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Personal Data Philosophy:

Having data for classroom, school wide, district wide, state wide, nationwide,
etc. is important for many reasons, but it can be confusing upon first glance.
However, data is simply: facts or information used usually to calculate,
analyze, or plan something (Data, 2014, para. 1). If data is never thought of or
collected within a classroom, learning will still happen, but it will not be the best
that it could be.
What does good data look like? Data can be represented in many ways. It
can be represented in an application manner of tables, graphs, charts, etc. or it can
be thought of in a context manner of the four measures: demographics,
perceptions, school processes, and student learning. (Bernhardt, 1998). This
profile was assembled to give a foundation for my understanding in my role of data,
so I can be prepared to use a wide variety of information to the most benefit. It
was made to show my personal beliefs on data, as well as how I plan to follow
through in these ideas within my classroom.
I will take information from the multiple measures including the four types
of data listed above, as well as additional information found within the research
done for this document. I will adapt if necessary from multiple ideas to find my
own style to be able to best answer data questions and use the information in the
most positive way. This profile reflects me as a teacher and shows my belief in
data. Data can often feel overwhelming and as if it is impossible to know
everything, which is why this will be a document that is continuously expanding and
being added to.

Purpose and Principles of Data

"Learning takes place neither in isolation, nor only at school. Multiple
measures must be considered and used to understand the multifaceted world
of learning from the perspective of everyone involved" (Bernhardt, 2004, p.
Simply put data is information. It is facts or information used usually to
calculate, analyze, or plan something (Data, 2014, para. 1).In the classroom
teachers use data to gain specific information in order to know not only how to
improve, but also what to improve on. For students data shows what is and is not
working for them. Administration uses this evidence to know how effective
teachers are in the school and also allows them to see student achievement. Data
helps in many of the following ways:

Replace hunches and hypotheses with facts concerning what changes are

Facilitate a clear understanding of the gaps between where the school is and

where the school wants to be

Identify the root causes of these gaps, so the school can solve the problem

and not just treat the symptom

Understand the impact of processes on the student population
Assess needs to target services on important issues
Provide information to eliminate ineffective practices
Ensure the effective and efficient uses of dollars
Show if school goals and objectives are being accomplished
Ascertain if the school staffs and walking the talk
Promote understanding of the impact of efforts, processes, and progress
Generate answers for the community related to: what are we getting for our

children by investing in schools methods, programs, and processes?

Continuously improve all aspects of the learning organization
Predict and prevent failures
Predict and ensure successes
(Bernhardt, 2004, p. 3).

While one way to look at data is in tangible ways such as in data or tables,
these are not the only types of data to look at. The first two ways to look at
data is qualitative vs. quantitative. While research and quantitative numerical
data are arguably the most common forms of evidence used in education and
school reform, educators also use a wide variety of qualitative information to
diagnose student-learning needs or improve academic programming (Evidencebased, 2013, para. 3). Depending on the use of the data it could be beneficial to
use one of these types over the other, but they work best in combination with
each other. In order to use them independently or in combination however,
there components must first be understood.

A way to understand this form of data is to think of it as quality. This type
of data deals more with descriptions of items. It also is data that can be observed
but not measured. A good way to think of this is by thinking of items such as:
colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc. An example of this can be
looking at a latte. Qualitative data would focus on items like: robust aroma, frothy
appearance, strong taste, and glass cup. This type of data is focused more on
behavior and the big ideas. It answers questions such as How? and Why? as
opposed to Who?, What?, or When? (OConnor, H., 2014).

A way to understand the quantitative form of data is to think of quantity.
This type of data deals which data which can be measured. Ways to think of this
could include: length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature,
humidity, sound levels, cost, numbers, ages, etc. Going back to the latte example
the quantitative data that can be taken would be: 12 ounces of latte, serving
temperature 150 degrees Fahrenheit, serving cup 7 inches in height, and cost
$4.95. This evidence is more mathematically based and often reflects analysis of
numbers in sets of information. This type of data does answer the questions of
Who?, What?, or When? (OConnor, H., 2014).
All data can be categorized in one of these two types, but there are still
four divisions within the idea of data. These are what are called the multiple
measures. The multiple measures look at data through the four lenses of school

process, demographics, perceptions, and student learning. The information

gleaned from the intersection of these four measures helps us to define the
questions we want to ask, and focuses us on what data are necessary in order to
find the answer(Bernhardt, 1998, p. 1).

School Processes
This type of data can be thought of as the different programs that are
implemented within a school that affect classroom performance. It tells us over
time how classrooms change(Bernhardt, 1998, p.2). This is the type of data that
"defines what teachers are doing to get the results that we are getting"
(Bernhardt, 1998, p. 3). A simple example question would be: What programs are
operating in the school this year? (Bernhardt, 1998, p. 3).

This data is the type of data that teachers either have little to no control
over. It provides information about the community surrounding the school and
provide descriptive information about the school community, such as enrollment,
attendance, grade level, ethnicity, gender, and native language (Bernhardt, 1998,
p.1). While teachers may not be able to do much about having control over this set
of data information, it is still important to work with this data because it can
assist us in understanding the results of all parts of our educational system
through the disaggregation of other measures by demographic variables
(Bernhardt, 1998, p.1). An example question for this area would be: How many
students are enrolled in school this year? (Bernhardt, 1998, p. 3).

This type of data is focused on the opinions of stakeholders regarding the
learning environment. These stakeholders include students, parents,
administrators, teachers, etc. This type of data can be gathered by
questionnaires, interviews, and observations (Bernhardt, 1998, p. 1). This
category is not only helpful to know how to improve the system that is already in
place, but also informs on what is possible for the future. An example question for
this category would be: How satisfied are parents, students, and/or staff with
the learning environment? (Bernhardt, 1998, p. 3).

Student Learning
This data is academic based and describes the results of education in
terms of standardized test results, grade point averages, standard assessments,
and authentic assessments (Bernhardt, 1998, p.1). An example question of this
would be: How did the students at the school score on a test? (Bernhardt, 1998,
Separately these seem to only be only partially effective as if information is
not as deep as it could be. This is true because the multiple measures are not
meant to be completely separate all of the time. In fact when combining all four
measures, it is possible to get a question like this: Are there differences in
achievement scores for eighth-grade girls and boys who report that they like
school, by the type of program and grade level in which they are
enrolled?(Bernhardt, 1998, p.4). This type of question formed from the data
allows more information to be derived from what is already known. This can help
discover more and know how to organize learning to be more effective in the

Are all data types created equal/ are any types more valuable than
The answer for the question of equality is a flat out no! Different types of
data measures different information and some information is more relevant than
others. Each type of data is of different weight and value which is why they cannot
be measured in the same way. To answer the question of is any type more valuable
than another the answer could be seen as yes, because it depends on who is after
the information. To a teacher all types of data can be valuable in one form or
another, but to me personally the most important form of data is student learning.
This is not the answer for every teacher, administrator, parent, researcher,
college, district, state, policy maker, etc. Each individual puts value in what is
needed most to them. If someone is trying to answer the question of How do the
parents believe I am meeting the needs of their student? the types of data that
holds the most data to them would be that of perception and school processes. In
this question looking at demographics is not very helpful, nor does it give the
information needed. As a teacher it will be necessary that I be effective at

utilizing all types of data. This is for the purpose of not only helping my students,
but also being able to support my own efforts. Near the end of the year, principals
will meet with me and bring data to the table that will either represent me in a
positive or negative way, but it may not be all or the correct information. For this
reasons I will utilize and record data so that walking into those meetings I am
prepared and know the correlations or some reasons why something may be looking
wrong. I love teaching and in order to do what I love I must utilize data so I can
stay in school.

I will

Involve Students
I agree with Robert Marzano who states that allowing students to track their
success involves multiple types of assessments, increases interactions between
teachers and students, and provides students with clear guidance on how to
enhance their learning(Marzano, 2010, p. 87). In my classroom I will involve
students in the data gathering process. This will be done mostly through the
progress journals that each student will keep of their student learning. This allows
them to be more aware of how they are learning and gives them the chance to
begin understanding the importance of data tracking.

Use Multiple Measures

In my classroom I will use the multiple measures of data so that I am not only
getting one viewpoint or perspective of my students. I agree with Victoria
Bernhardt when she states, Our ultimate analysis is the intersection of all four
levels (Bernhardt, 1998, p.4). It is my job as a teacher to provide the best
learning environment for my students possible. This means I need to gather,
interpret, and act on data. In order to create the best classroom I can, I must use
the four measures of data.

Gather Data Throughout

the Year
Gathering data is not a one time event, something that happens only after state
or national testing, only at times of convenience. Data is meant to be a continuous
and year long process for me as the teacher to carry out. As a teacher I do not
simply learn information about my student on the first day of class and decide that
is all that is needed to be known for the rest of our time together. Instead I
continually learn new things about them, perceive their tendencies, identify their
hidden talents, and provide new strategies to teach them. A job as a teacher is
never done and neither is gathering data. Just as a teacher gets to know a student
by perceiving them in a classroom, they also get to know the students by the data
they gather. Therefore since I want to know my students on multiple levels, I will
gather data throughout the year in order to better their learning.

Provide Data to all

It is my responsibility as a teacher to provide data to multiple stakeholders
(Sheldon, T., personal communication, 2014). This includes more than just the
parents or the students. It is a list of people who once given data will help in
providing a better environment for the students and learners around them. During
the school year or my time with the students I will collect data from many
different items. These items include but are not limited to: tests, homework,
student self-evaluations, and questionnaires. I will do this to provide not only a
consistency in my classroom, but also have multiple forms of data to provide to
those who will need it to enhance student learning. This is laid out more in depth in
the communication plan for data on page 59.

I will not

Use Data to Focus on

Often when people talk about using data to restructure their lessons or to set
students on a new track from final data, it can be seen in a really negative way.
While a big part of my teaching involves making sure students know they can make
mistakes. It does NOT include anyone focusing on the idea of failure. The data I
gather will show not only how far my students have to go in their learning, but also
how far they have come. Failure and data are not synonyms and should not be used
as such.

Only Use Student Learning

I will not use only student learning data with a focus of that categories multiple
measures because multiple measures of student learning alone are not sufficient
for comprehensive school improvement, and, in fact, can be misleading in this
regard (Bernhardt, 1998, p.1). Using only one form of data all the time is not an
effective way to use data for the bettering of my students. While some believe
that using multiple measures in only in context with student learning, I have
researched and discovered it is much more than that. Therefore I will not only use
student learning data.

Misrepresent Data
It is my purpose to inform others of the content and information found within
the data I gather. Therefore, I will stay true to the data and communicate exactly

what it represents. I will never risk student learning for the idea of looking better.
I care about my students and learners. Therefore I will not misrepresent the data
I collect.

Involvement and Timeliness

The concept of data encompasses many kinds of information that help
teachers know their students, and themselves (Morrison, 2009, para. 5).

Teachers Involvement
Teachers have the responsibility of collecting and using data in each and every
day. It is the job of a teacher to communicate this information with others,
whether this means students or other stakeholders, in order to ensure
achievement and classroom effectiveness. Since there are constantly many ways to
gather data information, it is important for teachers to decide where to take
information from to reach the highest achievement and classroom effectiveness

Demographic Data
This is an area where data can be collected before the school year even begins.
Gathering and using demographic data is important to do not only of the school
demographics, but more importantly of the classroom community demographics.
This needs to be gathered and used in order to set up and direct the learning for
the year. It will give an insight as to how the school year may go with the

Perception Data
This type of data should be constantly collected by teachers before, during,
and after the school year. Perceptions change throughout the year just as teaching
does. Using the perception data teachers can alter teaching as needed to meet any
need the student or the learning community may have. Since a large part of any
classroom is the environment and the community that surrounds it, the importance
for this type of data increases when thinking about gathering opinions regarding
how learning is taking place. This helps create more of a community among all
members of the classroom community.

School Processes Data

Schools offer many programs, and knowing all the processes and programs that
are offered within a school allow for easier use of the school processes data.
Teachers play an important role in identifying where learners in their classroom lie

in proficiency. Accelerated and struggling learners need additional help that the
school processes and programs can provide. Therefore it is a crucial role of a
teacher to collect or gather school processes data to identify where the needs
that need to be met are.

Student Learning Data

The main priority held by most teachers is student success and achievement in
learning. This is most directly linked to student learning data. The data from this
type will allow for student achievement to be known in order to adapt lessons in
pushing students further or pulling them back content wise. Gathering and using
data from this section also links itself most commonly with the other forms of
data as well. It can give understanding to what help students may need from school
processes, allow for connections to be made with demographics, and connect with
perceptions to give a broader picture. Gathering this sort of data should be done
with not only summative assessments, but also should be done along the way with
formative and interim assessments so the data is rounded out information and
allows for teachers to meet the most needs.

Student Involvement
Students contribute to creating data for teachers to gather to create
better instruction, more achievement, and effectiveness for the classroom even if
the students are not fully aware that they are doing so. They create this data by
interactions among peers and teachers, activity involvement, summative/formative
assessments, etc. Students are not just involved in the idea of creating data
however. They can also be involved in gathering it. As mentioned in my belief

statements on page 55, I want my students to begin to get an understanding of

how to collect and perceive data. This means in my class all students will be in
charge of keeping track of learning data. Seeing the data in the progress journals
the students will keep can also act as a self-motivator for the students because
they can see their own data. How far they have come and will go.

As mentioned in the section on the previous page on student involvement as well
as in various portions of the profile, students will be in charge of tracking certain
types and aspects of data for their own use. Not everything will be tracked by the
student however. They will simply be tracking their student learning data and will
not be gathering information from the other three types. If it was felt to be
necessary for the student to know something, such as why they need to be placed
in a certain school program, data would be simplified for their understanding. This
would be more likely in the case of an older student however and should be more of
an exception idea rather than the normal.

My communication to parents regarding this subject of data will be different
than that of my communication of grading since data information will not be going
out as often as that of grading. This is due to the fact that I want to be able to
take enough data to any meeting or conversation to support my point of
achievement of effectiveness of the classroom environment.

Communication with administrators will look similar to that of the parents, but
with additional data information added regarding my own work as an effective
teacher. I want to be able to point out and correlation between data gathered
from the four measures with achievement and effectiveness. This will require me
to walk into these conversations and meetings with plenty of additional information
to support any beliefs or case I will present.

When working with my PLC teammates there will be times when I not only need
a larger pool of data from their classes, but I also may need their help in figuring
out the best school processes and programs for the student learners in my class to
be placed with in. I also will rely on them to help double check my data information
to make sure I am never misusing it or creating misinformation.

Additional Stakeholders

(Community/School board, researchers,

colleges, districts, state, policy makers, etc.)

Any additional stakeholders who wish to be given data information will be
considered in a case by case scenario. Since they have different needs and wants
from the data collected, I will need to consider it case by case. As mentioned on
the previous page however, I will need to have gathered enough data information
to ensure that it is viable information for the stakeholder.

Communication Examples
Parent Questionnaire Example:
1.) How do you feel your student is progressing in learning in my

2.) Do you feel as though the school programs have benefitted your
students learning?

3.) How do you feel as though I could better assist you in the learning
environment of our school?

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