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Name: Eric Liegel

Lesson Title or Subject/Topic: Flag football introduction and passing

Unit: Flag Football - Day 1
Grade Level: 10th
Central Focus

The students will learn how to properly throw a football at target and to their peers.

What is the
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?


National P.E. Standards: 1,2,4

Standard 1- The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a

What standard(s)
are most relevant
to the learning

variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Include SHAPE
Standards and
WI Content

Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts,

principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and

social behavior that respects self and others.

Wisconsin State Teacher Standards: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Standard 1- Teachers know the subjects they are teaching
Standard 3- Teachers understand that children learn differently

What are the
specific learning
goal(s) for
student in this

Standard 6- Teachers communicate well

-Students will learn how to demonstrate a proper overhand throw in the sport of football.
-Students will learn how to describe how you want to grip the football before you throw it.
-Students will demonstrate personal and social behavior throughout the lesson.
Psychomotor The students will be able to properly overhand throw at their target
with correct form four out of five times with 80% accuracy by the end of the lessen.
The overhand throw consist of correct grip (finger pads of last three fingers centered
on the laces of the ball and index finger closer to the tip of the ball). When throwing
they will use the T position with their throwing arm back and non-throwing foot
facing at their target, As they throw they will step with their non-throwing foot at
their target, bring their throwing arm through, and following through at their target
and to their hip. The students will also understand they want to lead their students
and throw the ball out ahead of them if they are running.
Cognitive The students will be able to explain and demonstrate how to properly
throw a football at their target. The overhand throw consist of correct grip (finger
pads of last three fingers centered on the laces of the ball and index finger closer to
the tip of the ball). When throwing they will use the T position with their throwing
arm back and non-throwing foot facing at their target, As they throw they will step
with their non-throwing foot at their target, bring their throwing arm through, and
following through at their target and to their hip. The students will also understand

they want to lead their students and throw the ball out ahead of them if they are
Affective The students will actively stay on task and participate throughout the
lesson. They will show respect for themselves, their teacher, their peers, and the equipment.
During the activities they will make sure they watch out for the things happening around
them, and not run out or throw a ball within the path of another group.


Assessment of
Describe your
formative and
assessments you
will use.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students
are safe, on task
and engaged?

I will ensure the safety of all my students. As they walk into my classroom, I will ensure
that they are walking into a safe and welcoming environment. Sportsmanship will be talked
about and followed through with. I will also check over the gym or grass outside to ensure
that there is nothing harmful around the students. Finally, I will stress not running out or
throwing a football in the path of another group. I will make sure each group has proper
space and that the groups are spread out to ensure safety.
Skills rubric of the overhand throw

Expectations: I will check the gym and area outside before and after
class to make sure everything is safe. As the students walk into class I
will ensure they are walking into a positive environment that encourages
learning. I will go over how to handle the equipment and safety
procedures before the activities and make sure procedures are followed
through with. If groups are not spread out enough or something is
happening that I did not expect and is unsafe, I will stop the class and fix
the issue.

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Instant Activity: Team Tag- It starts out with two taggers
Motivational Set
one yarn ball. All the rest of the students have a scarf tucked
2-3 Minutes
into their pockets or band of their shorts. The two people with
the yarn ball are the taggers and they are trying to work
How will you start the
together to tag everyone else. They have to have the yarn
lesson to engage and
ball to tag the students. If you get tagged you bring the scarf
motivate students in
to the middle and are now on the taggers team. After more
people get tagged I will add more yarn balls to the activity.
This activity works on the overhand throw and working
I will greet the students
together with a partner and as a team.
on their squads and
explain to them that

today is the first day in

out flag football unit. I
will explain to them
that our instant activity
is called team tag, after
that we will move into
the overhand throw and
passing in the sport of
Instruction: (Body of
the lesson)
35 Minutes
Write the step by step
What will you say and
do? What questions
will you ask?
How will you engage
students to help them
understand the
What will students do?

Throw it to
your partner
so they dont
have to move
to catch it. Hit
the pin. Hit the
pin while on
the move.



) Step at
your target
with your nondominant foot.
Correct grip on
laces with
throwing hand.

Challenges :
(Applications)See how many
scarfs you can
get in so many
minutes. Try
throwing on
the run.

: Decrease
Decrease the
size of the

Greet Students
Explain to them what the class period looks like.
Explain to the students the instant activity Team tag
Play 2-3 rounds of Team Tag
Have students pick up equipment and circle around the center of the gym.
Introduction to flag football
Explain and demonstrate the over hand through
Have students get in groups of two and form two lines with their partner across from
Work on the overhand throw
Back partners up when time is appropriate
Have them peer assess their partner with the skills rubric and give feedback
Bring students in and explain to them the next activity. The next activity is NFL
Quarterback Challenge. Each group will need three cones, one hula hoop, one pin,
and one football. They will set the hula hoop and pin next to the wall, and place the
cones 10, 20, and 30 feet away from the pin in a straight line. They will start at the 10
foot cone, and one person will throw at the pin. If they knock it down they set it back
up, retrieve the football, and move back a cone. If they miss, they retrieve the
football and the next partner tries to knock it down. Alternating who through each
time. You goal is to knock down the pin at each distance.
Play the activity NFL Quarterback Challenge.
Bring students back into the center of the gym. Explain the last activity called zone
passing. Using both free throw lines, the half court line, and far end line, there will
be four zones. With their partners one will be the QB and the other one will be the
WR. The wide receiver will run to a zone and try to catch the ball thrown to them. If
they do, they run to the opposite end line and grab a scarf, and come back the start.
The switch roles every time. If they dont catch the ball, they get the ball, come back
to the start, and try again. You goal is to get as many scarfs as you can.
Play the activity Zone Passing.
Have students gather equipment, and come to the center of the gym.
Release students to their next class

19. Demonstration #1: The next activity is NFL Quarterback Challenge. Each group
will need three cones, one hula hoop, one pin, and one football. They will set the hula
hoop and pin next to the wall, and place the cones 10, 20, and 30 feet away from the
pin in a straight line. They will start at the 10 foot cone, and one person will throw at
the pin. If they knock it down they set it back up, retrieve the football, and move
back a cone. If they miss, they retrieve the football and the next partner tries to knock
it down. Alternating who through each time. You goal is to knock down the pin at
each distance.
Activity 1:. ( 8-10 minutes)


each of the Tasks: Have students pick up equipment, place it by the
storage room, and gather in the center of the gym.
(1 minute)
Demonstration #2: Explain the last activity called zone passing. Using both
free throw lines, the half court line, and far end line, there will be four zones. With
their partners one will be the QB and the other one will be the WR. The wide receiver
will run to a zone and try to catch the ball thrown to them. If they do, they run to the
opposite end line and grab a scarf, and come back the start. The switch roles every
time. If they dont catch the ball, they get the ball, come back to the start, and try
again. You goal is to get as many scarfs as you can.

Activity 2: ( 8-10 minutes)


each of the Tasks: Have students pick up equipment, place it by the
storage room, and gather in the center of the gym.
(1 minute)
2-3 Minutes

Ask the students what the main focus of the day was.

How will you end the

Write out the questions
that relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that Check
For Understanding

Ask the students to explain and demonstrate the correct technique

in the over hand throw.

Hook to next lesson

Hook- Tomorrow use passing skills to learn about catching. Zone

passing will also be used in future lessons within this unit.

Ask the students why it is important to lead your WR.

Ask the students how they can use the overhand through outside of


Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A
Language Differences (ELL): N/A
Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues, visual
demonstrations, and putting words on board to read and visually

What specific
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

Yarn Balls
1 hula hoop per pair of students
1 football per pair of students
1 pin per pair of students

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s)
will students need to use
language (reading,
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Overhand Throw
T Position

Describe the language

function and demands
required a how you will
support your students
during the lesson.


PRE-PLANNING: Explain if their was previous instruction in this activity (

levels) Students will have worked on the overhand throw and throwing a f
years within their curriculum.

POST PLANNING: Assessment informs Teaching: what are future need

assessment results.


Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and numbered.

List references and
Other Resources
used to support or
develop the lesson.

2014 MNAHPERD Conference Joe McCarthy Handout

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