesene co, noah Oh ei sl ral Sowa ct {eos Grune Bgaice Tee Be Sens. fo Gera) tr Rese fy my M8 and Nein ©." " Growth ef alsin Carbonate—-A.Controlied Composidan ‘Kine ‘Study Jonral of Pils Char, ¥. 8, 1998 pp. 10207 ACI Materials JournaliJuly-August 1989 |

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