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Guidelines for writing the project report:

(1) Not more than 20 pages (including any appendices, code source, demo
snapshots etc.). Need only one report per team. No need to bind it or make
it look fancy -won't get you any extra points.
If you want to include the code you developed, it can't be more
than 10 pages as an appendix. Highlight the important pieces. Give us an
indication on the effort you put into it (how many lines of code,
whether original or modification of someone else's code, user-level,
kernel-level etc.)
(2) Clearly organize your report (there are points for organizing
and writing it well).
(3) Clearly state what you set out to do and what you managed to do.
(4) Clearly state the related work in the area. Explain (if any)
differences between your work and related work. Refer to all the sources
of the material in your report. Surveys can't lift sections/paragraphs
entirely from existing sources. Always give credit to the original sources.
(5) Clearly indicate the amount of work and the complexity
involved in the work. Even if your ideas didn't work, indicate
what you tried, what worked and what did not. This will give
me an idea of effort you put into the project. If you thought of several
issues/problems, put them down and explain why you chose the particular
path for your project.
(6) Clearly indicate what you learned as a result of the project.
Your report will be graded on your demonstration of your understanding
of the project material.
(7) Your report will be graded on the following:
(a) Complexity and the amount of the work carried out.
(b) Your understanding of the subject of the report.
(c) Organization and writing.
(d) Comprehensiveness of the survey, originality of the ideas in
experimental projects.
Grading emphasis may change based on the nature of the report:
survey or experimentation or measurement or implementation.

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